Quick wear: the blackened male god is sweet and flirtatious

Chapter 66 The rich man who called for the actor 5

Chapter 66 The rich daughter who called for the actor 5
"Feng Yuan, you might as well give up the company to my dad. My dad has management experience and has a lot of contacts. Although he is not as powerful as uncle, it is worse than you being here."

As soon as Feng Yuan returned to the company, she was blocked by the original owner's cousin before she had time to learn some company information she wanted to know.

Seeing the face of the original owner's cousin, Feng Yuan was speechless for a moment.

Feng Yuan: ...

Does she have a grudge against her cousin, cousin or something?
The last world was like this, and this world is still like this.

"Why, can you be so arrogant if you eat food from the inside out?" Feng Yuan refused to even open her eyes, "Do you really think I don't know about the cooperation between your family and the Xu family?"

The Xu family enterprise is their Feng family's deadly enemy.

For so many years, he has often tripped up the Feng family's business both openly and secretly.

And her uncle directly cooperated with the Xu family because he thought that the 5.00% shares that her father had transferred to him were too small, and wanted to trip the Feng family in the future.

The original owner's father found out and was also on guard.

But unexpectedly, before he had time to talk to his brother, there was a car accident.

Cousin Feng Yuan's complexion really changed.

"You, what nonsense are you talking about!?" Cousin Feng Yuan said, "I want to help you out of good intentions, please don't bite Lu Dongbin like a dog!"

"The information is in my office, let's take a look together?" Feng Yuan asked immediately.

Cousin Feng Yuan looked at Feng Yuan's eyes and was momentarily frightened.

Her dad was too careless.

How could this kind of thing be discovered by Feng Yuan?

"Don't show up in Feng's house again, and don't show up in front of my eyes again. Otherwise, everyone will know about the shitty things you did before." Feng Yuan continued to throw the knife with a smile on her face.

The original owner's cousin did a lot of things like stepping on a few boats. As long as the other party was handsome and rich, she would rush to post it, even the mistress was willing to do it.

Back then, in order to be able to go out to play legitimately, the cousin of the original owner used the original owner as an excuse.

Therefore, Feng Yuan knew a lot of her cousin's secrets.

Recently, she has been in contact with the young master of the Qi family. The young master is a little moved by her pure appearance. She has always looked innocent in front of the young master of the Qi family. Woolen cloth.

"You! I only treat you as a good sister..."

"Stop." Feng Yuan frowned, and she said, "Ah, I almost spit out my lunch."

The cousin was so angry that her nose was smoking, she stared at Feng Yuan, and seeing Feng Yuan's calm and composed appearance, she could only say a harsh word in the end, she waited to see how Feng Yuan would finish Feng's house, and then she was disheartened He left Feng's company without hesitation.

"When you see her in the future, ask the security to take her out." Feng Yuan said to the front desk.

The front desk quickly said hello.

After Feng Yuan walked a long way, the receptionist breathed a sigh of relief, and quietly shared the conversation she had just heard in the company's small group.

"I don't know why, but the little princess suddenly looks like a queen. I didn't dare to look at her just now..."

What the front desk said was too mysterious.

Most people in the company don't quite believe her words.

After all, the little princess has always been soft and waxy in everyone's heart, pure, cute and carefree.

Such things as aura have nothing to do with her.


The group soon regretted it.


Many people were called into the conference room by Feng Yuan.

 It doesn't hurt anymore, there are two changes today, and it should be four thousand from tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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