Chapter 66

Iwamoto: "It's been a long time since I looked at the sky without any psychological burden. It turns out that the sky in China is as blue as the sky in Japan!"

Chen Yiming hugged Iwamoto whose body was getting colder, and couldn't help crying bitterly.

The night came to Nanjing City again, and the urban area of ​​Nanjing, which was shrouded in rain, looked black and foggy.At this moment, in front of the Jinling Hotel, there was a lonely figure swaying.He stood in front of the hotel for a while, looked up at the hotel building, and finally stepped into the hotel steps.

At midnight, there are two waiters standing at the entrance of the lobby.Other than that, there was no one else.

Seeing this, the waiter greeted him: "Sir, what can I do for you?"

Chen Yiming said, "I'm here to find someone."

The waiter asked, "Who?"

Chen Yiming said, "Your boss."

"Boss?" The waiter was stunned for a moment, and then asked carefully, "Which one is the gentleman? It's already midnight, and the general manager is probably asleep."

Chen Yiming said: "You tell her, just say that Chen Yiming wants to see her."

The waiter thought about it, and finally picked up the phone.In the general manager's office, Huang Yunqing couldn't help but froze while holding the phone!

Huang Yunqing asked: "Chen Yiming? He came to see me? Please invite him up."

A few minutes later, Chen Yiming appeared in the general manager's office.

Huang Yunqing asked: "It's so late, do you have anything to do with me?"

Chen Yiming looked at Huang Yunqing and sighed: "I know, you must not have slept tonight."

Huang Yunqing knew what Chen Yiming was referring to, so she couldn't help sighing softly: "What do you want to tell me?"

Chen Yiming sighed and sat down: "It's my fault that I failed to rescue Iwamoto."

Huang Yunqing said: "People are dead, it's useless to say anything now."

Chen Yiming: "I know, I will bury him honorably."

Huang Yunqing looked at Chen Yiming and couldn't help sneering: "You want to tell me that you prepared a good coffin for him?"

Chen Yiming: "No."

Huang Yunqing: "Then what do you want to tell me?"

Chen Yiming: "I need your help."

"Help?" Huang Yunqing couldn't help being stunned, "The Japanese have already surrendered, and the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party is about to break out. What do you want me to help you with?"

Chen Yiming said, "I'm going to kill Nakamura!"

After hearing this, Huang Yunqing couldn't help being stunned again.

Chen Yiming said: "I need information about Nakamura Xiong - his travel schedule, activity locations, and accompanying guards."

Huang Yunqing asked: "What? You want to act without authorization?"

Chen Yiming replied, "Yes."

Huang Yunqing asked back: "Don't wait for your party-state's order?"

Chen Yiming couldn't help but sighed heavily: "The party-state will no longer have orders."

Huang Yunqing asked again: "What do you mean?"

Chen Yiming said: "Now, Neiji Okamura is the guest of Commander-in-Chief He, and Xiong Nakamura is the guest of Mao Renfeng. Will there be any more orders for the party state?"

Huang Yunqing looked at Chen Yiming and couldn't help hesitating: "Then why do you still do this?"

Chen Yiming said: "Because of conscience!"

Huang Yunqing looked at him without saying a word.

Chen Yiming said: "I know that you also want to kill Nakamura, but I ask you to leave this opportunity to me!"

Huang Yunqing said, "Why did I give it to you?"

Chen Yiming said: "If the operation is successful, if I am still alive after that, I will come back to you!"

Huang Yunqing asked, "Why are you looking for me?"

Chen Yiming said: "What you and your brother have always wanted - my belief."

Huang Yunqing asked: "Faith?"

Chen Yiming replied: "Yes, faith. I am completely disappointed in the Dangguo. Your brother once told me that if an apple is rotten, it is hopeless. The Dangguo is now that rotten apple— —It’s hopeless! I don’t understand communism, but I know—China can’t be like this forever. I once asked you to accept my subordinates, and now, I hope you can accept me and my subordinates.”

After hearing Chen Yiming's words, Huang Yunqing was astonished and pleasantly surprised: "Yiming, to be honest, I think it's too sudden!"

Chen Yiming looked at Huang Yunqing, his eyes were full of sincerity and longing: "Yunqing, I don't have a higher ideal, I just hope that my motherland can become bright and prosperous. I once chose the principal, and I pursued him, I followed him, but he let me down—totally let me down! Now, I choose you, and I hope you won't let me down!"

When Chen Yiming said this, tears suddenly welled up in his eyes.That way, like a child in need of a mother's caress.

Huang Yunqing was moved in her heart, and couldn't help stretching out her hand, grabbing Chen Yiming's cold hand at this moment: "No, Yiming, you won't be disappointed, definitely not. You know Yiming, for this day — how long have I been waiting?"

There was thunder outside.Lightning illuminated Chen Yiming's resolute face.

During the day, at the Sun Yat-Sen Mausoleum where Huang Yunqing and Chen Yiming often met, Huang Tianming walked over with a smile on his face.

Huang Tianming said: "Yiming, I'm sorry, I rushed to Nanjing after receiving a call from Yunqing, but I was still late."

As Huang Tianming said, he stretched out his hand to Chen Yiming.Chen Yiming held his hand with complicated emotions.

Chen Yiming said: "No, Tianming, in fact, I was the one who came late."

Huang Tianming knew what Chen Yiming was referring to, so he couldn't help laughing: "Better late than never, right?"

Chen Yiming looked at Huang Tianming, and couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Yes, standing in front of the Prime Minister's tomb, I have a lot of feelings. When I was waiting for you just now, I kept thinking—is my choice right or wrong?"

Huang Tianming looked at Chen Yiming and smiled: "Yiming, you should have seen in these years whether the Kuomintang is still implementing Mr. Sun Yat-sen's legacy? Today's Kuomintang has already changed its nature. What's the difference? For their own self-interest, they can sell everything, even at the expense of their subordinates! Now that Japan has surrendered, they can even form an alliance with Japanese war criminals in order to eliminate the so-called foreign party. The dignity of the country and the righteousness of the nation! What is it in their eyes? Yiming, such a party-state, you should have discarded it a long time ago!"

After hearing Huang Tianming's words, Chen Yiming showed a sad expression on his face: "Yes, I should have discarded it a long time ago, but I still realized it too late! If I hadn't seen the commander-in-chief of the national army with my own eyes Japanese war criminals call themselves brothers, if I hadn’t witnessed the Kuomintang military commander and Japanese warlords colluding together and murdering my savior Iwamoto, I’m afraid I’m still stuck in the quagmire! I really regret it, if I had awakened earlier, Iwamoto ... Iwamoto will not die!"

When Chen Yiming said this, tears welled up in his eyes.

Huang Tianming persuaded: "Chen Yiming, don't regret it. Now that you can choose the Communist Party and the light, it is not only good for you but also for the three thousand brothers under you!"

After hearing this, Chen Yiming couldn't help looking at Huang Tianming hesitantly: "You mean..."

Huang Tianming's face suddenly became serious: "For the sake of a longer-term goal, my superior has decided that you will continue to stay in the paratrooper regiment for the time being."

Chen Yiming exclaimed: "What? Stay in the paratrooper regiment and don't pull the team away?"

Huang Tianming nodded: "Yes. After research, my superiors think that it is not yet ripe to take away the paratrooper regiment, so you and your brothers need to stay in the KMT team for the time being."

After hearing this, Chen Yiming couldn't help but fell silent.He hesitated for a while, then suddenly asked: "Is this regiment important to the Communist Party?"

After hearing this, Huang Tianming nodded solemnly: "Yes, it is not only important to the Communist Party, but also very important to the future of China! This regiment is China's first paratrooper unit and must be well preserved!"

After hearing this, Chen Yiming couldn't help nodding his head: "During the Anti-Japanese War, the paratrooper regiment was never sent to the front line. Chairman, no, Chiang Kai-shek—maybe it was out of such considerations."

Huang Tianming continued: "So, you should protect this regiment even more!"

Chen Yiming asked, "Then... what should I do?"

Huang Tianming: "I came here from Shanghai in a hurry this time to convey the instructions of my superiors to you in person—what you need to do now is to quietly and slowly investigate the military commanders and diehards in the paratrooper regiment, and wait The time is right for an uprising!"

"Uprising?" Chen Yiming couldn't help feeling overwhelmed when he heard this, "Okay, I will obey my superiors! Whenever the Communist Party tells me to revolt, I will revolt whenever!"

Huang Tianming couldn't help becoming excited when he heard this: "Yiming, thank you for your understanding of righteousness! Since you have decided to join the Communist Party, then we are comrades. Comrade Yiming, from now on, your code name is 'Dandelion'. Someone contacted you."

"Dandelion?" Chen Yiming couldn't help being stunned when he heard this.

Huang Tianming asked, "What? You're a paratrooper, aren't you like a dandelion?"

Chen Yiming laughed after hearing this: "Like, like! My fate is like a dandelion above the battlefield!"

Huang Tianming looked at Chen Yiming and smiled too.

Paratrooper Regiment Headquarters.

Chen Yiming, who came back from the training ground, walked in excitedly. He strode to the table, picked up the boiled water he had poured in advance, and drank it in big gulps.He was drinking when he saw Tian Botao walking in with a smile.

Tian Botao reported: "Tuan seat."

Chen Yiming looked at Tian Botao expressionlessly: "Oh, Director Tian, ​​what can you do?"

Tian Botao replied: "Ah, there is a document that needs to be signed by the delegation. I came to look for the delegation yesterday, but it happened that the delegation was not there."

Chen Yiming reached out to take the document, and couldn't help but reply, "You're well-informed, aren't you? I just came back, and you came here."

Tian Botao couldn't help laughing after hearing this: "Tuan Zuo is the soul of a group, so brothers must pay attention to Tuan Zuo. Tuan Zuo, did you go out last night?"

When Chen Yiming heard it, his face immediately changed: "What? Is your Director Tian going to check my post too?"

Tian Botao replied: "Oh, dare not, brother, how dare you check the post of the group seat. Brother is worried about the safety of the group seat, so I didn't dare to close my eyes all night last night."

After hearing this, Chen Yiming couldn't help sneering: "Oh, Director Tian, ​​then I really have to thank you."

Tian Botao: "No, no, the group is too serious, this is a matter of duty."

Chen Yiming responded: "Huh, it's my job! Director Tian, ​​you and I don't have to go around in circles! I know exactly what you are doing here, and you also know my temper. I don't ask what you want to do; but you If you dare to put your face on the nose, I will not agree! This is the Paratrooper Regiment, not the Military Command Bureau, don't make a mistake!"

Tian Botao smiled apologetically: "This... the group seat, brother, I wrote it down."

Chen Yiming said: "Okay, now that I've made a note, I don't have anything to do here, you can go."

"Yes." Tian Botao replied and hurried away.

In the afternoon, the guards outside the regiment's gate were heavily guarded; inside, Chen Yiming led Leng Feng, the scholar and several other officials were having a meeting.

Chen Yiming arranged: "Tonight, let's kill Nakamura!"

Leng Feng and the others showed excitement on their faces when they heard this!

Little K asked: "Then... how do we get rid of Nakamura Yu?"

Chen Yiming said: "Before dark, I will give you a detailed action plan."

After hearing this, Leng Feng couldn't help asking: "We don't have military commanders to provide intelligence support for this operation. Where can we get information about Xiong Nakamura? Also, how will we withdraw after the event is completed?"

Chen Yiming hesitated and replied, "Everything will be arranged by then."

Yanzi Liu blinked his eyes after hearing this, and couldn't help asking: "Then who will arrange for us?"

Butterfly said: "That's right, Tuanza, the security at Xiong Nakamura's place is extraordinary, and then it will be a fierce battle! Even if we die, we have to die to understand?"

Chen Yiming looked at the scholar and wanted to say something, but hesitated for a moment, swallowed what he wanted to say, and changed his words: "Brothers, if I say there are arrangements, there will definitely be arrangements. There is a military commander in our regiment, and everyone I know, so this operation must be kept absolutely confidential, and the action plan for this time must never be announced now! It’s not that you don’t trust everyone, it’s discipline. Everyone should prepare as soon as possible when you go back, but no one is allowed to speak out about this operation. Reveal a word!"

Butterfly asked: "Then... if someone asks, how do we answer?"

Chen Yiming said: "If someone asks, you just say that the regiment will organize a small-scale combat exercise recently, so make some preparations in advance."

Leng Feng thought for a while, then suddenly asked: "That dog Tian Botao has been staring at us, what should we do with him?"

Chen Yiming suddenly sneered and replied: "I have my own way of dealing with him. This time, I must make him suffer!"

(End of this chapter)

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