Reborn Star Glimmer

Chapter 171 Choice

Chapter 171 Choice
Yao Mowu took a chance to ask Yang Sunan if there was any movement above.If he didn't say anything, he went outside to inquire, and if he said something wrong, wouldn't it cause trouble.

Yang Sunan patted her head, "I don't want you to worry about it at all, these are men's business."

However, he still slowly told Yao Mowu some things that could be said. Although she couldn't understand most of them, it didn't prevent her from getting a general idea.

The biggest boss is about to be replaced, and several factions want their own people to take over.During the battle, there were compromises and exchanges. Basically, there were only two parties left to fight.

And the people that the Tian family has always supported have withdrawn under compromise.They are currently neutral, and both sides are wooing, but the old man of the Tian family has some concerns and is still hesitating.

Yao Mowu asked some more questions, and learned that the Cao family was a staunch supporter of one of them.They were also trying to win over the Tian family, that's why they gave way in the last confrontation of the lawsuit.

Hearing this time, Yao Mowu knew what to do.Pushing the Tian family to the right side is considered a consummation of merit and virtue.

Just say it directly, maybe even Yang Sunan will say that she has a high fever.How could such a thing be predicted.Wait, just because she can't predict it doesn't mean others can't.

Thinking of Father Gan, who had helped them a lot before, he insisted on not paying him, so Yao Mowu arranged for someone to renovate his house, and he only found out when Xiaotian sent him back.I was quite moved and called Yao Mowu to thank him. Yao Mowu also always remembered that he would send some things to him during the holidays.

Ask him for help at this time, presumably he will not refuse.But can they believe it?This is nothing else, if you don't do it, you will risk your life, and the last time will be your official career in the next few years.

Seeing that Yao Mowu didn't speak for a long time, Yang Sunan creaked the soft flesh around her waist with his hands, took her into his arms while she was laughing, bowed his head and kissed her.

Yao Mowu, who had been kissing all the time, was limp and powerless before she was willing to let her go. Yao Mowu gasped and said, "Didn't your aunt tell me to move back home?"

"Don't listen to her nonsense, she was scolded by my father, and now she is honest." Yang Sunan became angry when he mentioned this matter.

I don't know what's going on in her head, she is obviously living in Yang's house, but she is as secure as living in her own house.I haven't met Yang Sunan for many years, and usually things will happen, and it's too late to establish a good relationship.She is fine, she needs to gain a sense of presence in everything.

During this period of time, because of preparations for the wedding, the two often went back to the old house for dinner and discussed things by the way.She popped up out of nowhere and told Yao Mowu to move back to her home, she was going to get married soon, and it would be ugly to live together.

It wasn't a big deal at first, but when she said it like this, it seemed like Yao Mowu sent a stick to his door.Yang Sunan was so angry that he exploded on the spot. Fortunately, Yang Ximing supported his son and told his sister to shut up if she didn't understand.Turning back to appease Yao Mowu, telling her not to take it to heart.This made Yang Sunan's clenched fist slowly loosen again.

Yang Xihe was scolded, but he still muttered to himself, saying that girls in big cities are open, and it would be immoral to put them in their hometown.It's different without parents. Do things according to your temper. Is it wrong to discipline the elders?

The angry Yao Mowu had tears in her eyes on the spot. She is an elder, so even if she said something ugly, she could only endure it.But when it comes to her parents, she absolutely can't bear it.

Although she didn't have an attack on the spot, Yang Sunan could tell from her cold eyes that she definitely had something on her mind.

So now hearing what she said, he hugged her quickly, for fear that she would vent her anger on himself.She couldn't help saying that she would invite her father out for dinner in the future, and she would never let her suffer this kind of grievance again.

"That's your house, there's no reason to let the master come out, and she stays at home." Yao Mowu chuckled, which made Yang Sunan feel relieved, and went out with her not at all. Idea to deal with his hated aunt.

"It's simple. Let's ask her to work overtime when we go back to dinner." Yang Sunan smiled. She doesn't work in the company, so she just takes advantage of this.

"Speaking of which, she is already 50 years old, so why does she still have to go to work?" Yao Mowu was always wondering, she must have come to play, Yang Ximing would not treat his sister badly, why did he suddenly join the company to work.

Yang Sunan told her how she spent half her life in her hometown and ended up getting nothing done.Then he said it was her father's arrangement, as if she wanted to borrow money from Nanjing He, and also wanted to do some business, so she simply let her go to work, which was actually to restrain her.And in addition to the company's salary, Yang Ximing also paid a separate salary to let her stay obediently.

Yao Mowu asked about her family situation again, and when she learned that she had a daughter who was just in her early twenties, she said happily, "Oh, I'm worried about not having a bridesmaid, isn't this a ready-made candidate?"

Looking at Yao Mowu's sly eyes, Yang Sunan couldn't believe that she would think of asking her cousin to come over as a bridesmaid.But since she said so, she naturally has her plan.

Sure enough, he just went to his father's office when he was at work, and mentioned the matter of the bridesmaid, whether there was anything special about it.At night, Nanjing He urged Yang Xihe to speak, saying that his daughter was just right.

Nanjing He added fuel and salt and said that she hadn't seen it yet, and asked her to call now and let her daughter come by tomorrow's plane.As if afraid that Yang Ximing would go back on his word, Yang Ximing immediately said yes when he thought of his own nephew, whom he hadn't met yet.Even if you can't be a bridesmaid, it's fine to come and have fun.

Yang Xihe's daughter, Li Jiaren, lives with her father.Hearing her mother's call, she took an early flight the next day, and Nanjing He sent someone to take her back to Yang's house and put her in the guest room, next to Yang Xihe.

Cousin Li Jiaren is here, of course Yang Sunan will take Yao Mowu back for dinner.The two had met once when they were young, but they hadn't remembered much for a long time.

Seeing her cousin, she acted generously, with a round oval face and fair skin, although she could not be called a beauty, she was somewhat delicate.

Yao Mowu prepared a gift for her, and Li Jiaren took it out of the bag on the spot, her smiling eyes nearly narrowed.Seeing how she couldn't put it down, everyone smiled kindly.

Nanjing He also smiled and said: "It turns out that our beauty likes bags, and my second aunt will give you one too tomorrow."

Li Jiaren smiled shyly, thanked Second Aunt in a low voice, and sat down.

Yang Ximing didn't come back for dinner at night, Yao Mowu sent a gift as an excuse to lose weight and didn't eat, so he went back with Yang Sunan first.

As soon as they left, Yang Xihe smiled triumphantly: "Look, I just taught a few words that day, and I was afraid that we would object, so I immediately sent something to please. Also, which woman can marry us Sunan, and she is not dead Hold on tight."

Li Jiaren looked at the long crystal chandelier in the living room, and Yang Xihe told her proudly that the lamp cost several million, and it was real crystal, not glass.It's as if this is not my brother's house, but my own.

When I arrived at my mother's room at night, Li Jiaren said enviously, "I've always heard that the second uncle's family is rich, but I never thought it would be like this. Our house is not as big as other people's living rooms. I used to think that the first uncle's house would be the best. Now Only then did I know that there is a sky beyond the sky."

Yang Xihe patted his daughter on the head, and said dotingly: "You only know, please curry favor with your uncle and cousin, and let them arrange you to work in the company."

Thinking of Nanjing He's words, and looking at her daughter, she suddenly felt that life was full of hope.She is Yang Ximing's biological sister, and her daughter is also Yang Ximing's biological niece.

What's more, she is young and beautiful, so are you afraid that she won't be in the market?God knows how many young talents will come to Yang Sunan to get married, and he must seize this great opportunity.

Thinking of this, I feel that Nanjing He is better.If she is allowed to fulfill her wish again, can she and her daughter stay here until they get married?

Yang Sunan made the excuse that his cousin hadn't been to the capital, and asked his secretary to accompany her to go out for a stroll.The secretary was also very smart. When she received the task, she took the initiative to call Yao Mowu, and she called out sweetly, "Sister Mo, where would you like to take her to play?"

"For tourism, let her go with a group, and a little girl who is tired and tired may not like it. Take her to the mall and have a good time."

The secretary immediately found his way, and he readily agreed to pick up Li Jiaren by car and just go for a walk.What high-end to see what, what is the most expensive to see what.Along the way, there are so many treasures, what Paris and Beijing are released at the same time, what star is also wearing this year's new style, Li Jiaren's eyes are shining, and the eyeballs are almost popping out.

For lunch, I also chose a newly opened western restaurant. After paying the bill, Li Jiaren said in surprise, "What, more than 5000, is it a miscalculation? A western meal in our hometown is only 200 yuan."

The secretary didn't laugh at her ignorance. While paying the bill, she called the waiter over, "Explain your specialties to this lady."

Wow la la is a brainwashing, what method is used to slaughter the cows that grew up under the snow-capped mountains and plateaus without pollution, and only the most essence is taken. flew away.

The secretary pulled Li Jiaren, who was still thinking about it, into the car, and said with a smile: "I'm on a business trip, so I'm sorry to go to an expensive place. Let your cousin treat me another day, that's really a good place. Here, It’s just that people like us think it’s good.”

Li Jiaren was stunned to herself, it's not too expensive.More expensive, is that really a meal? It’s just money.

Before she could wake up, he took her to the next shopping mall.She is just a secretary, of course it is impossible to pay for her.He just took her to the mall as a shopping guide as if he didn't know the situation at home.

Everything looks good, but I can't even afford a T-shirt.Li Jiaren felt a deep sense of frustration, and at this moment, the secretary's cell phone rang.Hearing her keep saying yes, yes, I understand, I will go back and get it right away.

Then she told Li Jiaren that Yao Mowu originally sent someone to buy her clothes with a credit card, but the person who delivered the card was stuck in traffic, and she didn't know it, so she missed it.Let her go shopping in the mall and place an order if she likes it, and she immediately takes the card to check out.

(End of this chapter)

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