Quick wear: the blackened male god is sweet and flirtatious

Chapter 99 The rich man who called for the actor 38

Chapter 99 The rich daughter who called for the actor 38
Feng Yuan and Zhong Cheng looked at each other and smiled when they heard Xiao Feng'er's words.

Xiaofeng'er: ...

He turned and left.

It looked like he was very angry.

Ever since the master fell in love, things have changed.

Even if the two of them called, the master would always mention Zhong Cheng.

"Is it not good for us to be like this?" Zhong Cheng asked Feng Yuan when he saw that Xiao Feng'er had left.

After all, after he married Feng Yuan, wouldn't Yi Xiao be his brother-in-law?
If it really angered him, what should Yi Xiao do if he disagrees with the marriage of the two of them and affects Feng Yuan's thoughts?
"It's okay." Feng Yuan smiled and said, "He has such a temperament. Just coax him later."

Zhong Cheng heard the words, glanced at his little assistant, and said: "Let's continue with the snacks."

Today Feng Yuan came so aboveboard, and the news that she and Yi Xiao are as close as siblings has also spread, the crew should no longer misunderstand the relationship between him and Yi Xiao.

Snacks still have to continue to be delivered.

The brother-in-law still has to continue to please.

"Okay." The little assistant responded.

Soon, the director told them to continue filming.

I don't know what the director said to the heroine. The heroine's face was not very good, but she quickly entered the role during the shooting, and finally went through this paragraph.

After filming, Zhong Cheng immediately ran to find Feng Yuan.

He sat beside Feng Yuan and told her about the interesting things that would happen in the crew.

"I have a chance in the future, I will try it too." Unlike Xiao Feng'er, Feng Yuan thinks that shooting is quite interesting.

After Zhong Cheng heard Feng Yuan's words, his smile froze, and he said, "Filming is actually not much fun."

Feng Yuan glanced at Zhong Cheng.

He almost wrote his little thoughts directly on his face.

Isn't it because she is afraid that she will be taken advantage of and bullied if she enters the entertainment industry?

"Business is already hard enough." Zhong Cheng patted Feng Yuan's head pretending to be calm, and said, "Take a rest when you have time, and don't make yourself too tired."

Before Feng Yuan had time to tease Zhong Cheng, she saw the heroine of this play coming over, said hello to Zhong Cheng, and then said to Feng Yuan: "I remember you. Feng Yuan, right?"

"Huh?" Feng Yuan looked at her.

"You came to the film crew once to play a role in acting as my maid." Xu Jialin smiled softly and said, "You are so good-looking, I will remember you."

Obviously this woman is praising her.

But Feng Yuan inexplicably felt hostility from her.

"Yeah." Feng Yuan was not modest at all, she nodded in response to her words, and said, "If I look ugly, Teacher Zhong Cheng won't take a fancy to me either."

Feng Yuan has never been afraid of anyone.

Xu Jialin was hostile to her, so she naturally didn't have to make false claims with her.

Xu Jialin's smile froze, she laughed dryly again, and said, "Miss Feng is really interesting."

"Ms. Xu, what's the matter?" Zhong Cheng was more straightforward than Feng Yuan.

He meant it too clearly.

If it's okay, don't stand between them, a young couple.

Xu Jialin could hardly maintain the smile on her face.

"Did I disturb you?" Xu Jialin asked knowingly.

Many people are staring at them.

Isn't Xu Jialin just trying to put herself in the victim's position.

Feng Yuan could even imagine what the rumors would say.

#徐嘉林 friendly greeting but was driven away by Zhong Cheng's cold face#
Just as Feng Yuan was about to answer yes, Zhong Cheng smiled and said, "I'm sorry, my girlfriend is too busy, so it's rare to be able to visit the second class today. I'm a little excited."

(End of this chapter)

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