Chapter 269 Escape
"Thank you Xiaoniao, you can go back now!" Murong Xi said politely, telling Xiaoniao to go back first so that Shangguan Piaopiao, Leng Xuanling and the others could heal their wounds.

"It's your lord!" The little bird left obediently, and Shangguan Piao Piao, who had always been out of state, was also stunned, this little bird was actually so obedient.

No one cares about what happens to those people outside. They recuperate in the cave with peace of mind. The food and clothing they need are usually placed in the portable storage ring. Even if they stay here for a long time, there will be no shortage. What's more, Murong Xi still has a magical aura space.

After several days, the movement outside did not stop. It seems that the monarch sent more people because it was too close to the capital and the anomalies of the beasts made them feel dangerous. There were always people and beasts dying outside.

"No, this is our fault. We can't harm the creatures here. We have to find a way to help them." Murong Xi has been fidgeting for the past few days and has been trying to find a way in the cave. There are already many wounded animals.

"No, I have to go out, tell those people to leave quickly, at worst go to the palace to make trouble." Murong Xi wanted to go out after thinking about it.

"Ah Xi, don't be impulsive, let's think of a way!" Leng Xuanling said.

"What are you thinking about? I can't think of any solutions these days. I'm so mad!" Murong Xi gathered all his strength and punched the wall of the cave.

It was nothing at first, and she had punched enough these days, but now that she punched, there was actually a lot of movement.

The whole cave began to shake, and the animals were all wounded and panicked.But the shaking quickly subsided, and just when everyone thought it was okay, the ground under their feet collapsed, and they fell down with nowhere to escape.

Soon a trapezoidal passage appeared in front of them, it was a secret passage leading to other places, unexpectedly the whole movement was covered with a thin layer of illusion, what was really here was a passage.

"That's good. You guys wait here first. I'll see where it leads. If possible, all the animals in our forest can escape. Even if we're going outside to avoid the limelight, it's okay to come back after the king's anger subsides." , everyone, wait!" Murong Xi said.

She was very happy when she saw the passage. Everyone had racked their brains and couldn't think of a way out, but the pie in the sky fell on their heads.

She ordered Leng Xuanling to take good care of Shangguan Piaopiao, then turned around and left with Zhu Nan, entering the underground.

They have been walking along the passage, and they encountered some organs and some bones on the way. She and Zhu Nan struggled to eliminate these organs one by one. These things were from a long time ago, and they were already very old. They didn’t need much effort. It's solved.

They didn't know how long they walked in the dark, but it was quite a long time anyway, and they felt that the aura on this side became more and more intense as they walked, and this should lead to a good place.

When they appeared on the ground again, the sunlight in the sky was so strong that it hurt people's eyes. The place where they appeared was a familiar place. It was the village when she first arrived in Dongming. The exit was between the village and the foggy forest. It is no wonder that there is a lot of aura here. It is close to the deep forest, so the aura is naturally rich.

"Master, it's here. We can bring those spirit beasts here, and they can live better here." Junan was a little excited. He was a beast, and he was instinctively happy to save those spirit beasts.

"Master, let's go back now. We've been out for many days, and we don't know what's going on there. Let's go."

The two of them returned to the passage, and all the traps inside had been cleaned up. This time, Zhu Nan turned back into his original body and flew Murong Xi all the way, and they soon arrived at the original cave.

When they arrived, they saw several more injured spirit beasts in the cave, Murong Xi quickly gave them the wound medicine, and asked Xiaoniao to inform all the spirit beasts to come to the cave.It's night now, those people are stationed outside the forest, they won't attack at night, so it's best to go now.

"Let everyone come quietly, don't disturb the people outside."

Following Murongxi's orders secretly, a lot of animals came to the cave one after another. Shangguan Piaopiao and Leng Xuanling organized everyone to bring the injured animals and enter the cave in an orderly manner, telling them that when they got there, they would be in the forest. Inside, you don't have to worry about someone chasing you.

The four of them worked all night to disperse the animals, and they all escaped with them.

When they left, the mountains in this area were almost destroyed, and there were ruins everywhere. No one would find their previous hiding place again, so they left contentedly.

The sound of the mountain collapsing woke up the soldiers outside the forest in the distance. They thought there was some powerful beast coming from such a loud sound. Everyone quickly got ready to find the capital and waited for the animals to come out. There is a net in the sky, just wait for them to cast a net.

(End of this chapter)

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