Chapter 52
With Feng Yuan's consent, Yao Guang could hardly conceal his joy.

After leaving the Bitter Cold Forest, the two hired a beast cart.

A few days later, the two returned to Feng's house.


Before Feng Yuan got off the beast cart, Xiao Feng'er rushed out, as if she had used a magic weapon of speed, and fell into her arms like a whoosh.

Feng Yuan silently caressed Feng'er's little head.

Xiao Feng'er immediately narrowed her eyes.

Fengzu, what an awe-inspiring existence.

But every time in front of Feng Yuan, he is more like a cute little animal pet, who can be pinched as he pleases.


"Missy has brought Yaoguang back!"

"Look, Yaoguang's spiritual power seems to be much stronger, and I actually feel a sense of oppression!"

As soon as the two of them appeared at the gate of Feng's house, many disciples surrounded them.

Yaoguang is not quite used to their attitude.

After all, he had never heard anything nice from them before.

To them, he was just a waste born of a domestic slave.

After Feng Xian and his wife came out of the main courtyard upon hearing the news of Feng Yuan's return, Yao Guang said: "The other missing people have been found, and they should come back one after another."

After the emergence of such a dangerous beast as the Calling Thunder Beast, it is estimated that only a very small number of people would choose to stay there and continue their training.

When the onlookers heard Yaoguang's words, they all cheered.

"Did you encounter Thunder Summoning Beast?" Feng Xian asked with concern.

"At that time, I was chased by the Thunder Caller Beast and fell off the cliff. The eldest lady killed the Thunder Caller Beast, and I was able to escape the danger."

Yaoguang still used the same rhetoric in the Forest of Bitter Cold.

[Power of Faith +1]


Another reminder of the power of faith.

There are people from the Feng family, and there are people from other families.

Feng Yuan suddenly became a hero in everyone's mind because of killing the Thundercaller Beast.

She was surrounded by everyone and returned to her small courtyard.

After everyone left, Feng Yuan was able to introduce her little apprentice to Yao Guang.

"Feng Yuzhu."

Just as Feng Yuan introduced the name of the little apprentice, Feng Yuzhu waved at Yaoguang and said:
"Hi! You are Yaoguang! I often hear Master mentioning you!"

After getting along with Feng Yuan for a long time, Feng Yuzhu's temperament is becoming more and more lively and savage, not at all the restrained and pitiful look at the beginning.

Feng Yuan prefers the current Feng Yuzhu.

Only by standing up can you not be bullied by others.

Yaoguang was originally just looking at Feng Yuzhu, but after hearing from Feng Yuzhu that Feng Yuan often mentioned him, his eyebrows softened a little, and he said: "Yes. I am Yaoguang."

"The two of you will help each other in the future," Feng Yuan said.

She estimated that after the spread of the method that people without awakened spiritual power can practice, the power of faith she collected in this world should be enough for her to escape.

At that time, Feng Yuzhu and Yaoguang will accompany each other, and she will not worry about their safety at all.

The two didn't think about it.

Yaoguang thought it meant that he was always by her side.

So, Feng Yuzhu smirked and said that she would work hard to serve Feng Yuan.

Yaoguang also looked at Fengyuan with a gentle smile.

Because of Feng Yuan's return, Xiao Feng'er also smiled cheerfully.

The system sighed secretly.

Of the three people who laughed, two were fools.

very pitiful.

Feng Yuan ignored the system's lament, she looked at the three people who were giggling, her emotions seemed to be infected, and she also showed a smile from the bottom of her heart.

 Yao Guang: The one I love, I will send it away with my own hands.

(End of this chapter)

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