Chapter 216 Bloodletting, enter the house

"Hi, excuse me! The two of us have been driving for a long time, can you take a look?"

There is no sound in the room!

"Is there anyone in the house? Can you open the door and see? Our brothers are just passing by, so we ask for a night's stay!" Murong Xi asked resolutely!

At this time, there was finally movement inside!Someone approached the door, "Outside the door, no matter where you come from, whether you are good or bad, you'd better leave! Outsiders are not welcome in our village! It's still early in the morning, you still have time to leave!"

The voice inside the door was old, it should be an old woman, but told them to leave quickly.

"Grandma, the two of us have been on the road for several days without a break! Now it's snowing outside, and we can't see clearly from five meters away. We can't hurry! I hope you have mercy!" Murong Xi Said.

There has been no sound for a long time!Spiritual consciousness does not go in, these rooms are so weird!
At this time, the door was opened a little, and it was impossible to see what the person inside looked like, "You two stick your fingers in!"

?The two of you look at me and I look at you, but you don't know what the old man means?What are you doing with your fingers?
"Mother-in-law..." Murong Xi just spoke.

"Hurry up, don't whine! If you don't stick in, go quickly!" The voice of the mother-in-law was very urgent!It looks like the door is about to close!
"Hey, hey, wait a minute!"

The two of them put their fingers in through the crack of the door, felt the interesting pain on the fingers inside, and then the door opened! "Come in!"

"Oh, I'm going, why did you cut my finger? My blood is very precious!" Zhu Nan looked at his finger, speechless and angry!

"If you don't want to come in, go out, the old lady doesn't want to cause trouble!" Although the mother-in-law was unhappy, she still led them the way!
When they walked into the room two meters away, they felt a barrier in front of them, but they just passed them and there was no reaction!
"Why did you two children come here in heavy snow? You don't have any means of transportation. You are tired from walking! We don't have anything to eat at home. The old man is taking care of his grandson in the house. You sit here, and the old woman will give it to you." You cook something to eat!" The old woman said while leading the way!
"Thank you mother-in-law. We are not hungry. It is good enough for you to let us escape the wind and cold. Don't trouble you. We have brought some dry food. We can eat dry food." Murong Xi walked beside her mother-in-law, walked to inside.

"No trouble, I've already let you into the house, so you'll be allowed to eat those cold dry food, we're going to cook right now, wait a minute."

Murong Xi and the others were arranged to sit on a table in the room. The table was an ordinary square table, and the stool was also a wooden board supported by four legs. It was hard to sit on.

"Thank you mother-in-law."

While the two were waiting, they looked around. A protective barrier had been set up for the entire room. This barrier was to prevent unclean evil spirits and monsters.However, the magic power of the people who set up the formation was not very strong, so when they came in, Zhu Nan felt the resistance, but he was able to come in without restraining himself.It just loses a little power.

"Master, what do you think is strange about this house? There is an enchantment. The people living in this house are ordinary people, and I don't feel the aura of a cultivator at all." Zhu Nan turned around and returned to Murong Hee's side.Tap the table with your fingers.

"You just noticed it now? This village should be like this. The previous families didn't make a sound, and we couldn't feel anything inside. The old man in this family is kind, and I heard the grandson coughing, and they also It’s not good not to open the door. If you encounter bad people and make you anxious, they may not be afraid of being killed.”

Murong Xi took the bowl on the table and ate a bowl of hot tea.

"You are the guests? Two boys."

The tea was hot, and when Murong Xi heard the voice from behind, he choked without warning, the scalding hot water slipped down his throat before he had time to warm it in his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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