Chapter 21 Breakthrough
"It seems that if you want to be lazy, it's okay, Ake, go back and cook." Mu Xi said calmly, as if it was none of his business to come here and wait for so long!
"Cut!" Feng Ke gave Mu Xi a blank look.

"Cut! Senior brother, you want to eat the food cooked by Junior Junior Sister yourself, and now you still call us lazy." Xie Dongdong gave him an unhappy look.

"Let's go, we're going back!" Mu Xi hugged Feng Ke's shoulder awkwardly and walked away!Xie Dongdong followed closely behind.

"You guys don't practice alchemy well, why are you here?" Just as they went out, they saw Master Wudao approaching him.

"Master!" The three saluted Wudao in unison.Mu Xi said, "We're here to find Junior Sister, she's not here!"

"Xi'er isn't there? Where did she go?" Wu Dao hurriedly asked when he heard that Murong Xi was not there.Feng Ke and Xie Dongdong on the side were both hurt in their hearts, can Master not be so biased, they are so anxious when they hear that their junior sister is not here, they have always been beaten and scolded, alas.

"We don't know, she may have gone to the back mountain to practice today and hasn't come back yet." Mu Xi said
"Why haven't you come back at this hour? Is there something wrong? Go and have a look!" Wudao said, and then he walked to the back mountain first, and the brothers had to follow.

"Miss, we~ finally reached the top of the mountain!" Qing Ning pulled Murong Xi and said excitedly. At this time, she was out of breath and her chest was hurting. A mouthful of blood spat out.

"Qing Ning, are you alright?" Murong Xi asked nervously, and stuffed another elixir that strengthens the foundation and nourishes the essence into her mouth.

"Miss, I'm fine, I'm just too tired." Qing Ning said smoothly. "Let's keep going, it's almost there!"

"Okay!" Murong Xi wanted to improve his strength, so he let Qing Ning rest without pretense, and continued walking while pulling her.

When the two really stood on the top of the mountain, they could already see far, far away. In the mist, they could still vaguely see the Spirit Beast Mountain next to them. It was so satisfying!Murong Xi and Qing Ning looked at each other with a smile, and lay down on the top of the mountain. Finally, they could rest for a while. At this moment, the feeling of oppression was gone, and the whole person was relaxed and happy. Even when they were lying down easily, they could still feel the continuous flow of spiritual energy. poured into the body.

"Qing Ning, start practicing and try to break through." Murong Xi also felt the surge of aura in his body, so he quickly got up and began to control it!
The aura on Qing Ning's body became more and more blue and purer. Phew~ the aura turned purple, and the soaring aura on her body also merged into her body, and did not continue to run rampant.Murong Xi felt that the aura in her body was too fierce, rushing through the meridians, every part of her body hurt like being torn apart, and the dantian was like a dike bursting, the aura flowed out Murong Xi was in pain, biting his lip tightly.Qing Ning looked at the large drops of sweat dripping from Murong Xi's head, and her clothes were already drenched in sweat!His lips were also bitten and blood came out, which was very distressing.Hurry up and use your aura to help Murong Xi control the aura in his body to flow along the meridians.

The purple spiritual energy on Murong Xi's body poured into Dantian at a speed that can be seen by human eyes, knowing that there was no sign of spiritual energy on the surface of her body, only a blood-red inner alchemy emerged from her Baihui acupoint.

"Miss, miss, you have an inner alchemy, you have broken through to the Pomortal stage, and you have your own inner alchemy!" Qing Ning said happily, taking the aura back from Murongxi.Murong Xi slightly opened his eyes and passed out.

Shanxia Wudao rushed over with a few disciples, and saw that the disciples all went back one after another, but they didn't see Murongxi.Seeing someone muttering in front of him, he walked over, "Have you seen my apprentice?" Wudao asked

The two were Huang Yuanxu, Zhang Shisan and the others. They didn't see Murong Xi coming down, so they were going to wait here for the two little sisters. Thinking of Wu Dao's question, "Elder, your disciple? Brother Mu Xi, aren't they all here?" Zhang Shisan asked blankly.

"No, it's our little junior sister Murong Xi. Oh, and her maid Qing Ning." Mu Xi said.

"We are also waiting here for two girls who came with us in the morning, but we don't know their names, but those two are not like masters and servants, but sisters." Zhang Shisan said

"Yes, Junior Sister treats Qing Ning very well, she is not like a master and servant at all!" Xie Dongdong said excitedly.

"Where are they?" Wudao asked anxiously.

"They went up the mountain, and we couldn't go up when we got halfway up the mountain. We didn't go up together." Zhang Shisan also answered truthfully.

"Go, go up and have a look!" Wudao said, and walked forward.

"Great Elder, why don't we follow?" Huang Yuanxu looked at the Great Elder.

"You don't want to go, they are above the place you went to, and you won't be able to go there!" Xie Dongdong said.Seeing these two people caring so much about their little junior sister, he was not happy.Master hurriedly said before opening his mouth.

"What Dongdong said is reasonable, you should go back first!" Wudao said to the two of them, and walked straight up the mountain, with the brothers following behind.

Seeing that Murong Xi fainted, Qing Ning found a cave nearby, and brought Murong Xi into the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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