Bad wives are hard to teach: teasing the princess

Chapter 120 I'm Just Waiting to See You Worse Than Us

Chapter 120 I'm Just Waiting to See You Worse Than Us

"That's right, Shui Luoyou, if you didn't burn high incense in your previous life, you would also want to be a princess, bah!" another beauty screamed.

"Feng Shui turns around, I'm just waiting to see that you will be worse than us in the future."

"Enough is enough! As a woman, she is jealous and vicious, has no mercy, no woman's virtue, come and send these women to where they come from."

A stern reprimand made them turn pale with fright. When they saw the person clearly, they all knelt down and kowtowed, crying and begging for mercy: "No, my lord, please forgive us, we won't dare again. Don't send us away, my lord..."

The guards immediately came forward to take these beauties away, screaming and scratching their hands one by one, and some rushed over and hugged Lan Yuting's thigh with tears streaming down their faces and begged: "My lord... don't drive Yu'er away, please Please, my concubine is wrong, my lord..."

"Take it away." Lan Yuting said coldly. Seeing Lan Yuting's anger, the guards dragged them away without hesitation. Bao Yi couldn't bear to hold Shui Luoyou's hand tightly, watching them struggle desperately, and their clothes were all messed up. , Dirty and filthy, the original exquisite makeup was wasted by crying, the beautiful skirt was covered with mud, and the pear blossoms were taken away in the rain.

Shui Luoyou was also taken aback. She didn't expect that Lan Yuting would appear suddenly and drive these people out of the palace. Seeing Lan Yuting's face was cold, Shui Luoyou didn't dare to provoke him, and was about to sneak away. Ting regained a bit of gloom, walked over and said coldly: "Next time they will be disrespectful to you and send you back directly."

"Oh..." Shui Luoyou replied in a low voice, complaining silently in her heart, you don't dare to do anything if you send them away, if I send them away, I guess they will bribe the killer to kill you if I turn around.

Lan Yuting glanced at Shui Luoyou, knowing that she must be muttering in her heart again, and didn't bother to point it out, her eyes fell on Baoyi and said gently: "Baoyi, I'm so sorry that this happened to you, I didn't scare you Bar."

Bao Yi shook her head: "It's...not bad."

Lan Yuting watched the maid behind Shui Luoyou walking over with a kite, knowing that they wanted to fly a kite, so she greeted them wisely and left.

Bao Yi watched Lan Yuting leave, and said in a low voice, "Brother Yan Feng was so angry just now, it was scary."

Shui Luoyou nodded to show that she was also frightened, took the kite handed over by Mimi, and took Baoyi to fly the kite to suppress the fright.

There is a large space in the back garden which is very suitable for kite flying. Shui Luoyou and Qin Baoyi each hold a kite. Tian Tianmei is responsible for helping them hold the kite and let Shui Luoyou pull the string and trot. After a while, the kite is flying steadily in the air. Qin Baoyi's Kites also fly high.

Shui Luoyou and Qin Baoyi sat on the grass, chatting and even eating the fruit Wuer brought up, enjoying the leisure in the afternoon.

While chatting, Mimi called softly: "Miss, Miss Li is here."

Shui Luoyou raised her head and looked over, and saw a few maidservants walking past gracefully following the footsteps of a charming beauty. The breeze was blowing on her face, the beauty's dress was fluttering, and three thousand blue silks were fluttering in the wind. It's a pity that Shui Luoyou didn't have the intention to appreciate it, so she got up and patted the dead leaves on her skirt, and heard the beauty bowing profusely, with a graceful and clear voice: "My daughter Li Qinglian pays her respects to Princess Li." Turning her gaze, she bowed to Tan Baoyi meekly and said hello: " This must be Old General Tan's daughter, Miss Tan Baoyi."

"Miss Li is here." Shui Luoyou nodded and said, a little surprised why Li Qinglian came to Li Palace suddenly.

Li Qinglian smiled, and said: "Today is the blessing day, and the night market is very lively, so I came here with Xue Chen to invite the prince and princess to visit the night market at night."

"Huh, today is the blessing day?" Shui Luoyou looked at Tan Baoyi differently.

Tan Baoyi thought for a while, with a dazed expression on her face. She was used to staying at the border and rarely returned to Beijing. The people in the border didn't care much about this festival. For them, praying to the gods and praying for blessings is not as good as praying to the old general Tan to protect their home and country. I don't have much impression of Qin Baoyi on this festival.

Shui Luoyou knew about this small folk festival, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He forgot for a moment that the Blessing Festival is a traditional festival in the Central Plains. Every year at this time, many people place tributes at the door of their homes to pray for good weather , the harvest of crops is good for a good year, so the night market is also very lively, no less than Qixi Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival.

"Snow sinking?" Shui Luoyou was taken aback for a moment before realizing that it was Ling Wang and Lan Yuzhuo: "Ling Wang is also here?"

"Yes, the prince is chatting with Prince Li in the front yard. The prince is afraid that I will be bored, so he asked me to come to the backyard to be your companion."

"Well, Ms. Li, please sit down. We are flying a kite. Do you want to fly a kite together? I'll ask Tiantian to bring another kite."

Li Qinglian shook his head and smiled lightly: "Thank you, Princess, for your kindness, don't bother me, I'll just watch the princess let it go."

"It's up to you, let's eat some fruit cakes." Shui Luoyou didn't have much enthusiasm for Li Qinglian, and she didn't even plan to run and fly a kite together. Li Qinglian was weak and weak, and it would be bad if she accidentally bumped into her.

"Who is this?" Tan Baoyi asked, looking at her curiously.

"This is Li Qinglian, the eldest lady of Prime Minister Li Gu and Prime Minister Li." Shui Luoyou briefly introduced to Tan Baoyi. Tan Baoyi had a good impression of this soft-spoken beauty, so she immediately returned the salute, and Li Qinglian responded with a chuckle.

While chatting, Hongxiao went over and said: "Princess Wang, Miss Li, Miss Qin, my lord, please come to the hall."

"Oh, Mimi, put the kite away." Shui Luoyou handed the kite to Mimi, holding Qin Baoyi's arm, and was about to leave when she remembered that there was another beauty present, looking at her sideways and smiling slightly : "Let's go, Miss Li."

Qin Baoyi also handed over the kite to the maid, and the three went to the hall.

Li Qinglian walked a step behind Shui Luoyou, watching her talking and laughing with Tan Baoyi, her smile was very bright, she could see her enthusiasm for Tan Baoyi and her cheerful personality, I wonder if she was thinking too much, always felt that Shui Luoyou The look in her eyes was a little weird, and I couldn't tell what was wrong.

As soon as Shui Luoyou stepped through the door, he saw that handsome man, just as indifferent and inhumane as when he first met, he was dressed in a black brocade robe, making him more handsome and upright, his eyes were as deep as a deep pool but without warmth.

Shui Luoyou clenched her hands under her sleeves slightly, took a deep breath and put on a habitual smile as she entered the door and laughed, "Lan... the lord is looking for me?" Shui Luoyou secretly stuck out his tongue and almost called Lan Yuting by name, It is estimated that except for his parents, Dong Chen dared to call him by his name all day long.

Lan Yuting looked at her small movements with a smile, noticed her brother's gaze, restrained her smile, and said with a serious face: "Today's blessing day, we plan to go out to the night market to join in the fun, do you want to go?"

"Yes!" Shui Luoyou responded quickly, and saw Lan Yuting's face that I knew, and pouted at him.

"Then get ready to eat, and go after dinner, fourth brother, we haven't sat down to drink for a long time, how many drinks tonight?"

(Ying'er is still here... I'm lazy...)
(End of this chapter)

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