Bad wives are hard to teach: teasing the princess

Chapter 21 021: Life or death depends on your own destiny

Chapter 21 021: Life or death depends on your own destiny

After finally dragging him onto the horse with all her strength, Shui Luoyou was exhausted and cursed Xuechen's ancestors for eighteen generations. Xun Muran, it's hard not to be greedy for money, besides, who doesn't love money, a fool can do thankless things, the clothes and fabrics on his body are all from the town of "Yuxue Silk and Satin Village" in Hangzhou, which is extremely precious. Bao, she only has a few pieces.

Dragging him into the ruined temple, Shui Luoyou pushed him off the horse, and the snow fell to the ground with a heavy thud, and with a muffled sound, his originally pale face became paler and frighteningly pale, his lips turned purple, and the black brocade robe on his body had long been wiped out. Blood drenched.

Shui Luoyou glared at Xue Chen, and moved him into the ruined temple. It would be more appropriate to say that he was moved in, rather than dragged in.

Shui Luoyou groped around on him, and took out a few small bottles. She didn't know whether it was poison or antidote, and stuffed them into his mouth. God bless, he won't be poisoned to death. Fuck him. It shouldn’t be impossible to kill him no matter what, and it’s destined that Hua Tuo can’t be saved even if he is alive. The Buddhists often say that there must be some things in life, and there is no time in life. Don’t force it, although this analogy feels a bit weird.

Fortunately, Xue Chen was in a coma, otherwise she would have met King Yan Luo with a sword, and she would have been ashamed, and she would have been killed even if she didn't die.

Shui Luoyou wrinkled his nose in distaste, his face and body were so dirty, I remembered that there was a small stream behind the ruined temple, saving people to the end, sending the Buddha to the west, Shui Luoyou ran to the river, tore The corner of her skirt was wet with water. She had no choice but to fill the water bottle with some water and ran back without a handkerchief.

Shui Luoyou tore off Xue Chen's clothes, a long wound on her chest was already swollen and festered, the bloody flesh was turned outwards, it looked quite frightening, a bloody smell came to her nostrils, Shui Luoyou held back the nausea Feeling, gritted his teeth, and cleaned up the blood and dust on his body one by one. Fortunately, he had some medicine on him at all times, just in case.

Shui Luoyou took out the medicine powder, sprinkled it lightly on his wound, tore off the corner of the skirt and bandaged it, moistened his handkerchief and gently wiped his face clean, and then took care of his arms and long hair.

After taking care of everything, Shui Luoyou was half dead from exhaustion. She sat on the ground to rest. She felt a little hungry and felt her stomach. She didn't prepare dry food when she went out, so she had to drink some water to cushion her stomach.

Shui Luoyou was considering whether to go back. Her parents must have been very worried if she didn't return overnight, but she couldn't bear to leave him here alone. If some poisonous snake or beast ate him up, wouldn't it be a waste of time to save him.

After thinking about it again and again, Shui Luoyou still decided to stay, not because of him, but... The bad weather, just now it was sunny and cloudless, but now it's raining, and it's getting bigger and bigger, what's the matter? what!Are you trying to make things difficult for her?
Shui Luoyou picked up some branches, found a fire in the ruined temple, and lit a fire. The red flame kept flickering, and a large area of ​​fire flickered, reflecting on Xue Chen's pale and colorless face, and Xue Chen's face gradually glowed. At first, Shui Luoyou didn't notice it, and thought it was because of the light of the fire. Later, when she leaned against him and took a nap, she realized that something was wrong. Xue Chen's whole body was hot as if surrounded by a bonfire, and her bloodless lips were a little chapped , a weak voice murmured: "Water..."

"Huh?" Shui Luoyou couldn't hear clearly, she put her ear to his mouth and asked, "What did you say?"


At first, Shui Luoyou thought he was calling her, and was wondering how he knew her. Could it be that she was so famous that no one knew her, but Shui didn't say anything else for a long time, Shui Luoyou Youcai realized that he was thirsty, put away his narcissistic attitude, picked up the water bottle and brought it to his mouth, as soon as his parched mouth was moistened by the water, he couldn't help but took a few sips, Shui Luoyou heaved a sigh of relief, at least He's not dead yet.

Xue Chen's whole body is scalding hot, it should be a fever caused by a wound infection, this is troublesome, there is nothing in this ghostly place, even if Hua Tuo is alive, it is useless, Shui Luo You simply took off his shirt, and wiped his body over and over again with a handkerchief soaked in rainwater. It's up to your own destiny, I tried my best.

After tossing around in the middle of the night, the sound of the rain gradually subsided, and Xue Chen's body temperature finally returned to normal. Shui Luoyou was dizzy and weak, and looked at the sky, and the sky gradually turned pale. Sitting next to Xue Chen, Shui Luoyou Luo You looked at Xue Chen in the morning light.

He is good-looking, although he is not as enchanting and charming as Mu Yue, nor as cheerful and funny as Nangong Ye, nor is he as gentle as his brother.

He gave off a very cold and haughty look, like a lord who looked down on all heroes, so sacred and noble, his long black hair was scattered behind his head, his face had regained some blood color, the sharp-edged face was not as sharp as it was when he was awake yesterday, and he was quiet His appearance is somewhat handsome and elegant, with a pair of sword eyebrows gently drawn together, thick and naturally curly eyelashes casting a shadow under the eyelids, a straight nose, thin and tender lips that have become light and moist due to getting moisture, and a thin chin The arc is very beautiful, he is quite tall and straight, unlike Nangong Che's weak and elegant, his slender fingers have distinct joints, a little rough, and the nails on the fingertips are neatly manicured, it can be seen that he loves cleanliness and is indifferent The man, both in terms of temperament and his own conditions, is very good, which is very suitable for her favorite type, handsome and dignified, but also ruthless and individual.

Shui Luoyou looked at Xue Chen in a daze, and gradually fell into sleep. In her dream, she seemed to have returned to her previous life, with familiar smells, familiar high-rise buildings, familiar friends, everyone was so happy, and hurried past her , but no one saw her, she watched them pass by with empty eyes.

As soon as the scene changed, she saw that when she passed away in her previous life, the hall was all white and covered with white cloths. She was surprised to see that classmate who had been displeased with her and quarreled with her standing alone in front of the mourning hall, with a sad and longing expression on her face. Looking at her picture with tears in her eyes, she chuckled.

She recalled with a smile, a drop of crystal pearls across her cheeks in the corner of her eyes, she was relieved, she could never go back, the previous life, such a distant memory, but at least, there are still people who remember her, that's great.

It's time to live here wholeheartedly. In her previous life, it was only 15 years ago, but it feels like a century has passed. She crossed a deep boundary and returned to this world. Now she starts to live a good life. Everything has become a thing of the past. , goodbye, everything in the previous life, goodbye, the boy she hated but stayed with her the longest, put away all these good memories in her heart, and start her new life.

This night, it was very quiet, the sky gradually cleared up, and it was the beginning of another journey. She no longer regretted, and was no longer confused about her previous life. In this life, she is Shui Luoyou, the richest man in the Dongchen Dynasty. The eldest lady, Shui Luoyou, is not the orphan Ji Yunxi from her previous life.

(End of this chapter)

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