Chapter 50
The two maintained a hugging posture.

Feng Yuan:? ? ?
Feng Yuan's bleary-eyed appearance disappeared in an instant, her eyes widened, and she looked at Yao Guang, who was a punch away from her, with an expression of disbelief.

There was a violent earthquake in Yaoguang's pupils, and then he jumped up, clutching his coat, and jumped out of the cave.

He deliberately didn't use his spiritual power, his legs went limp, and he lay down in the snow, the cold touch calmed him down.

How to do.

Will Feng Yuan hate him because of this?

Just now, Yaoguang didn't even dare to explain to Feng Yuan, so he just ran out.

He was afraid that he would see the disgust in Feng Yuan's eyes in the next second.

Yaoguang grew up, no matter how many difficulties he encountered, he was never as helpless as he is now.

How did he fall asleep?

If he hadn't fallen asleep, he wouldn't have faced Feng Yuan undefended this morning.

the other side.

Feng Yuan sat in the cave, holding her chin, with a blank expression on her face.

What happened just now has severely shattered her three views.

"He, isn't he only fifteen or sixteen years old!" Feng Yuan asked.

"Yes." The system agreed.

"Then, how could he..."

The main reason is that the original owner didn't have anything related to this in his mind.

In Fengyuan's world view, the need for this is only after tens of thousands of years of age.

Look at Xiao Feng'er, she is tens of thousands of years old, and she hasn't come into heat yet.

It is precisely because of this that in Feng Yuan's eyes, Yao Guang is just a child.

just now……

She was completely bewildered.

"Every small world is different. In this small world, you can get married and have children at the age of sixteen or seventeen." System Science said.

Feng Yuan: ...

Becoming parents at the age of fifteen or sixteen?
She is... how old is she?

I don't even know what love is.

At this moment, Feng Yuan showed a confused expression for the first time.

Not knowing what to do, she just sat and waited for Yaoguang to come back, but after waiting for half an hour, she didn't see any movement outside.

Could something have happened to him?

In the past two days, Feng Yuan has gradually gained some strength, she supported the stone wall, stood up, and walked out of the cave.

Before taking two steps, she saw Yaoguang's figure lying on the snow.

"Why are you lying here?" Feng Yuan asked.

The exhaled white mist stopped abruptly.

Yaoguang sat up, glanced at Fengyuan and then looked away.

He didn't dare to look closely into Feng Yuan's eyes, for fear of seeing emotions in them that he couldn't accept.

"It's a bit hot." Yaoguang said dryly.

" this a normal reaction too?" Feng Yuan asked.

Yaoguang was stunned again.

After a while, he hummed in a daze.

"Oh." Feng Yuan was relieved knowing that there was nothing wrong with him, and asked again: "Then are you okay?"

Yaoguang:! ! !

Why did the eldest miss ask some embarrassing questions that made people want to dig a hole in the ground?
"Missy, are you hungry?" Yao Guang changed the subject.

"Yeah. Let's eat when we're done." Feng Yuan said without any emotion, "I have the strength to walk now. We can go on the road together after a break after eating."

Yaoguang instantly became anxious.

Did Feng Yuan not want to embarrass him, that's why she talked to him like this?

Feng Yuan already hated him and didn't want to have any contact with him, so that's why she didn't want him to carry her on her way?

He anxiously went back to the cave with Feng Yuan, and after eating, he immediately stood up, keeping a distance of several meters away from Feng Yuan, so as not to arouse Feng Yuan's disgust.

Feng Yuan:?
"What are you doing standing so far away? Come and help me."

Yaoguang performed a face-changing Sichuan opera on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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