Bad wives are hard to teach: teasing the princess

Chapter 53 Is Your Master Indulging You Too Much?

Chapter 53 Is Your Master Indulging You Too Much?
Seeing Lan Yuting like this, Hongxiao also put away her friendly smile, and bowed her hands respectfully.

"Yes, then I will step back first, Hongxiang and I are next door, we can hear you if you have something to do."


Hongxiao exited the room and went to Shui Luoyou's room. Shui Luoyou was arranging her clothes. All she brought were light and simple clothes. She didn't bring any expensive jewelry, only some ordinary things.

"My lord, my lord said that in order to prevent my identities from being leaked outside, everyone turned into passing businessmen. My lord called Nanyan Fengnan young master outside, and my lord called me young lady. Hongxiang Wuer and I will protect you as personal servants."

"Well, just call me Miss Ji Yunxi Ji outside." Shui Luoyou knew their concerns, and had seen it on TV. They came out to investigate the case of military pay being robbed, and maybe some secret history would be involved later, so Safety is very important.

Although Hongxiao was puzzled, she didn't ask any further questions, and Fufu stepped back: "Miss, I'm going to step back first, if you need me, I'll be in the next room."

In the middle of the night, everything was ready. Shui Luoyou took a shower happily. Although she was very tired, she didn't feel sleepy. She simply climbed to the roof and lay down to watch the stars. I don't know what happened to Nangong Ye and my brother. I used to go out to play with them. At that time, several people would gather together to play horses and chat with them at night, discussing where to go the next day.

He took out the jade flute on his body and started to blow it slowly. Even her parents didn't know that she could blow the flute. It was Nangong Che who taught her. She seldom played it, only Tian Tianmi and Shui Luoheng knew about it.

The lyrical and gentle flute sound overflowed from the mouth, a touch of sadness, with a sad loneliness, adding a bit of loneliness in the middle of the night, echoing in mid-air, making people feel depressed.

She misses her family very much. Her elegant and handsome brother, dignified and elegant mother, and witty and protective father, these are her most precious warmth. I don’t know what happened to them. Thinking of her family, the corners of her mouth that were originally smiling gradually retracted, and she stared at him blankly. into the night.

Shui Luoyou smiled wryly, no wonder everyone likes to gather at night for poetry reciting conferences, as expected, the dark night makes people artistic, when it is dark, she is the only one left around, no matter how bright and transparent the candles are, they can't drive away the gradualness in her heart Diffused loneliness and an inner void.

Lan Yuting heard the sound of the flute in the room, and was wondering who was playing such a sad sound, a trace of sadness, deep nostalgia, as if returning to memory, reliving all old dreams, Lan Yuting's thoughts gradually Let go and let your thoughts wander.

As a result, just as he fell into the past, the sound of the flute suddenly stopped. Lan Yuting suddenly came to his senses. Sitting on a balloon and floating, how leisurely and happy, but suddenly the balloon burst, and you felt the same as falling from the sky.

Opening the window, just in time to hear someone knocking on the door, Lan Yuting's deep voice sounded: "Come in."

Hongxiang came out, and gently parted her lips: "Master, why don't you sleep, are you not used to sleeping? How about I change the bedding?"

Lan Yuting didn't answer, and asked an irrelevant question: "Who is blowing the flute? The sound seems to be around here?"

"It's the princess."

Lan Yuting was terrified, and said for a while, with a disgusted expression of swallowing a fly: "Shui Luoyou, that heartless dead woman, knows such elegant things and can also play the flute. I think she can only brag." , and blowing it so sadly? Ghost possessed."

"...Master, you have too much prejudice against the princess." Hong Xiang held his forehead speechlessly.

"No, it's obvious, we all know what good things she did in the palace, and I almost toppled my Li Palace." Lan Yuting said with a face full of contempt.

"Actually, it's because your reputation outside the world is really shameful. The princess doesn't like you. The emperor bestowed a marriage on you, so you were forced to do so. You got angry and divorced her."

Hongxiang has been with Shui Luoyou for a long time, but instead thinks she is very interesting, eccentric, does she have a temper like a lady, loves to play tricks, and even taught her to be so tricky, where can I find such a good princess? ╭(′▽`)╯

"I'm not famous? She's worse than me. A woman is shameless. Whenever she sees a man all day, she can't wait to pounce on him. If she can't catch him, she will force her back. She doesn't like me? Pooh! I hate her even more." Lan Yuting was so angry that he waved his hands and feet, expressing that he was very wronged and very angry.

"Master, do you know how the people of Dongchen describe you? "Lord Li is full of beauties all over the world, and Shui Luoyou's blue face is all over the dynasty." It is conceivable, how well-matched you are! Hehe..." Hong Xiang taunted without fear of death. Lan Yuting, Lan Yuting glared at Hong Xiang viciously.

"Hongxiang, is it true that you are too indulgent, that you dare to take advantage of you?" Lan Yuting narrowed his peach blossom eyes full of electricity and said, gnashing his teeth.

"No, Lord is considerate of his subordinates. He is fair and honest. He is a good-looking man with outstanding talent and personable demeanor. He is a rare good man. Good lord. Hong Xiang resigns." Hong Xiang stuck out his tongue and laughed, and ran away in a hurry.

Lan Yuting cursed with a smile, this Hongxiang is getting smaller and smaller, and even dares to tease his master, he is so daring.

When he came back to his senses, he found that the flute sounded intermittently. Lan Yuting sat at the window with a stool and listened to the sound of the flute. He was listening vigorously. As a result, the sound of the flute suddenly stopped, and the dark midnight returned to silence.

Shui Luo You Chuan tiredly put down Yu Xiao, thinking of the modern life, thinking of the boy who had a crush on him, he is a completely different type from Lan Yuzhuo, why did she fall in love with Lan Yuzhuo at first sight?

For that boy, it was the throbbing of the first love, a touch of joy and happiness. I secretly noticed his every move every day and felt extremely happy. Looking at him, my heart was full of sweetness and beauty, but what about Lan Yuzhuo?The first time she saw him, her heart beat so fast, it was the first time she really felt the heartbeat, it was like the feeling of flowers blooming everywhere, the jump that shocked the soul, different from the previous calm and hidden, that is Is it love at first sight?Is it love?
Since you like it, then go according to your own mind and pursue the first goal in this life. Love does not come first. I just want to purely love and live vigorously once.

She is always free and easy, she doesn't care what the world thinks of her.

In her previous life, she had too little, and because she was timid and dared not take that step to chase the boy she was palpitating with, she made herself regretful. In this life, she wants to fight bravely and hard, not to design and fight by any means, but to be fair and honest. Go close to him and like him, no matter what happens in the end, at least she will not regret it, she can't guarantee that she will meet someone who makes her heart beat so strongly in the future, and she can't guarantee that at that time, whether she still Can be so confident and brave to chase a game.

People are growing up, time is passing, and what is taken away is not only innocence, but also the courage to be young and not afraid of losing.

Loving him is her own business, and it has nothing to do with anyone else, but first, solve Lan Yuting's big tumor first.

(End of this chapter)

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