Bad wives are hard to teach: teasing the princess

Chapter 77 How dare you pretend to be a royal nobleman

Chapter 77 How dare you pretend to be a royal nobleman

"Kneel down!" Hongxiao yelled with a cold face. Sikong Yun just wanted to teach her a lesson, but his knees hurt and he couldn't help but kneel down. Sikong Mu and Sikong Zhen also had knee pains, and they knelt softly on the ground.

Since when did Sikong Yun suffer this kind of humiliation, he hated the red hair angrily, wanted to stand up, but his feet were weak, and he shouted in fear: "Come on, come on quickly, take them down."

A group of guards rushed in, and the people outside the hall were so frightened that they couldn't speak, and they crowded aside to watch the situation inside.

"Presumptuous, the prince is here, who dares to mess around and kill without mercy." Hong Xiang shouted loudly.

Those people were all stunned, and Sikong Zhen was startled, but he quickly reacted and shouted loudly: "Bold thief, how dare you pretend to be a royal nobleman, come here, come on."

He heard that King Li was sent by the emperor to Youzhou to investigate the case, but there is still a distance from Youzhou. If it is really the prince, how could he appear without a word, without even a guard, only It is clear that someone wants to act in the name of King Li.

"Hoo!" Hongxiao raised his arms, Sikong Zhen's eyes widened in fear, and he couldn't speak for a long time. Sikong Yun looked at his younger brother anxiously and asked, "Zhen'er, what's wrong with you? Speak up, witch." , what did you do to my brother?"

Lan Yuting had seen enough of the good show, strolled leisurely to Lu Feng's side, Lu Feng looked at him in panic, and stammered: "You... who are you, how dare... Prince Li."

He was also startled at first, but after hearing Sikong Zhen's words, he also guessed that it was impossible. It is rumored that this good-for-nothing idle king is a royal prince who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun. How could he come here? How could it be possible to be so low-key and keep quiet for so long.

"Really, I don't know if Mr. Lu knows this?" Lan Yuting smiled contemptuously, took out the gold medal tied on his body to represent his identity, and threw it into Lu Feng's arms.

Lu Feng hurriedly took the hand, fixed his eyes, and almost fainted. A wandering dragon was engraved on the token, which was very realistic, as if it was really a miniature version of a golden dragon roaring. There was a block letter in the center of the reverse side. The word "Li" is a sign of the status of the royal nobility.

Even if Lu Feng has never seen the token, he can tell that this top-notch engraved, pure gold medal is definitely not a fake. In the whole world, there is no one who is not afraid of death engraved with a dragon on the gold medal, and this token Hidden anger, that kind of heavy and solemn feeling, cannot be shown by just a piece of pure gold.

Lu Feng was dumbfounded, and fell to the ground in ashes. Sikong Yun also had an ominous premonition, and his heart was extremely panicked.

But think about it, if he is really a prince, he will die anyway, so why not give it a go, anyway, he has plenty of money, and King Li's presence in the court is also a faint threat to King Yi's future. If Lan Yuting disappears, maybe The Uncertain Wing King will save his life for the sake of helping him with all his strength.

The changes in Sikong Yun and the cruelty in his eyes had long been seen by Lan Yuting and Hong Xiang, and a bloodthirsty smile curled up at the corner of his mouth.

"King Li is clearly in Youzhou, how dare you pretend to be a royal nobleman, come here, arrest this thief, and let Master Lu punish this thief." Sikong Yun shouted firmly.

The nurses peeked at each other, seeing that there were only five people in the other party, and seeing the angry roar of the Patriarch, they immediately rushed forward without doubting his presence. After intercepting and killing these people, in a blink of an eye, the entire county government was stained red with intense blood, and it seemed that the warmth of the blood could still be felt.

When had the common people seen such a terrifying lineup, everyone was screaming in fright, pushing me to escape, fearing that if they were too late, they would be killed by the sword, and the chaos in front of the yamen was terrible.

Lu Feng was completely dumbfounded, he didn't expect Sikong Yun to be so rebellious, he quickly scrambled and hid in a corner, praying in his heart that Sikong's family would succeed, at least his life would be saved.

Lan Yuting turned around and walked to Shui Luoyou, and said in a low voice, "Are you afraid? Close your eyes, and it will be over in a moment." He knew that Shui Luoyou seemed savage, coquettish, willful and domineering, but very simple , There is no Chengfu, when she saw the dead for the first time, her face turned pale with fright, and she bit her lips tightly to prevent herself from fainting.

Lan Yuting blocked Shui Luoyou's sight, Shui Luoyou's face was pale, eyes closed, a strong fishy smell filled all organs, and their shrill screams could be heard in his ears, knowing that they deserved to die, but still endured Can't help trembling.

Lan Yuting stood beside Shui Luoyou, gently hugging Shui Luoyou, letting her lean into his arms, absorbing the faint fragrance of Long Yan from Lan Yuting's body, feeling inexplicably at ease.

In an instant, the corpses were all over the place, only Sikong Yun's three brothers and Lu Feng were left, An Yan stepped in, knelt on the ground and respectfully said to Lan Yuting: "My lord, five thousand elite soldiers have arrived outside the city, waiting for my lord's order. "

"Well! The Sikong family is rich and ruthless, they harmed the people, disregarded human life, ransacked their homes, and the Sikong mansion killed them. As for the three Sikong brothers." Lan Yuting paused, glanced at the three people who were sitting on the ground with empty eyes, and said slowly: "Lingchi!"

"Lu Feng..."

"My lord, please forgive my sinful minister. I beg your lord to spare my life! The guilty minister is willing to take off his black gauze hat and enter the Buddhist gate to accompany the Buddha with a green lamp, in order to alleviate the crime. Please forgive my sinful minister." Lu Feng struggled to the blue. In front of Yu Ting, hugged his thigh and cried bitterly, pleading bitterly, all the snot and tears splashed onto Lan Yuting's brocade robe.

"Originally, it's okay to spare your dog's life." Lan Yuting walked to Lu Feng's side, bent down and patted Lu Feng's old face, mocking the man who looked at the distressed person, and said in a low and evil voice: "But...who Telling you to hurt my concubine's beloved concubine, just relying on this one, you will die thousands of times, not to mention how many dirty things you have done in these years, disregarding human life, perverting the law for personal gain, committing heinous crimes, and causing grievances to spread everywhere , You said, if I don’t sacrifice your dog’s life, how can I explain to those deceased, how can I feel sorry for their souls?” After speaking, Lan Yuting kicked away the person holding his thigh begging for mercy in disgust.

Lu Feng collapsed on the ground, Lan Yuting deliberately stepped on the back of Lu Feng's hand and turned around, pulled away and left without even looking at Lu Feng, whose face was distorted from pain, standing upright in the middle of the lobby, with a thick voice slowly It sounded: "Lu Feng, the magistrate of Taoyun Town, bribed in private, colluded with bandits, intercepted military rations, neglected human life, and committed a heinous crime. At noon tomorrow, he will be executed at the stake to pay homage to the unjustly dead souls. A new county magistrate will take office the day after tomorrow."

As soon as Lan Yuting finished speaking, the people outside knelt down with tears streaming down their faces. They were extremely grateful, and the entire Taoyun Town people knelt on the ground to welcome the arrival of King Li and Princess Li.

Shui Luoyou looked at Lan Yuting who was standing calmly and calmly in the lobby, his expression was a little dazed, he couldn't tell what it was like, he seemed... more and more like Lan Yuzhuo's figure and courage, the kind of arrogance that belongs to the royal family and aura.

Doubiwen said a month ago that there is a fee for listing. In order to launch, Yinger took more time to update the code words. For those who ask why the fee is charged, I just want to say, why do you enjoy the hard work of others with confidence.Thanks to those who have always supported.

 Doubiwen said a month ago that there is a fee for listing. In order to launch, Yinger took more time to update the code words. For those who ask why the fee is charged, I just want to say, why do you enjoy the hard work of others with confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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