Chapter 44
"Who is this……"

Because the people who came to participate in the training were all the children of various families.

The original owner was never willing to appear in front of everyone, so most of our children did not know Feng Yuan, but had only heard of her title of 'trash'.

"Feng Yuan." Feng Yuan said.

The expressions of several people were wonderful in an instant.

"Miss Feng? Why did you come here?" A man asked curiously, "You didn't come for this training."

Hearing this, Yaoguang twitched the corners of his lips, couldn't hide his smile, and said, "Missy is here to save me."

"Save you?" The man said again: "Is Lord Fengzu here too?"

Yaoguang shook his head.

"Then how can she save it?"

You know, even if the Patriarch of the Feng family encounters the Thundercaller Beast, he must be fully prepared before he can fight it.

In fact, if Fengyuan hadn't seriously injured the Thundercaller, with Yaoguang's current strength, appearing in front of the Thundercaller would be like giving it food.

Therefore, everyone's reaction was the same when they heard Yaoguang's words.

Don't believe it at all.

"She killed the Thundercaller." Yao Guangyan lied without blinking.

Anyway, his young lady is the most powerful.

If the eldest lady can knock the Thundercaller unconscious, she can also kill it.

There is nothing wrong with what he said.

Four people: ? ? ?
Killed the Thundercaller?

"How is it possible!" Yan Xueling exclaimed in surprise.

She also thought that Feng Yuan brought some high-grade artifact to confuse the Thunder Summoning Beast before rescuing Yaoguang.

After all, it is not uncommon for the young lady of the Feng family to have a first-class artifact.

But Yaoguang said that it was Feng Yuan who killed the divine beast. Could it be that Feng Yuan has just awakened her spiritual power and became stronger than the other Patriarchs?
Feng Yuan also took a look at Yaoguang when she heard the words, but she didn't expose him in front of others.

"Nothing is impossible." Yaoguang said: "The Thundercaller Beast is dead, you can rest assured to come out to practice or return to the family to report safety."

After speaking, he hugged Feng Yuan and turned around to continue looking for someone.

"You're injured!" Yan Xueling chased after her again, and she said, "Did the Thunder Beast hurt you? Is it serious? Is there any internal injury?"

As she said that, she planned to explore the situation of Yaoguang's veins.

Yaoguang quickly retreated.

Yan Xueling's expression froze, she smiled awkwardly, and said, "Sorry, I was too worried about you."

When she said this, Yan Xueling's face flushed slightly.

This is an unabashed gesture to Yaoguang.

Yaoguang has a sensitive personality and immediately sensed what Yan Xueling meant.

"Thank you for your help that day, and the favor will be returned in the future."

After Yaoguang finished speaking, he decisively left with Feng Yuan in his arms, and quickly disappeared from their sight.

His meaning is very obvious, he will return the favor, but there will be no other involvement.

Yan Xueling's face turned pale.

"What is he so proud of!" Someone defended Yan Xueling.

"He is strong and talented, what's wrong with his arrogance?" Yan Xueling said immediately.

The man rubbed his nose and complained silently in his heart.

Yan Xueling silently looked at the direction where Yaoguang was leaving.

As long as Yaoguang doesn't have her own heart, she won't be afraid of anything.

After getting in touch with her for a long time, Yaoguang will definitely know how good she is.

As for Fengyuan and Yaoguang...

They just thought they were masters and servants.

After all, Miss Feng's family has awakened her spiritual power, so how can she be a child of a servant of Feng's family?
the other side.

When Feng Yuan stretched out her hand to probe Yaoguang's veins, her expression of watching the play froze on her face.

A wave of hostility rose from the heart.

She always felt that Yan Xueling's wrist was an eyesore.

I really want to break it.

 On How Strong the Demon's Possessiveness Is
(End of this chapter)

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