Reborn Star Glimmer

Chapter 125 The Great Reversal

Chapter 125 The Great Reversal
Yao Mowu fell back tiredly, pressed his forehead and said, "Then do you have a reason to tell the reporter?"

"When I was filming outside, I saw a village. Because the parents had AIDS, the child lived alone, and at the age of six, he had to cook by himself. It was so pitiful. I wanted to help them as much as I could, and let them feel a little warmth. "Kong Wenyao was right, she did think of doing this after seeing this child.

That's the only way to go, Yao Mowu asked people to go to the volunteer center to interview other volunteers who worked with Kong Wenyao.

Kong Wenyao's badge, when the volunteers registered, they even randomly adjusted the hospital's monitors and captured several videos and photos of Kong Wenyao playing with the children.

Yao Mowu personally wrote a response full of warmth.Not only did he not scold reporters out of context, he made random remarks without investigating.Then I denounced the indifference of everyone in this society, so there are so many children living in the country with the largest population in the world, but they are lonely and no one wants to say a word to them.

Kong Wenyao never thought of hyping this up, because she is a truly kind-hearted person. The children don't know what celebrities are, but they know that there was a normal person who walked into their world and gave them a little warmth.

Yao Mowu did not criticize netizens for insulting Kong Wenyao, but criticized them for their indifference. No matter what the disease is, they should not be discriminated against.Because there are many people who get sick for various reasons besides promiscuity, such as when doctors treat patients.

"Although I didn't swear, it's worse than swearing." Xiaotian came back after posting the manuscript, read a comment on the Internet, and returned with a smile to report the good news.

Of course, there are also different voices. After all, it is rare for a female celebrity to be a volunteer. She is still a volunteer in this kind of ward, but the evidence provided by Yao Mowu is too comprehensive.What's more, those who gave evidence and testimony were people who had nothing to do with the entertainment industry, and it was impossible for them to do perjury based on their professional identities.

As a result, doubts were quickly overwhelmed. Just like the one-sided accusation against Kong Wenyao before, now the same one-sided support for her, scolding the reporter for being unscrupulous.

Many netizens said that they cried when they commented, some said that they deserved to die, and some people donated money to the hospital, but the most popular one should be the topic of "Apologize to the Goddess".

Mr. Wu has been very unlucky recently. There are important figures from foreign headquarters who are going to visit the country with the Prime Minister.I will definitely go to the company to inspect, and maybe I will bring other people with me.

But on the first night, as soon as he got home, his wife grabbed his ears and asked him if he had gone on a date after working overtime a few days ago.Of course he would not admit it, but a stack of photos was thrown out by his wife, and the next thing was Jiuyin White Bone Claw.It left several blood grooves directly on his face, as if it had been plowed.

The next day, when he covered his face and appeared in front of the big boss of the head office, the other party's sharp eyes could almost stab people to death.Although he quickly covered it up and made a joke with him, Mr. Wu knew in his heart that something was wrong.

The company is very large, and Mr. Wu is not the president, because he has to deal with many aspects such as the publicity media, and he can only sit in this position as a Chinese.For such a big company, the boss of a department is also very powerful.

Ever since he met the big boss who came to inspect in a disfigured manner, the domestic presidents have never had a good look at him.In addition to this period of time, he didn't know what was going on, and everything went wrong, which made him always feel that something bad might happen.

The bad thing finally came. The application he submitted was sent back. This is a very rare thing.After receiving a call from the assistant to the president, he entered the president's office.

The president clicked on his report, "Why not the previous Kong Wenyao, but Hua Yishan?"

"This..." Before he had time to explain, the president had already taught him a lesson.

"Don't you always say that you are an expert, how experienced you are, can't you hear that the whole country is launching an apology to the goddess? At this time, if you change the spokesperson, it is because you have eaten too much or have not sobered up." The president is Chinese, Chinese He speaks English very fluently, and after staying in China for so many years, he is also very fluent when swearing in Chinese.

Mr. Wu's position in the company is in jeopardy, so naturally he can't take care of other things.Not only did Kong Wenyao's endorsement not be taken away, but the company took the money to renew the contract.Her net worth has also risen with the tide, and even big-budget movies are willing to cast her in it.

"This movie, it's good to show your face." This big production uses a huge amount of veterans like Lu Jianhua, and the investment is also big, but the heroine is not Kong Wenyao, but another actor who is not yet famous.He made it clear that he wanted to use the superstar and Kong Wenyao, who is now a topic, to help her with the play and make her popular.

"The salary is 50.00% higher than before and we will act." Yao Mowu replied.Since you want to use Kong Wenyao as a supporting role, you have to prepare the price. Kong Wenyao has no shortage of filming, if you want to use a low price to get her as a foil, you have to see if you have such a big face.

The other party quickly agreed, and Yao Mowu told her secretly, "If you didn't say that you need to make more money in the near future, I would not help you with the next step. What's wrong with the supporting role, as long as you act well, you can shine."

Kong Wenyao smiled, "Don't worry, I know it well."

Wu always couldn't spare his hand, Yao Mowu did, and Mr. Wu's affairs had to be settled.She thought she had already taken a step back, but instead of stopping, the other party intensified.Now that the two sides have prejudices, it is conceivable that future cooperation will be difficult, so it is better to find a way.

Before she could come up with a solution, Mr. Wu had been transferred to another department, and Mr. Han was reassigned to his previous position.Yao Mowu was still wondering who did it, and had already received a call from Fan Dongsheng, who wanted to take her to meet the new President Han.

No need to ask, Yao Mowu also knew who did it, so he couldn't help thanking him on the phone.Fan Dongsheng smiled, neither admitting nor denying, he just told her the location so that she would not be late.

Just after get off work, I received a call from Yang Sunan, with excitement in his voice, "I'll pick you up from get off work, I have good news for you."

Yao Mowu really wanted to know good news about him, but unfortunately she was going to an appointment right now, so she could only coax him with nice words, "I'll go back when I'm done, you celebrate with your colleagues first."

She could guess what was going on, it should be his analysis of the current situation of the supermarket and his plan to change, which was approved.He's been busy with it all this time.

After listening to Yao Mowu's words, Yang Sunan gave a very low "oh", and then he reacted and said, "How did you know that you are going to celebrate with your colleagues? I want to introduce you to them. Well, wait for you We'll talk about it when we come back tonight."

The meeting with Mr. Han went very smoothly. The meaning revealed by Mr. Han's words made Yao Mowu guess that Fan Dongsheng probably knew the president of the domestic company.As for whether they are familiar or not, they should be able to say a few words, otherwise Mr. Wu would not fall so fast.

The host and guest had a good time and drank some wine. Yao Mowu knew that he was going to drink and didn't drive over.Fan Dongsheng asked her to give her a lift, and he was also prepared to bring the driver out to drive.

"I heard that Yang Sunan has been very popular in the company recently."

"As long as he is happy with what he does, well, I met Miss Guan at the third sister's house a few days ago. Although no one can tell from her face, I think it's a pity for you to give up like this. gone."

Yao Mowu thought that Guan Jie would be somewhat offended when she met her. After all, Kong Wenyao was from her company, but she didn't expect that she was the same as before, and there was no difference at all.In private, Yao Mowu explained to her that Kong Wenyao drank too much that day, and it was just a stopgap measure that they didn't really fall in love.

She still remembers Guan Jie's eyes, her eyes seem to be smiling, and she seems to be mocking, but she said very clearly, "The breakup has nothing to do with Kong Wenyao, our conflict is that he can't give me what I want, as for him to give There is really no need to pursue it. So what if it is pursued, can he take it back to me? A person's heart is often not in his own hands."

Yao Mowu only felt that she seemed to be standing on a high mountain looking down on the world, and that she was one of the ordinary people, and she could only look up to her other than lamenting the realm of others.

"She is a special woman who deserves someone better." Fan Dongsheng smiled. Do you regret it? No matter who misses a woman like her, there will be some.

She is open-minded, calm and elegant. People who are too perfect will make people feel unreal. Maybe it is the best choice to take a step back and be friends.

When she came back, Yang Sunan wasn't home yet, so she called and asked if she still needed to be there.It was a woman who answered the phone, and she explained as soon as she answered, "I'm Mr. Yang's colleague. He drank a little too much and went to the bathroom. You are her girlfriend. I'll let him go back to you later, okay?"

Yao Mowu heard the voice coming from the microphone, it didn't look like she was at a dining place, she might have gone to a bar.It happened that she didn't like places that were too noisy, so she responded and hung up the phone.

Half an hour, an hour, it's been a long time and I still haven't called back, did I forget, or I was too drunk.Yao Mowu was thinking wildly, rolling around on the sofa alone, unable to fall asleep.

Soon there was a sound from outside. She had just stood up when the door was already opened, and two big men supported Yang Sunan to help him back.Yao Mowu thanked the two of them and sent them out. When he turned around, Yang Sunan was already lying on the sofa and fell asleep.

At noon the next day, Yang Sunan woke up from a hangover, turned over and sat up on the sofa with his head pressed, and there was a glass of honey water where he stretched out his hand.The note pressed underneath said that she had gone to work and asked him to eat something before going out after getting up.

There was porridge boiled in the kitchen, and several cold dishes were placed on the dining table, which made people who had no appetite start to move their index fingers.Yang Sunan, who hadn't seen Yao Mowu for two days and had to wait and wait to report good news, smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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