Chapter 201 Acquaintances
Murong Xi took the woman in red to a clean grass and put her on the grass.Looking at the familiar face, she couldn't let go, but luckily she saved it herself!

"Piao Piao, why are you here! A girl is so unsafe, how can she just run around!"

Murong Xi tidied Shangguan Piaopiao's hair with his hands, and said to himself!Talking about the sleepy Shangguan Piao Piao like an old woman, she was too worried about her!

If it's not that I can't understand this kind of behavior, and take action to clean up those helpless people, then I don't know what will happen to Shangguan Piao Piao!The dangers of the rivers and lakes are hard to guard against!

"Hmm..." Shangguan Piaopiao seemed to be waking up, she moaned, but the sound was a bit strange!
"Piao Piao, are you awake?" Murong Xi hurriedly asked, took out the water and gave her a sip!
When his fingertips touched her face, Murong Xi hurriedly withdrew his hand, it was so hot!After gathering his composure, he tested her body temperature with his hands. Shangguan Piao Piao's body and face were extremely hot, like a fire was burning.

I saw Murong Xi's hand with her face flushed, her small hands tightly hugging Murong Xi's hand, so strong that Murong Xi had to sit beside her to comfort her.

But the next scene made her completely speechless. She just sat next to Shangguan Piao Piao when she hugged her and kept touching herself.She hastily removed Shangguan's fluttering hand from her body, and immediately prepared to stand up.

However, she was pinned to the ground by Shangguan Piao Piao's sudden force, and she started to take off her face regardless, as if trying to strengthen her.

Seeing her looks very uncomfortable, is she poisoned by something?Seeing that Shangguan Piaopiao's face was flushed, his hands unconsciously grabbed his clothes, and his feet were also entangled with Murong Xi.

"Shangguan Piaopiao, wake me up." Murong Xi shook her shoulder.

"Hmm?" Shangguan Piaopiao heard someone calling him, and opened his hazy eyes in a daze.

A beautiful young man in fluttering white clothes looked at her worriedly, Shangguan Piaopiao felt that the fire in her body was getting bigger, her whole body was burning, she flung herself down on Murong Xi's body recklessly.

At this time, Murong Xi was already looking for the antidote in a pile of medicine jars.But she has so many medicines, and she doesn't have an antidote for that poison. Normally, this kind of poison doesn't have an antidote. The antidote is very simple, it's just a man.Therefore, generally those who can refine such low-level medicines will not refine the antidote.

But the problem is, she is not a man, Shangguan Piao Piao looks at her so aggressively, it is really scary.what to do.

"Mmm...Young master, it's so hot!" Seeing that Murong Xi didn't resist her, Shangguan Piao Piao crawled on her even more recklessly.The clothes on her body were about to be taken off by her, and the spring was endless.

Murong Xi reached out and hit her on the back, forcibly knocking her unconscious.In fact, this is really a bad idea. Generally, people who have been hit by the love potion are forcibly knocked out by others, and if they cannot detoxify in time, they may leave sequelae.

It may also become dementia.She looked at Shangguan Piao Piao who had passed out, and suddenly felt sorry for her again. What if she really became demented?

Murong Xi was startled when she heard Shangguan fluttering voice next to her, she woke up too fast, what kind of perverted physique made her wake up in less than a minute.

Hearing that Shangguan Piaopiao had started a new round of toxic attacks, he felt helpless.Look at that figure that looks like a porcelain doll carved by the best craftsman. If she was a man, she would be very kind to help her detoxify.

Murong Xi herself was surprised by her own thoughts, she saw Shangguan Piao Piao's clothes fell off again, she reached out to help her put them on.

Suddenly a burst of sword energy hit her hand, but fortunately she reacted quickly, only scratching the skin.Otherwise, if the sword goes down, his little hand will leave his body.

"Who is it, get out!" Murong Xi shouted loudly without seeing anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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