Chapter 263 Meeting Leng Xuanling

The sound of the wild beast was approaching, and Murong Xi withdrew his hand at the right time. Before those people could breathe a sigh of relief, they were attacked by the rushing wild beast.

"You still have this ability, I underestimated you!" Fen Xuan's ethereal voice rang in her ears, Murong Xi was standing on the top of a tree now, she did not see Fen Xuan's figure nearby, the voice could be heard She should be stronger than her.

Murong Xi was surprised. After all, the speed of her promotion was astonishingly fast. She didn't expect that Fen Xuan was faster than her. Of course, she didn't expect that Fen Xuan was a person ten thousand years ago. Her strength was only consumed by the suppression. It has already reached a very high level.

Murong Xi couldn't see Fen Xuan's figure, so he flew into the forest and stood beside Zhu Nan. When they were together, he didn't have to worry about Fen Kun's sneak attack from behind.

"There's a little boy following along. If Yuanyun knew, he probably wouldn't want you. I really found a bargain today. I saw such an important scene." Fen Xuan was completely black, as if hiding in the darkness The elf in the middle said another word before slowly appearing.

Murong Xi was not in the mood to argue with her, seeing her appear, he immediately killed her.

Fen Kun is very strong, and she is not weak either.The two men faced each other with needles, and the fight became more and more intense.Until the sky started to turn white, Zhu Nan dealt with all the people who came before, and came forward to help Murong Xi.

Fen Xuan has a faint advantage over Murong Xi, but with the addition of Zhu Nan, she will have a lot of trouble fighting. Seeing that Murong Xi's physical consumption has reached the limit, as long as she persists, she will soon be able to get the piano from her. Spectrum.

A burst of icy breath passed through the top of Murong Xi's head, and landed on Fen Xuan who was facing him. Fen Xuan was hit in front of his body, and blood flowed out. She gave Murong Xi a vicious look, and a burst of black smoke drifted past. disappeared in front of them.

"Thank you Your Excellency for your rescue. After watching it all night, I should have come out." Murong Xi said into the air.

She felt a strange aura in the forest when she was playing the piano last night, but the other party has never shown up, and there is no malice. She just regarded it as an idler watching the fun. Now that she has rescued her, she can't turn a blind eye.

"Hee Hee, is that you?"

The one who would call her by this name should be Leng Xuanling. Sure enough, he saw a handsome and stern young man standing in front of her, but there were many uncertainties and confusion in his eyes. Her playing the piano last night was so familiar. It is similar to God, but the face I see now is so strange, completely different from the previous face. The person in front of me now is so beautiful, giving people a kind of otherworldly appearance.

Even he had seen countless beauties, and he couldn't help being amazed.

"Leng Xuanling, why are you here?" Murong Xi didn't deny that she was Murong Xi, she didn't look like before, except for Yuan Yun, other people might not be able to recognize her so easily.

"It's really you, how did you become like this? Are you disguised now?"

"No, this is my original face. Why are you here?" Murong Xi still asked about the business. She met Leng Xuanling and Shangguan Piao Piao in the foggy forest. Now that she saw it here, she thought she should be with Shangguan. Fluttering is related.

"Isn't that your good friend Shangguan Piaopiao? That stupid woman can be kidnapped while walking on the road. Now I know where she is and I'm rushing to rescue her!" Leng Xuanling said when Shangguan Piaopiao His eyes were full of worry, and his mouth was indeed full of blame.

Murong Xi is a person who has lived for two lifetimes, so she couldn't see this situation, she was secretly happy in her heart, it is not bad for Shangguan Piaopiao to meet Leng Xuanling, it is many times better than the scumbag he liked before, at least Leng Xuanling Xuan Ling is still a good candidate.

"Since you are going to save people, then hurry up and leave. You can still stop and watch the excitement while saving people. You are in a good mood." Murong Xi mocked.She took Zhu Nan and left first. She also knew that Shangguan Piao Piao was in the hands of those people. Of course, it would be better to find her quickly.

"Hey, wait for me, I'm in a hurry too!" Leng Xuanling who was behind saw Murong Xi leaving, and quickly chased after him. He hadn't reacted yet, Murong Xi's attitude towards him was too strange. .

It's like just an acquaintance who reunited after a long time, just an acquaintance, he felt so strange.Murong Xi didn't have any emotions about his past, or she never cared.

Murong Xi naturally didn't know what Leng Xuanling was thinking, Leng Xuanling's temperament was cold, even if he had any emotions, he wouldn't show it on his face, Murong Xi didn't have the heart to care about it, so he didn't know at all.

The three of them didn't have any delays all the way, until they accepted Xiaodie's positioning, and they caught up with Shangguan Piao Piao's team on the second night.

This team is composed of the royal army, there are more than a hundred people, they act high-profile, and they do not hide their whereabouts.Everyone in the places they passed knew about their royal army, and no one would take the initiative to provoke them, so Murong Xi and the others found them very smoothly.

The leader of the team is an old man in the distraction period, and Murong Xi has just broken through the distraction period. If the two of them fight and don't know if they can win or lose, the others are just ordinary characters, so don't worry too much.

The three stayed in the same inn and discussed what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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