Chapter 115

Shui Luoyou opened her skirt and sat on the stone bench next to Baoyi, resting her elbows on the guardrail, meditating for a moment, suddenly, her eyes lit up, she raised her head and said with a smile, "My lord hasn't seen your weak side yet, Then we'll show him."

Baoyi looked at her puzzled, and Shui Luoyou smiled and said: "It is said that men cannot escape gentleness, and since ancient times, weakness has been the most popular."

Baoyi still looked blank, Shui Luoyou sighed, and whispered in Baoyi's ear, Baoyi looked at Shui Luoyou hesitantly and asked, "Is it really possible?"

Shui Luoyou patted Baoyi's shoulder, with a bright smile on the corner of his mouth: "No, there are other things, how will you know if you don't try, let's go, practice, come on!"

Baoyi let Shui Luoyou pull her to the back garden, walked through the long path into the back yard, and what greeted her eyes was the garden full of spring, all kinds of delicate flowers were vying to bloom, the fragrance was tangy, and the soil was paved with A thin layer of scattered petals.

Shui Luoyou turned her head to call Wu'er, and told her to catch the skylark in the cage. Wu'er went to the corridor and grabbed the bird from the cage and handed it to Shui Luoyou, looking at her curiously.

Shui Luoyou grabbed the little skylark and handed it to Baoyi with a smile, "Hold the little bird and squat here." He turned his head and called Hongxiang over loudly: "Miss Hongxiang, go and invite the prince to come over, just Said that the flowers in the backyard are blooming beautifully, let him come and enjoy them."

Hongxiang glanced at Baoyi curiously, and quickly agreed, and quickly left the back garden to ask Lan Yuting to come over.

Shui Luoyou looked at Baoyi who was squatting on the ground holding the bird and laughed, "Just wait for the prince to come over, and then tell him what I taught you."

Baoyi squatted on the ground and looked at Shui Luoyou with a frown, and smiled a little embarrassedly: "Is this too hypocritical? I think this kind of little skylark caught at the border and roasted for food has no meat."

"..." The corner of Shui Luoyou's mouth twitched, well, she also often does roasting birds.

"Baoyi, it was at the border at that time. If you did that, it would be called doing it, but this is the capital city. If you roasted birds to eat, it would be called killing small animals, which is called cruelty." Shui Luoyou sighed, speaking emphatically and eloquently Baoyi.

"Oh..." Bao Yi nodded to show her understanding with an expression of "little girls are hypocritical".


Shui Luoyou faintly heard the voice of Lan Yuting and Hong Xiang talking, patted Baoyi on the shoulder and whispered cheers, and immediately dodged and hid behind the rockery.

Lan Yuting strolled over, and saw Bao Yi squatting on the ground, walked over and asked, "What's wrong with Bao Yi? Why is she squatting here?"

Baoyi tried her best to express a pitiful look, raised her eyes and sniffed her nose, looked at Lan Yuting with aggrieved eyes and said: "Brother Yan Feng, look, this little skylark is so pitifully injured, I am just trying to heal it. Baoyi also pretended to hand over the little skylark in her palm to Lan Yuting to see.

Lan Yuting looked at Baoyi with a ghostly expression for a while, then pulled the corner of his mouth and joked: "Baoyi, when did you become so caring? What about the meat, why are you just now..." After seeing Bao Yi's sad expression, Lan Yuting couldn't express the latter sentence "such a bodhisattva heart", as if he was blaming the little girl for being cruel.

Baoyi's face was dark, and she felt more and more cold. What kind of bad idea is Shui Luoyou, to let her pretend to be kind and weak. After seeing brother Yan Feng's unconcealable astonishment, Baoyi was really embarrassed and couldn't continue acting.

"Brother Yan Feng!" Bao Yi blushed, and deliberately raised her voice coquettishly to cover up her embarrassment and unnaturalness.

Lan Yuting couldn't help shaking, sighing to himself that the capital is really outstanding, and it's only been a few days since he came to the capital, and even a female man like Baoyi can be infected into a female Jiao'e. : "Then what does sister Baoyi plan to do?"

Baoyi looked up at Lan Yuting, with a bright smile on her innocent little face, and two cute little canine teeth showing at the corners of her upturned mouth, she said cheerfully: "Why don't we leave it to bandage its wound, and wait for it to Okay and then let him go?"

"Alright." Lan Yuting nodded. Although she was surprised by Baoyi's change, it's better for a girl to be well-behaved and kind than to be cruel.

Baoyi stood up, handed the little skylark to the maid, patted the dust on her hands, looked sideways at Lan Yuting and squinted and smiled: "Brother Yan Feng, I haven't played enough when I just came to the capital, brother Yan Feng can accompany me Going around? It will be fine in a while, and it won't take you too much time. "

Shui Luoyou leaned on the rockery, and listened to Lan Yuting's clear voice and said with a indulgent smile: "Okay, let's go." Shui Luoyou didn't feel anything at all, Baoyi's suggestion to go for a walk was also her suggestion, just took a step When he was about to leave, he heard Lan Yuting's words: "Where is Shui Luoyou? Call her, you can chat too."

"Luoyou..." Baoyi raised her head and glanced at the location of the rockery with some hesitation, remembering what Shui Luoyou said just now, selfishly she also wanted to be alone with Lan Yuting.

"She said she was a little tired just now, so she went back to rest." Baoyi secretly noticed Lan Yuting's expression from the corner of her eyes.

"Yes, let's go then."

"Okay." Baoyi didn't ignore the disappointment flashed by Lan Yuting's rippling eyes.

Hearing their footsteps walking away, Shui Luoyou stepped out of the rockery, glanced at the shadow cast by the tall and short figure behind him, swaying and swaying, like the branches growing together, he retracted his gaze lightly, and sat casually. On the protruding rockery, the back garden was already empty, except for himself, who seemed somewhat depressed.

Shui Luoyou looked up at the sky and smiled secretly. Such a generous and considerate princess is simply a role model for Dongchen women. I don't think Dongchen can find another one. In the future, Lan Yuting must thank himself as a matchmaker. Can you share more property with yourself?

"Tsk are the only one in the world who surrendered her husband so generously." A playful voice followed with a slap on the man's shoulder.

"Nangongye!" Shui Luoyou's eyes lit up, he didn't care about the other party's simple and rude way of greeting, he stood up happily and rushed towards him... Grabbing his neck and shaking him vigorously, his expression changed in a blink of an eye and he growled fiercely: "You You bastard, you go around all day long, you don’t come to see me, you go to find you and you’re missing your aunt, you forget your friends, you’re ungrateful, you bully your teachers and destroy your ancestors.”

Nangong Ye also cooperatively stretched out his tongue and begged for mercy: "Grandma, I know I was wrong. I am so young that I came here to apologize to you as soon as I learned that your lord climbed over the wall to visit me."

Only then did Shui Luoyou let out a foul breath, let go of his hands and rolled his eyes at him sitting on the rockery and said angrily, "When did you come? You're still hiding and peeping."

(End of this chapter)

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