Reborn Star Glimmer

Chapter 135 Qu Tiange

Chapter 135 Qu Tiange

Tell me that when Yang Sunan was studying abroad, she bribed Nanjing He to set Yang Sunan up and frame him for imprisonment?No, Tao Shulan shook her head, telling this matter would only make Yang Ximing loathe herself even more, and she could definitely play the coerced wretch to gain sympathy.

Tao Shulan kept telling herself to stay calm and absolutely not to make foolish moves again, otherwise there would be no chance of recovery.

Yao Mowu received a call from Wen Yuan, he hesitated for a long time before saying that she was in love and wanted her good friend to meet her boyfriend.Yao Mowu is naturally a good one, and went to the restaurant they had agreed upon after work.

The man standing next to Wen Yuan was not very handsome, but overall he exuded a very gentle temperament.When not talking, she also smiled lightly, and when she looked at Wenyuan, there was a tenderness in her eyes that couldn't be hidden.

Seeing the two girls talking, he couldn't intervene for a while, but just listened quietly by the side, pouring some water for them from time to time.Decent and thoughtful, from the heart, a person's eyes can't deceive others.A man who is not very ambitious but gentle and considerate is simply a perfect match for Wen Yuan.

When going out after dinner, Wen Yuan walked ahead with her and asked in a low voice, "What do you think?"

"What do you think? When the two of you meet your eyes, you can supply the electricity of a building." Yao Mowu squeezed her eyes, her expression was indescribably cute.

When going out, a man and a woman came in affectionately arm in arm. The man took care of the woman carefully, and one accidentally bumped Wenyuan's shoulder.

Wen Yuan said "Alas", and was about to speak when she heard her boyfriend's voice behind, "Teacher Qu, what a coincidence." She stepped forward and took Wen Yuan's hand.

Qu Tiange looked at Wenyuan and then at his colleagues, and said awkwardly, "Hey, it's Teacher Xiang, I'm so sorry."

Seeing that they were acquaintances, Wen Yuan had no choice but to show a shallow smile and said it was okay.

The woman next to Qu Tiange showed a heavily made-up face, looked at them coldly, and then urged impatiently: "Honey, I'm hungry, hurry up and go in."

Xiang Lin's complexion changed slightly, he thought what kind of pot should match what kind of lid, to have such a girlfriend as a treasure, there is only one like Qu Tiange.Immediately said: "Let's go, I won't come to this house in the future, it's really disappointing to meet such a person."

Women are gossipers, so it is natural to be clear.Xiang Lin couldn't be bothered, so he explained to them: "This Qu Tiange used to marry the daughter of a professor at the school and also worked in the school. She is eight years older than him or several years old. I kicked him a few years ago and married He is a rich man. He seems to be a little abnormal, he always hears that he is on a blind date, but he only sees some strange people."

Yao Mowu's heart skipped a beat, he knew Qu Tiange's name, and once the two sides were printed correctly, he knew who he was.Tao Shulan's ex-husband, Kong Wenyao's ex-boyfriend.

"The conditions for his blind date are very low, why are he all weird people?" Yao Mowu asked curiously.

This sentence aroused Xiang Lin's laughter. Under the gaze of the two, he quickly explained, "I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing at him. To be honest, I'm almost becoming a laughing stock in our school."

It turned out that after Qu Tiange's divorce, there were still quite a few people who were enthusiastic about dating him.Many people think that although his family conditions are not good and he doesn't have a house, but fortunately he looks good and works in the school.It is also a good thing to find a similar point.

Unexpectedly, although Qu Tiange showed a strong desire to go on a blind date, he required that the other party must be a beautiful woman, and secondly, he could not rely on him to support him because he had his own job.Of course, it's not an excessive request, but the funniest thing is that he also requires the woman to have a car and a house for her dowry.

Mentioning these requirements is actually enough to make many people retreat. Of course, his appearance is extremely deceptive, and some innocent little girls were fooled.The year before last, there was a couple who had reached the stage of discussing marriage, to the point where the two families were sitting together to discuss marriage.

Qu Tiange's parents came from their hometown and asked the woman to put his son's name on the new house, otherwise it would be a joke for the old couple to live here.The woman's parents were stunned, so they asked how much their family could offer as a bride price.

The other party opened his mouth and stretched out three fingers. The woman's parents thought it was 30 yuan, so they said that they spent almost 200 million yuan to buy the new house, and they wanted to add a bride price of at least 100 million yuan.In fact, it is equivalent to saying, don’t want your bride price, you must know that they bought the 200 million house several years ago, and the market price of the year before last was almost 400 million.

In this way, anyone should say that the other party's parents are kind.It's a pity that Qu Tiange's parents don't think so, what does the three fingers they stretch out mean, thirty thousand.

Yes, you read that right, they want the woman to pay half of the real estate, but they only give [-].The woman's parents were so angry that they patted the table and said there was no need to talk about it, the marriage fell through, and the daughter would not marry their son.

The most exciting thing is yet to come, Qu Tiange's parents actually proudly said that their daughter has already slept with their son, and now it is worthless, and if they don't marry their son, they will just wait to be an old girl.

The girl, who was still a little sad, poured a pot of vegetable soup on the table on Qu Tiange's head, scolded him, and the two parties broke up unhappy.It is said that such a secret matter, except for the person concerned, who can know outsiders.

They are also Qu Tiange's parents, living in their son's dormitory, the more they think about it, the more angry they become, and they feel that the other party is wronged.The dormitory is full of school staff or family members. During the day when the son goes to work, they wander around the school, talking almost to everyone, making Qu Tiange the biggest joke of the year in the school.

Qu Tiange had no choice but to send his parents back, and then started his long journey to find the fool.No one dared to introduce a girlfriend to him anymore, but they were not uncommon. Now that the Internet is so developed and there are so many dating websites, he relies on his face and a job that is easy to get people to trust, and he lives a life of dating every day.

After Xiang Lin finished speaking, Wen Yuan was dumbfounded, and suddenly thought of Han Zejun back then, how their parents were different from Qu Tiange's parents, the pity is that only her own authorities are fans.Only now did I realize how much love and perseverance my parents and elder brother used to accommodate her for her.

It was also the first time for Yao Mowu to hear about Qu Tiange. Compared with his previous behavior, he felt that this was really something he could do.

Fan Dongsheng called Yao Mowu, "The payment has been received, and the matter has been explained. Do you want to name it after you?"

"No, with my parents' names."

The two talked about how Yao Mowu had given out a sum of money a few days ago, hoping that Fan Dongsheng's team would help her build several schools in remote and impoverished areas, and subsidize some children's food and school expenses.

After talking about these things, Fan Dongsheng hesitated and asked, "How is Kong Wenyao doing recently?"

"She's pretty good, and she's going out with the crew to promote." Yao Mowu wondered why he asked Kong Wenyao alone, but answered honestly.

"Oh, I've seen this movie, and it completely overwhelmed the protagonist's limelight. I don't think there will be anything wrong with her when I read the promotion. Tomorrow, I'm going to make an appointment with a director from abroad. You can bring her with you."

Yao Mowu agreed, this is really abnormal, usually he would not do such things.There is also Hua Yishan in Dongsheng Film and Television, shouldn't she be more suitable for meeting foreign directors?

Of course, she was weird, but she wouldn't say it, let alone take advantage of the opportunity.When telling Kong Wenyao, unexpectedly Kong Wenyao hesitated, "Do you have to go?"

"What nonsense, of course I want to go." Yao Mowu couldn't help wondering, she should be very clear about the meaning of this, how could she ask such a thing.

Could it be that, thinking of the abnormal reactions of the two people, Yao Mowu belatedly thought, could these two be...

Yao Mowu smiled knowingly, and decided to pretend that she didn't know anything, and let them develop slowly.

At this time, Qu Tiange was sitting in Dong Xiaoyu's mansion, unable to contain the surprise in his heart.He is not an ignorant person. This house is worth at least tens of millions. It seems that he really caught a big fish.

Dong Xiaoyu had been dating him for half a month, and this was the first time he brought him home, pointing at the house and coquettishly saying: "Look, I live alone in such a big house, it's really boring, why don't you come to accompany him. "

Of course Qu Tiange couldn't ask for it, but on the surface he pretended to be reserved and said: "This, is it not too good, I'm afraid your family will gossip."

Dong Xiaoyu took out the speech she had prepared a long time ago. Her family had immigrated to a foreign country long ago.She was also married abroad and was a rich man.It's a pity that the husband of a rich man doesn't understand sentimentality and is not romantic at all, which made Dong Xiaoyu bored, and wanted to divorce but couldn't leave, so he hid back in China.

Of course, Dong Xiaoyu said that he had already submitted the divorce agreement, even if the other party disagreed, he would be sentenced to divorce after one year.At that time, they can get married, so that Qu Tiange doesn't have to work anymore, and the two of them will travel around the world and enjoy life to their heart's content.

After some refusals, Qu Tiange moved into Dong Xiaoyu's mansion and drove Dong Xiaoyu's sports car to work.He also started to be careless about work. Anyway, he can quit his job in less than a year and travel around the world. What is work?

Xiang Lin is a few years younger than him, and the two are in the same group, so they are often compared.Of course, Xiang Lin's family environment is better. Although he is not as handsome as him, he is more loved by many aunts who like to be matchmakers than him.

Hearing that Xiang Lin had a girlfriend, he was inevitably disappointed. As for Qu Tiange, they had already been blacklisted, and they didn't even look at him.But at this moment, Qu Tiange consciously found a golden phoenix, which was much better than the ordinary staff Xiang Lin found, and he also wanted to show off.

Of course, it is definitely impossible for men to show off like women, carrying a valuable bag and dangling it in front of you is considered showing off.When a colleague joked and asked them to bring his girlfriend to meet him, he patted his chest boldly, "No problem, I'll treat you tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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