Bad wives are hard to teach: teasing the princess

Chapter 139 Oh my god, I got tricked again!

Chapter 139 Oh my god, I got tricked again!
Tan Baoyi inadvertently raised her eyes to look at the stage. Suddenly, a cold light flashed from the corner of her eyes, and her pupils shrank sharply.

Be careful!

Qin Baoyi exclaimed, holding Shui Luoyou sideways to avoid sharp arrows.

Immediately afterwards, there were terrified screams and screams everywhere.


"Come on! Come on, come on!"

"Protect Miss!"

"Don't...don't kill me...ah!"

All kinds of voices fluctuated continuously, the maids screamed and dodged, the guards rushed to save people, everyone was in a mess, pushing and trying to escape, but they were blocked by the people in front and died under the knife or it was too late Run away and die.

The originally harmonious banquet suddenly became a purgatory on earth. The assassin in black moved neatly, harvesting countless innocent lives with his hands, and the red blood spread on the red carpet and merged into one.

Shui Luoyou was awakened by this accident, and with his hands on his waist, he realized that the soft sword he was wearing had been taken off because he was attending a banquet tonight.

Although I have always known that banquets are always a high incidence of homicides, but tonight is the daughter's birthday of Prime Minister Li's family, a boudoir woman should not be killed by vendetta, so she didn't bring a soft sword, and in the end, oh my god, she was tricked again.

Shui Luoyou didn't have time to think about it, watching Tan Baoyi pull out a long whip to shuttle through the crowd, Shui Luoyou picked up the knife on the ground and joined the fight, but the weapon was not the sword he was wearing after all, it was not powerful enough, so he could only protect himself.


The exclamation attracted Shui Luoyou's eyes, and Shui Luoyou was startled. He quickly turned over to avoid the blade, and rushed to Li Qinglian's side. When the blade was about to fall on Li Qinglian, he raised his arm and stabbed the tip of the blade into the assassin's abdomen. He raised his foot to kick the assassin away, and protected Li Qinglian, who was overly frightened and pale, behind him.

"You're not injured, are you?" Shui Luoyou took a hasty glance. Li Qinglian thought he was dead, but he walked around the gate of hell and was dragged back. He probably didn't realize it, and waited for a while before answering in shock, "No, thank you."

Seeing that Li Qinglian was fine, Shui Luoyou said in a low voice to find a place to hide. As soon as the words fell, a silver light approached his eyes. It was the light reflected by the sword under the moonlight. Shui Luoyou was secretly startled, and felt that this person's martial arts were superior to his own just after fighting, he held the handle of the knife tightly to resist the attack of the incoming person, and Shui Luoyou had to protect Li Qinglian's safety even more restrained, the swords and swords were intertwined, the assassin's palm will Shui Luoyou patted away, reached out and grabbed Li Qinglian and jumped onto the roof.

No, the target is really Li Qinglian!
Shui Luoyou didn't care about the dull pain in her chest, the assassin didn't seem to want to kill her, so she was only injured, Shui Luoyou gritted her teeth and got up, Qin Baoyi hurried over to help Shui Luoyou and asked anxiously: "Yuyou, how are you hurt? Is it serious?"

"It's okay, go and inform Lan Yuting! I'll save Li Qinglian." Shui Luoyou knew that Lan Yuting's martial arts were better than his own, and there were three hidden guards with him. Only by finding him could he save Li Qinglian, so he went to delay by himself.

She wasn't sure if she could save Li Qinglian, but the other party was full of murderous intent. She didn't want Tan Baoyi to be in danger. Old General Tan is just such a precious daughter. If something happened to her... Her brother's identity is not as simple as an ordinary businessman. It's better than Qin Baoyi going.

Qin Baoyi wanted to say something else, but Shui Luoyou pushed her away, carrying a knife and flying on the roof to chase after her.

The fight in the backyard alarmed the distinguished guests in the front yard. Both Lan Yuting and Lan Yuzhuo thought about the safety of their beloved ones. Regardless of everyone's persuasion to persuade the prince not to take risks, they pushed away the guards who were in the way and went straight to the backyard.

As soon as they entered the backyard, they saw corpses and blood spreading all over the ground. Several of the timid people fainted on the spot, and the rest trembled and leaned on their colleagues, their feet were weak. Seeing this scene, Prime Minister Li almost Fainted out, he forced his limp body to grab the guard's hand and asked Li Qinglian and Mrs. Li where they were and if they were all right with a trembling voice.

Lan Yuting was concerned about Shui Luoyou's safety, so he drew out his sword even more impatiently and killed several assassins looking for Shui Luoyou's figure.

Tan Baoyi saw Lan Yuting the first time, rushed over with a pale face and shouted sharply: "Brother Yan Feng, hurry up and save Yoyo! On the roof..."

Lan Yuting's heart skipped a beat, with a rare look of panic on his face, he immediately drew out his sword and chased after him.

Lan Yuzhuo looked around for a week but did not see Li Qinglian, Tan Baoyi hurriedly told him that Li Qinglian was also taken away, Prime Minister Li panicked and tugged at Lan Yuzhuo's sleeve, ignoring etiquette and offense, begging him to rescue Li Qinglian, Lan Yuzhuo Zhuo replied with a deep voice, brushed away Prime Minister Li's hand, and chased after him with his sword in hand.

The assassin caught Li Qinglian, and when he saw Shui Luoyou catching up, he threw Li Qinglian to his followers. Unable to get away for a while, his eyes froze, he raised his hand to knock Shui Luoyou unconscious, ordered his followers to leave in a low voice, and followed Shui Luoyou who had passed out with his arms.

When Lan Yuting and Lan Yuzhuo killed the assassin who blocked them, Shui Luoyou and Li Qinglian had already disappeared into the night. Lan Yuting immediately chased after him without even thinking about it. After saying a word of caution, I went back to the backyard to look for clues.

Looking at the chaotic backyard, Lan Yuzhuo's frown deepened, but he was always calm and rational, knowing that he couldn't chase after him, he still had to deal with the remaining troubles, and he had to report to the emperor what happened tonight and Shui Luoyou Regarding Li Qinglian's capture, he still needs to investigate the assassin's affairs.

Tan Baoyi was running around in a hurry, and wanted to chase but was stopped by Lan Yuzhuo, and ordered someone to send a doctor to treat the wounded, while she checked the assassins one by one.

It is the killer of the Ziyou Palace who is famous all over the world. The killer organization of the Ziyou Palace is so powerful that it does not fear the court. It can be recognized because the weapons used by these people are engraved with the symbols of the Ziyou Palace.

The two most powerful organizations in Ziyou Temple are the intelligence organization and the killer organization. The intelligence organization claims to only have information that they don’t want to check for you, and there is no information that cannot be found. Similarly, the killer organization only has people who don’t want to kill, and there is no one that cannot be killed. , we can see the arrogance of this organization.

And being able to dispatch Ziyou Palace, it seems that the other party is not young, and can see ambition and determination. Even the prime minister dared to move. It seems that some people can't stand it anymore. Lan Yuzhuo sneered, stood up, His calm eyes covered a certain figure hidden in the crowd, and it was completely impossible to see that this person's fiancée and sister-in-law had just been taken away.

Comfort everyone, leave the master to clean up the mess, Lan Yuzhuo's eyes flickered, and whispered to his secret guards to track down what happened just now, and also ordered some people to secretly pay attention to the movements of some people, while he went back to the palace to report.

(End of this chapter)

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