Chapter 56
As soon as Yaoguang returned to Fengyuan's yard after dinner, he found that Fengyuan's mood seemed to be a little off.

Is it because I heard him say that there is someone he likes?
Does she mind?
Yaoguang was overjoyed at first, then depressed again.

How could Fengyuan be sad because of these things?
His love will only be a burden to her.

Therefore, Yaoguang asked Feng Yuan directly, "Did something happen?"

"It's okay." Feng Yuan said.

The tone is not good.

"You are angry with me." Yaoguang said firmly.

"Why are you mad at you?" Feng Yuan didn't even give Yao Guang a look.

After saying this, Yaoguang was even more sure that Feng Yuan was angry with him.


He absolutely never did anything to make Feng Yuan angry.

Except for what happened today.

"You think I've cheated you because I said I have someone I like?" Yaoguang asked after thinking for a while.

"Whoever you like likes whoever you like."

That's because of this incident.

Seeing that Feng Yuan turned around and was about to leave, Yao Guang hurriedly stretched out his hand, and took the hand hanging by her side directly.

Yaoguang was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't let go of his hand.

"I didn't lie to you." Yao Guang said: "I will always follow you, and I will not get married."

He wants to guard her by her side for the rest of his life.

Even if the man who grows old with her is not him, he will always be by her side.

Only when he was around her did he feel like a teenager, not just a bystander in the world.

Seeing Yaoguang's sincere expression, Feng Yuan suddenly felt better for some reason.

"Yeah. Just don't neglect your cultivation." Feng Yuan nodded.

Was it because he was afraid that he would delay his cultivation?
"No." Yaoguang promised.

It is precisely because of his admiration for Feng Yuan that he wants to quickly become a strong man who can hide under his wings.

It was his love for her that gave him this impulse and strength.

But after Yaoguang finished making promises, Feng Yuan thought again...

He liked a woman, but she told him not to get married, isn't it too inhumane?
But only a few seconds later, Feng Yuan had the answer.

Not allowed is not allowed.


From the next day, Yaoguang began to go to the main courtyard to practice at dawn every day.

The number of times he met Feng Yuan suddenly decreased.

Occasionally he was able to come to Feng Yuan's yard, and saw her teaching Feng Yuzhu how to practice.

The two of them could only exchange a few words.

In the blink of an eye, it was another month.

After practicing on Feng Yuzhu, Feng Yuan already has the correct direction of cultivation and development.

As a result, several teenagers in the family who could not awaken their spiritual power gradually gained a little bit of ability to drive the four elephants under her guidance.

"How much power of faith do you have?" Feng Yuan asked after receiving a lot of power of faith recently.

"About [-]%." The system replied.

"En." Feng Yuan thought for a while, and said, "It should be possible to leave this world after a while."

When she spreads the practice of driving the four elephants together, she may be able to leave this mission world directly in a short time.

after all……

For those who can't practice, the method she gave them is equivalent to saving their lives.

Isn't the power of faith something easy and easy to grasp?
"Yes. Do you want to tell Yaoguang them?" the system asked.

"No need." Feng Yuan said: "Those people's frowning faces are really too ugly, just find an excuse at that time."

 It's over now
(End of this chapter)

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