Chapter 12

"When did she worship Wudao as her teacher? Are all the people in the palace trash?" Murong Jue growled, "Hurry up and chase it back for me."

The palace guards quickly mobilized, and one after another chased after Murongxi and the others in the direction they left.

"Master, I'm catching up!" Murong Xi said calmly,
"If you don't want to fall out with the royal family, just leave. You don't have to do anything, I will deal with it!" Wudao said.

"It seems that my father doesn't intend to let me go!" Murong Xi looked at more and more guards.Instead of retreating, he stood with Elder Wudao, "Master, let's go together!"

Wudao looked at his little apprentice with satisfaction, he helped the old man take care of his daughter, and accepted his apprentice on a whim. He was so capable and sensible, he felt very satisfied, and he didn't miss him. "You wait for these two girls to leave first, and go straight to the Medical Dao Sect. The people here don't dare to do anything to me." Wudao said to Murong Xi. He's not tall, and he seldom actually fights, so he's not sure how to protect Murong Xi and these two girls well today!
"Master, don't worry, just be careful yourself, Lime Green Leaf and I will be fine." Murong Xi said, she is a master at the ninth level of the purple rank, she can break through only by chance, Lime Green Leaf has also reached Blue rank, there is no problem in getting out.

"Okay, let's go!" Wudao said!The four of them went outside the palace while dealing with the constant stream of guards!The guests who came to Murong Xi's birthday banquet had already left the main hall, looking at this side, of course the female relatives in the inner courtyard also came out!Shangguan Piaopiao saw that Murong Xi was besieged by many people and wanted to come up to help, but was held tightly by Mrs. Shangguan and refused to let her go.

"I'm going to find my father!" Shangguan Piaopiao couldn't get rid of Shangguan's wife, so he could only go to Shangguan Lei.

"Father, I'm going to help the princess!" Shangguan Piaopiao begged
"You stay well! Princess Ziyue offended the emperor, this is a royal family affair, you must not mess around." Shangguan Lei said

"But with so many guards, the princess will be injured!" Shangguan Piaopiao said worriedly

"That's nothing to do with you, just stay with me and don't cause trouble!" Shangguan Lei said

"No, I only have the princess as a friend, and I have to help him." Shangguan Piao Piao said, "Father, you often say that we practice to protect our relatives and friends. I can't watch the princess get hurt."

"Childish, if you go, you will implicate everyone in our Shangguan family." Shangguan Lei said

"Father, you can protect your family well, and the emperor will not do anything to Shangguan's family for no reason, but I want to protect my friends." Shangguan Piaopiao said and was about to jump into the chaotic war. Shangguan Lei roared, " If you go, don't recognize me as a father!"

However, Shangguan Piao Piao didn't hear what he said at all, and directly joined the battle.Murong Xi was very surprised to see Shangguan Piao Piao joining.It's not that she doesn't believe in the relationship between Shangguan Piao Piao and her, it's just that it concerns the whole family, and Shangguan Piao Piao can ignore the opposition of her family for her, which makes her very moved.

"Piao Piao, why did you come in, get out quickly." Murong Xi said.

"Ah Xi, I will not watch you being bullied, I want to protect you." Shangguan Piao Piao said
"But this will implicate your family!" Murong Xi said while pushing Shangguan Piao Piao out.

"Don't worry, Beiming Kingdom can't lose General Shangguan, the emperor will do nothing, at worst I'll just leave home!" Shangguan Piaopiao was very firm, she had already decided to protect Murongxi.

"Thank you!" Murong Xi said sincerely, very moved.

"Don't say thank you, leave first!" Shangguan fluttered.

Several people continued to entangle with the royal guards. At this time, Wu Dao came to them and each gave them a pill, "Take it quickly."

The few people took the pills without saying anything, and Wudao sprinkled a pile of powder on the guard. The guard was blinded by the powder and began to fall down one after another. They took the opportunity to escape.Seeing that the powder was poisonous, those officials and royal people did not come up to help, so they had to let a few people leave.

They came to a teahouse in the city, let Shangguan Piaopiao and others settle down, and treated Qingye's injury, and everyone rested.

When Murong Xi came to the backyard, shopkeeper Zhu and others were already waiting there! "Princess, I have heard about what happened in the palace today. Is the princess injured?"

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry." Murong Xi said, "I can't stay in the capital now, I need to arrange your next things."

"We listen to the princess!"
"The ones who were arranged in the capital before will stay and manage well. For the rest of you, I plan to let you go to Mancheng to settle down first. You can do whatever you want there. Because I want to go back to the Taoist School of Medicine with Master, and I don't want to do anything." If you know when you can go to Man City, don't have any direct contact with the current acting city lord wherever you go, you are just ordinary businessmen!" Murong Xi said

"We understand!" Everyone said
"Okay, you all prepare yourselves and leave as soon as possible. We will leave as soon as we have rested. We can't let the royal people discover this teahouse." Murong Xi said

"Yes" everyone dispersed.

(End of this chapter)

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