Bad wives are hard to teach: teasing the princess

Chapter 49 Almost Got Fooled by That Dead Girl Shui Luoyou Again

Chapter 49 Almost Got Fooled by That Dead Girl Shui Luoyou Again

Hongxiang and Hongxiao faced each other silently, they just wanted to tell the prince to calm down...

"You..." You paused suddenly, your eyes swept across the whole room, there were only four masters and servants, the one who drank tea drank tea, the one who made the bed sheets made the bed sheets, and the one who beat the back beat their backs, they didn't look adulterous.

Lan Yuting turned his head very quickly, coughed lowly, still full of confidence, stared domineeringly at the beautiful peach eyes and shouted: "You actually played tricks on my concubine, what should you do?"

Shui Luoyou looked at Lan Yuting with an idiot expression on her face, and broke into her boudoir in the middle of the night, just to question why she gave her a "gift" to his baby. Money really matters!
"Which beauty is the lord referring to? My concubine has a bad memory, and I don't even remember the gifts I gave you." Shui Luo leisurely sipped the sour plum soup and asked lazily.

"Miss Xiang Lan, you actually gave her a box of mice, a majestic princess, not only has no womanhood, but also has such a vicious heart, intimidating other sisters." Thinking of Xiang Lan crying and telling him about Shui Luoyou's viciousness today , he was annoyed for a while.

"Oh, there is such a thing. I heard that Xianglan beauty likes small furry animals the most. She has always been very caring. Even an ant is reluctant to be trampled to death. I will do what I like. It is wrong to send her a nest of mice. Isn't it? Isn't a mouse a small animal? Isn't it furry? Is there a distinction between Xianglan beauty's love? If you like it, how can you threaten it?" Shui Luoyou looked at Lan Yuting with a harmless face and said .

Hongxiang and Hongxiao twitched the corners of their mouths. They are cute little beauties who like small animals, but what they like are cute, clean and lovable little white rabbits and cats, not gray and disgusting mice.

Lan Yuting reflected on Shui Luoyou's words, it seemed reasonable, they were all small animals, how could they be so superficially evaluated, rabbits and foxes were animals, mice and cockroaches were animals, and Xiang Lan was too delicate... Well!No, ah bah, off topic, animals are also classified into high and low, dragon and phoenix are noble, how could rats and cockroaches compare, and almost got fooled by that damn girl Shui Luoyou again.

" are so unreasonable. Is such a dirty and disgusting mouse worthy of being a pet? You vicious and narrow-minded shrew, I will divorce you sooner or later." Lan Yuting was angry, and Shui Luoyou sounded awe-inspiring. Dayi, in fact, was speechless after a nonsense call, blushing and staring at her, wishing he could eat her.

"Buddha said: All living beings are equal, so why are some animals raised in the hands, while others are slaughtered? It turns out that the prince is also such a short-sighted person. As a royal noble, if it weren't for Because there are these lowly and vulgar peasants raising you, what would you do as a son of a nobleman who only eats, drinks and has fun all day long? If you are not waiting to starve to death, what is the difference between the prince and those raised pets?" Water Luoyou spoke slowly, took a sip of sour plum soup, glanced at Lan Yuting disdainfully, and said lightly: "It's getting late, my lord, please, don't give it away!"

Lan Yuting was so entangled by Shui Luoyou's words that he couldn't tell the east from the west, the north from the south, but he was shocked inside. A vulgar woman who is lustful/sexy/slutty and shameless could speak such a dialect so eloquently that even the second brother and the third brother Brother may not be able to see through the situation, but she actually said it so sharply, looking at this Shui Luoyou, maybe it's not as bad as the rumors say.

Since she married into the palace till now, she has been playing tricks all day long to tease his concubine, making the palace a mess, without a moment's peace, he was also confused by her appearance, really thought she was as rumored Unbearable.

From the time she teased his concubine to the present, it stands to reason that many people should hate her to death, but no concubine has taken advantage of her. This kind of wit and dexterity alone is rare, and in the face of When he was with him, she didn't have the slightest timidity, and she didn't suffer a disadvantage when she met Lan Lian'er, a domineering little princess in the imperial garden.

Thinking of this, Lan Yuting's eyes flickered slightly, and he turned around a few times, his glistening pupils flickered, and came back to his senses, Shui Luoyou had already ordered Wu'er to close the door, Lan Yuting didn't After the impulsiveness and anger just now, the handsome jade face was calm and calm, and the starry eyes were like a lake under the starry sky, glowing with autumn colors, turned around and said to Hongxiang: "From today, you Monitor Shui Luoyou closely to see what kind of person she is and who she contacts with, let's go down!"

"Yes!" Hongxiang and Hongxiao looked at each other, bowed to leave, and Lan Yuting walked leisurely with his hands behind his back to enjoy the shade in the back garden.

Lan Yuting put his hands behind his back, glanced indifferently in the direction of "Lingxian Pavilion", remembered the woman who caused headaches, sneered, and went back to his yard. When he woke up, it was already dawn, Qingfengmingyue helped him change After wearing the court clothes, I went to court after eating a little breakfast.

As a happy prince, he just went to the court to show off. He never liked court affairs, but for the sake of the fourth brother, he still stayed in the court to help him. Although he was just a prince with little real power, the influence of Yun Guifei Not to be underestimated, Lan Yuting also knows why Yun Guifei retains these military powers, but he really doesn't want to compete with the fourth brother. For him, this elder brother who grew up with him is much more important than those cold powers .

Concubine Yun Gui always said that he was stupid, and that Lan Yuzhuo was just using him to be good to him now. One day, when he ascended to the rank of Ninth Five-Year, he became his stumbling block.

He didn't believe that the fourth brother he admired the most would be that kind of person. He had no ambitions. If one of their brothers had to be emperor, he would fully support Lan Yuzhuo. Despicable, hypocritical, vicious and vicious, such a person cannot be an emperor.

Although Lan Yuzhuo resented the emperor, he was intelligent, calm and calm, devised strategies, acted openly, bravely and strategically, and cared about the world. This is undeniable. Just care about the people.

In the main hall, everyone listened to the holy will full of energy, only Lan Yuting was wandering.

"Start playing if there is something to do, and leave the court if there is nothing to do!" Eunuch Huang's shrill voice resounded throughout the "Zichen Palace"

"Your Majesty, I have something to announce!" A minister walked to the center of the hall and knelt down and said.

"Quasi-playing." Emperor Wen Min waved his hand and said.

"Emperor, Mr. Li is in charge of transporting military pay to the border, and was robbed in "Youzhou" three days ago."

"What? Why didn't you report this after three days?" Emperor Wen Min suddenly opened his eyes, his dark eyes were as sharp as a sword, piercing people's hearts, and he said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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