Bad wives are hard to teach: teasing the princess

Chapter 100 You are all new lovers

Chapter 100 You are all new lovers
Lan Yuting felt that drinking from a cup was too elegant, so he just took two jugs of wine and drank directly with Shui Luoyou.



Lan Yuting and Shui Luoyou touched the pot and drank each other. Lan Yuting took a big sip, looked at Shui Luoyou and took a sip without changing his expression, and praised: "Come on, keep going, let's see who gets down first."

"It must be you. I claim to never get drunk after a thousand cups." Shui Luoyou happily continued to drink, the mellow taste in her mouth made her squint her eyes, very satisfied with Lan Yuting's generosity.

"Tch, I'm Dong Chen's drinker." Lan Yuting was dissatisfied with Shui Luoyou's arrogance, snorted, and took a big sip.

"It's delicious, it's indeed a fine wine bestowed by the emperor." Shui Luoyou smacked her lips and patted Lan Yuting's shoulder.

"That is, the special envoys from the West only paid my father a total of five altars of pear moon wine, and my father gave me one jar. I treasured it for a long time and couldn't bear to drink it." He smiled.

"Then how can I give up tonight, haha..." Liyue Niang has a lot of stamina, Shui Luoyou drank for a while, and the strength of the wine gradually increased, making her head a little dizzy, looking at Lan Yuting's body soaked in moonlight Under the clear moonlight, the ink-stained pupils looked extraordinarily clear and soft, making Shui Luoyou couldn't help reaching out to touch them.

"Why are you... hiccup! Poke my eyes." Lan Yuting glared at Shui Luoyou dissatisfied, and continued to drink.

"That's not it... hiccup... I see your beautiful eyes, and I want to touch...touch..." Shui Luoyou smiled a little silly, pointing to Lan Yuting's clear eyes and smiling cheerfully road.

"That is, I am the most handsome man in the entire Dongchen Dynasty. The concubine mother said that among all the princes, I look the most like the father." Lan Yuting smiled like a child, so that his eyebrows and eyebrows formed a line.

"Nonsense, Lan Yuzhuo is the prettiest." Shui Luoyou squinted her eyes and shouted.

"Fourth brother is also very good-looking, isn't it much better-looking than your Mu Yue?" Lan Yuting heard that someone had the same insight as him, so he pulled Shui Luoyou to continue drinking.

"It's different, it's different..." Shui Luoyou was a little drunk, her eyes were full of emerald green, which made her dizzy.

"What's the difference, hmph, did you go to see him today?" Lan Yuting snorted playfully, snatched the peanut from Shui Luoyou's hand and threw it into his mouth.

"It's not...hehe...I saw him today."

"Who is it, your new love? Haha... Shui Luoyou, you are much more philanthropic than I am." Lan Yuting laughed.

"You are the new love, your whole family is the new love, hum! I won't tell you." When Shui Luoyou heard someone say Lan Yuzhuo, she immediately became furious.

"Okay, okay, it's not Xinhuan, tell me who it is, and I'll see if it looks better than me." Lan Yuting leaned on Shui Luoyou's shoulder, closed her eyes and smiled.

"Much prettier than you, haha... Lan Yuting, I suddenly want to sing, let me tell you, I sing very well, can I sing it to you?" Shui Luoyou suddenly felt excited, and really wanted to sing a song to vent one time.

"Okay, sing." Lan Yuting muttered softly, falling asleep.

"Then I'll sing." Shui Luoyou closed her eyes, let go of her throat and sang.

Is there any time left to look back
Look at me again, I can't tell the sky apart

Is it the red cloud or the flame you ignited

Which life is the end of enlightenment but can't say goodbye

Is there any fleeting years left that burnt out?
Feathering into longing is a fate or a nightmare

Lan Yuzhuo, the moment I met you, the first thing imprinted on my heart, is it a destiny or a nightmare?
How many 500 years have I walked in the world
Who can remember the past when the mandala blooms

Who responded to whose robbery and who became whose obsession

I am reincarnated for a lifetime, traveling through thousands of years, is it to complete this love that spans time and space?
The painting of blood stained mountains and rivers

How can I beat a little cinnabar between your eyebrows

Overwhelm the world
always a bustling

If I took this trip to meet you, then if I can be with you, what if the world is in chaos?
Shui Luoyou chuckled, her voice gradually weakened, and turned into a soft humming tune, and the evening wind blew the song away in the wind.

Under the moonlight, under the thick banyan tree, although the girl who sings softly does not have a stunning face, her clear eyes seem to have purified the dust of the world, and her voice is soft and soft, passing halfway around her. The boy who was awake and half asleep, at that moment, the clear and concise unique lyrics touched his heartstrings.

It was a tune and notes he had never heard before. It was simple and bold, yet affectionate, not as subtle and obscure as the lyrics in the past. Her voice was not pleasant, but her enunciation was clear, her voice was clear, and she sang so earnestly. So focused.

Light a lamp and listen to the sound of a lonely flute all night
It takes three or four rounds to wait for someone

The wind blows through the heavy door, the deep courtyard is cold
A piece of red paper makes a promise of fate for many lifetimes

History books turn this page, memory preservation

Yuanyang Jin paints this lonely and floating life

The oath of Chang'an, who is still waiting, who is too serious
Lan Yuting listened quietly, and for a moment, he had the illusion that they were a young couple who loved each other deeply, cuddling together, listening to her affectionately singing about her admiration for him under the moon, he Humming an unfamiliar tone, picking up the jade flute to accompany, the voice is melodious and lingering, there is no vigorous love, only the life and death of the stream.

The night was as quiet as water, and Shui Luoyou gradually fell asleep. Lan Yuting let Shui Luoyou sleep peacefully in his arms. Just now, the strength of the alcohol had made him drowsy, and he was half awake and half asleep listening to Shui Luoyou's wonderful lyrics , After the drunken shock, he used his internal force to force out the drunkenness. When Shui Luoyou was completely drunk, he was already sober.

Seeing the peaceful sleeping face in her arms, Lan Yuting smiled lightly, her eyes were tender like water, stroking her silky long hair, and stayed quietly on the tree.

It wasn't until the middle of the night that it was a bit chilly that Lan Yuting picked up Shui Luoyou, jumped back to Shui Luoyou's dormitory, settled her down, withdrew the sweetness, and personally helped Shui Luoyou tuck the quilt, bent over and looked at her without a trace. Sleeping unpreparedly, Lan Yuting sat on the edge of the bed and watched her smack her lips like a child, muttered, and continued to sleep deeply while spitting bubbles.

Shui Luoyou didn't know what to dream, there was a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth, her eyebrows and eyes were full of smiles.

Lan Yuting smiled helplessly, pinched the tip of Shui Luoyou's small nose and teased: "Little silly pig." He got up and went back to his bedroom.

Shui Luoyou was indeed having a sweet dream. She dreamed that she had saved Lan Yuzhuo again and again. Lan beauty was finally moved and decided to make a promise with her body. She dreamed that they were married and sent to the bridal chamber. She waited for Lan Yuzhuo with joy. Yu Zhuo lifted the red hijab.

As a result, as soon as the red hijab was lifted, Shui Luoyou looked up, and at some point the groom turned into Lan Yuting's hateful smiling face, and said with a flattering smile: "I want to marry fourth brother, dream about it, fourth brother today She married Sister Qinglian."

"Ah!" Shui Luoyou screamed, woke up from fright, covered in cold sweat, and her consciousness gradually became clear. Shui Luoyou remembered that she was drunk, and she couldn't even dream of marrying, so she couldn't help but cursed Lan Yuting, who couldn't even sleep. Don't forget to disturb her good things and destroy her happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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