Chapter 42
Feng Yuan:?
Why does this kid seem to have a problem with his mind?

The attitude changed in a short while.

A gust of cold wind blows.

Feng Yuan shivered, took out the clothes in the ring as quickly as possible, and changed them one by one.

"All right."

Only then did Yaoguang turn around and walk to the boulder.

His face was flushed, and he seemed a little afraid to look directly into Feng Yuan's eyes.

Seeing his appearance, Feng Yuan frowned and asked, "Are you having a fever?"

Logically speaking, in this icy and snowy place, she gave him medicine again, so there should be no possibility of fever.

He is not a person without spiritual power and hands.

It's reasonable for her to have a fever.

Yaoguang shook his head.

"Why is that face so red?" Feng Yuan took out the wound medicine again, and said, "Your wound is wet, you need to reapply the medicine."

Yaoguang hesitated for a while, then walked to Feng Yuan's side, and sat down cross-legged.

Feng Yuan was clearly separated from him by some distance.

But she could clearly hear the violent beating of Yaoguang's heart.

Seen from the back, his ears were almost red and bleeding.

"Wet the handkerchief." Feng Yuan looked at his back and said.

Yaoguang didn't dare to say a word, he listened to Feng Yuan silently, wet the handkerchief, and handed it to Feng Yuan.

Feng Yuan wiped the dirty place on his back, didn't dare to touch the wound, but applied medicine again.

Through the thin handkerchief, Yaoguang could clearly feel the temperature of Feng Yuan's fingers.

He shuddered.

"It hurts?" Feng Yuan asked.

"En." Yaoguang muffled.

Feng Yuan heard the words, thought for a while, leaned over lightly, and blew.

Yaoguang turned his head abruptly.

Four eyes facing each other.

Feng Yuan still had that innocent expression, she pointed to Yaoguang's back and asked, "Is that so?"

She also accidentally saw such behavior among other monks when she was in the Demon Realm.

She thought it would really relieve the pain.

Yaoguang turned his head abruptly.

Feng Yuan:?
Is it useless?

Fengyuan applied medicine to Yaoguang again.

Yaoguang lowered his head, and the dark light flashed by.

His body trembled slightly.


Yaoguang's voice was low.

Inexplicably, Feng Yuan thought of the puppy with its head hanging down.

"Will it help?" Feng Yuan asked.

Yao Guang nodded slightly.

Feng Yuan immediately leaned over and blew lightly.

Yaoguang's body was stiff, but he didn't shake anymore.

So, Feng Yuan just applied some wound medicine, blew it, then applied it to other wounds, and blew it...

Yaoguang looked down at the withered grass roots.

He suddenly felt that this place was not cold and lonely at all, on the contrary, his heart seemed to be soaked in this hot spring water, warm.

After taking the medicine, the two of them continued on their way.

"Have you met other members of the clan along the way?" Feng Yuan asked.

Yaoguang hummed lightly, not even daring to nod his head.

He was afraid that his jaw would hit Feng Yuan's head.

"Then go find them."

Anyway, Summoning the Thunder Beast had already been solved, so she found those people without any hassle, so that the original owner's father wouldn't frown again every day.

To be the head of the house and do everything by herself, she felt tired just looking at it.

After Yaoguang heard Feng Yuan's words, his footsteps stopped obviously, and then he changed direction and walked.

He didn't refute Feng Yuan, but he didn't respond to Feng Yuan either.

Feng Yuan raised her head and glanced at Yao Guang.

Yaoguang seemed to be looking at Lu seriously, but his eyes were dull.

What's wrong with this?
"Are you angry?" Feng Yuan asked uncertainly.

Yao Guang said: "I will never be angry with Missy."

 It's too late, it's too late! sry!

(End of this chapter)

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