Chapter 61 I want to go back
"The Feng family has now become the leading family on the mainland. No one dares to provoke our Feng family. Even the royal family has to smile when they see the Feng family."

"Your Sixiang practice has been cultivated by countless people who can't awaken their spiritual power, and many of them have achieved something. Everyone is very grateful to you. Every day, Feng's family can receive gifts of thanks from all over the world. "

"If you are still here, you will be very happy, right?"

"No, it's not... You don't seem to care about these things."

Feng Yuan walked to Yaoguang's side, only to see that what Yaoguang was holding in his hand turned out to be her hairpin.

She liked this simple hairpin at first, but she lost it somewhere later.

Unexpectedly, it was in Yaoguang's hands.

Yaoguang's eyes were red, and as he rubbed the hairpin with his fingers, a teardrop suddenly slipped from his eyes and landed straight on the hairpin.

"But... miss, you are so cruel to me."

Just after saying such a sentence, Yaoguang seemed to be emotionally broken, and cried with his head in his arms.

"I just watched you disappear before my eyes, but there was nothing I could do."

"What's the point of living like this?"

"However, I still have to guard Feng's house for you. I still hope that you will come back..."

"Such contradictions are tormenting me every day, it's too painful... I can't hold on anymore..."

Feng Yuan stared blankly at Yao Guang.

Looking at the undisguised love in his eyes, she would be foolish if she didn't understand.


It turns out that the person Yaoguang likes is her.

It turned out that he said that he didn't get married because he knew that she had no intention of getting married at all.

She wanted to reach out her hand to smooth Yaoguang's frown, but she passed through his body and couldn't touch him at all.

At this moment, she is a real passerby.

Feng Yuan frowned irritably, as if she suddenly understood Yao Guang's sense of powerlessness.

As soon as the picture changed, she went to the courtyard of Fengxian and his wife again.

The couple had a little more gray hair on their heads, as if they were heartbroken because of her departure.

The outside world thought that she went to retreat with Feng Zu, and did not know that she had disappeared. The couple were still trying their best to hide it from everyone, waiting for Feng Yuan to come back every day.

The flow of time suddenly accelerated.

Feng Yuan watched Fengxian and his wife grow old and fell into a long sleep, and watched her apprentice become the next head of the family. She never married and dedicated her entire life to the Feng family.

Watching Yaoguang spend his whole life numbly like a living dead.

Seeing Yaoguang lying lifeless on the ground, remembering that he still chanted her name at the end, something suddenly broke in Feng Yuan's heart.

"Wake up my master!"

"If you don't wake up my master, I will tear down your system space!"

"It's okay!? How could it be okay! My master is in tears! I've seen my master cry once because of my fall. What kind of punishment did you make my master suffer? Can't I bear it for her!?"

Xiao Feng'er's chattering voice came, and Feng Yuan's mind gradually returned.

"I want to go back." The first sentence Feng Yuan opened her eyes made the system stunned.

In its impression, Feng Yuan will always look like the biggest one in the world, both dragging and indifferent.

At this time, her eyes were scarlet, as if she had gone mad.

"I can't go back..."

"I want to go back." Feng Yuan said every word.

The resting place opened up by the system space suddenly began to vibrate, as if it was about to disintegrate.

The system was taken aback by Feng Yuan's state and ability, and it tremblingly said: "Going back, going back is not impossible..."

(End of this chapter)

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