Chapter 60

Yao Mowu could tell that as soon as he entered the Yang family's mansion, Yang Sunan would automatically evolve into a hedgehog, and he would stab whoever he caught without any hesitation.

She quickly pressed Yang Sunan's hand, and quickly said: "Tomorrow, Anan and I are going to go out to play, and come to pick up Miss Shui at nine o'clock in the morning. Do you think this time is okay?"

The latter sentence was directed at Miss Shui, seeing her nodding, Yang Ximing snorted heavily and stopped talking.

The family finished their meal in a weird atmosphere, Yang Sunan didn't even bother to drink his saliva, and took Yao Mowu out the door.Yao Mowu wrapped her coat tightly, and suddenly came out of the heated house. The cold air was sucked into her lungs, and she shivered involuntarily.

Fortunately, the driver had already driven the car at the gate, so Yang Sunan quickly opened the door and let her get in.After driving the car all the way out of the villa area, I asked her if she wanted to find a place to eat again.

"Okay." Yao Mowu nodded unceremoniously. The two of them didn't know how to eat the meal just now. They took two symbolic mouthfuls and didn't move their chopsticks at all.

"I'll trouble you again tomorrow." Yang Sunan took a chopstick and put the mutton into her bowl.

This is Yang Sunan's favorite place to come in winter. Fortunately, it is still open during Chinese New Year, so it is a good place to eat in winter.

"I can't tell who is bothering whom. I stay alone."

"It's the premiere these days, are you okay?" Yang Sunan remembered it clearly.

"There are so many people in the company, I can't be used." It's not that I can't be used, but because of her remarks, Mr. Zhou intentionally or unintentionally excluded her from the promotion of the movie.

Yang Sunan has been looking for a breakthrough, no matter what aspect it is, he can't sit still like this.Therefore, when Yao Mowu assured him that Director Gao's new movie would be a hit, he was far less calm than imagined.If true, it would greatly improve his situation with the company.

"Just say what you have to say, why do you have such an expression." Yang Sunan laughed when she saw that she was hesitating to speak.

Her question is very simple, why doesn't Lan Ying come to this kind of thing, I believe she will be very happy.As for the fans, don't talk about it, female celebrities have the opportunity to marry into a wealthy family, who cares what the fans think.

Yang Sunan smiled slightly, "We are in a working relationship, and it's not good to involve too many personal matters. You can fulfill what you promised, but I want the position of the heroine."

"Can't we discuss it again?" Yao Mowu was startled. This drama is very important to Kong Wenyao. If it can be won, it will at least allow her to survive five years earlier.

Yang Sunan raised his brows, "You only have two actresses under your command. Could it be that you intend to let Kong Wenyao play, can Director Gao agree?"

Director Gao has even used newcomers, so there is nothing he can't agree to, Yao Mowu nodded.

"This is difficult. Even if I persuade the company to invest, it's hard to justify a lead actor who doesn't use his own company."

Yao Mowu didn't expect there to be such a variable, so she managed to force a smile, "Let's discuss this matter later, let's eat first."

Back home, Yao Mowu dialed Cai Xiaojuan's phone number, but the other party insisted on inviting her to dinner, but refused but had to agree.

In a very quiet Chinese and Western restaurant, Cai Xiaojuan looked ruddy and a little fatter, apparently the past events no longer troubled her life.

After chatting for a while, Yao Mowu found out that Ma Shiguo's parents-in-law brought two other sons to her to argue with her, demanding to pay back the money his son earned, and even threatened to break her legs if she didn't pay back.

Once a woman becomes strong, she really cannot be underestimated.Cai Xiaojuan immediately released the recording of Ma Shiguo insulting her at the door of her house on the day of the divorce, directly saying that they dared to move a finger of her, and sent this recording of Ma Shiguo admitting to keeping a mistress and abusing his ex-wife to their village, and everyone had a copy.

Ma Shiguo's parents are most concerned about face, and their son is their capital to bully and brag in the village. If other people in the village know about it, they won't laugh at them to death.

"I have sold my original house and bought a new one with a smaller area but closer to the company." Cai Xiaojuan happily talked about her new life, food, movies, travel and so on.Feeling that the previous ten years were like a dream, and now the dream has finally woken up, but I am also old.

"Old and not old, you have to pay for meals as well." Yao Mowu joked for a while, and turned the topic to Lan Ying.

Cai Xiaojuan knew everything. She didn't have much contact with Lan Ying, but all the contracts of the company had to be audited by the financial office, including the payment of salaries. Asking her would make her clearer.

After getting the answer she wanted, Yao Mowu thanked her solemnly, and promised to cancel the deal with her.

Early the next morning, Yao Mowu went downstairs as scheduled and Yang Sunan went to pick up Miss Shui, a short white mink fur coat, a simple sweater and skinny jeans.

Yao Mowu took a look at her, and as soon as she called Miss Shui, she smiled and said, "My name is Shui Yujing, you can call me Xiaojing or Jingjing, what kind of Miss Shui is too strange."

She played the role of a good baby throughout the whole process, neither took the initiative to talk to Yang Sunan, nor did she make up her own mind about what to do.All actions were under command, but Yang Sunan wanted to embarrass her, so he couldn't find anything to say.

Sending her home at night, she pursed her lips and said with a smile: "I'll go back and tell Aunt Tao that I'm a little tired and want to rest at home for a few days. You don't need to pick me up tomorrow. Have fun by yourself."

After speaking, he blinked at Yang Sunan, who was a little surprised, and said: "You really think you are a cute young master, and I was also forced by my parents to have no choice."

Seeing her getting out of the car, Yao Mowu couldn't help laughing and said, "It's hard to put on a bad face for you all day, but in the end, you flirt with blind people. They didn't even look at you."

Yang Sunan also thought it was funny, but still insisted: "Who said that, how do you know that she said that is not a way to get caught."

Taking advantage of the Chinese New Year, Yao Mowu told Director Gao that his investment intentions were generally confirmed.But he said with some embarrassment: "I know that Director Gao may not believe this, but I made a suggestion that the filming of this movie must start in early April, otherwise there will still be a catastrophe."

How many people who play antiques don't believe this? Director Gao was half-believing at first, but when the fire happened this time, he believed it a little more.What's more, Yao Mowu has a reputation of "poisonous mouth", and he knows a little bit about it.

After hearing the so-called catastrophe, he was really scared, and he repeatedly promised that as long as the funds were in place, he would try his best to catch up with this time.

Seeing Gao Dao's confident tone, Yao Mowu said embarrassingly: "You must keep it a secret, otherwise..."

"I understand, I understand." Director Gao waved his hands again and again, with an expression that I understand everything, needless to say.

After the new year, Yao Mowu arranged for Director Gao and Yang Sunan to meet and set up some details of the contract. Regarding the shooting time, Director Gao refused to budge. He would rather not shoot or even compromise some terms. He had to rush to the beginning of April .

Yang Sunan immediately understood that it was Yao Mowu's fault, because Lan Ying was going to join the crew in March, and she wasn't expected to come back until October.He thought to himself that according to Gao Yuanbai's temperament of striving for perfection in everything, it would be too early to start filming in October.No wonder Yao Mowu stopped talking about the heroine, she was waiting for him here.

"With your expression, are you here to apologize?" Yang Sunan received her text message and went to the restaurant she had agreed upon.

Yao Mowu pulled the chair away for him awkwardly, "Sit down, I did this dishonestly, and I will pay you back later."

This is for the sake of everyone being friends, he won't really turn his back on him, and it would be so easy to talk to someone else.She knew it in her heart, and felt more and more guilty, but if she had to do it all over again, she still wouldn't change her mind.Her resources are limited, if she doesn't seize every opportunity to create conditions, she can wait, but her artists can't.

"Okay, then remember to owe me a favor." Yang Sunan didn't care too much about her petty tricks, and just laughed it off.

After the New Year, the colleagues who returned to work in Dongsheng consciously restrained their voices.Without him, the film that the company placed high hopes on won both a loss at the box office and word of mouth. As for the awards, no one mentioned it anymore.

Fan Dongsheng comforted Mr. Zhou, "Director Zhou is famous and capable, and the performance of the actors is not a problem. It was just an accident of transformation. Mr. Zhou doesn't have to blame himself too much."

Zhou Donghua did not expect such a situation. Although the release date has not yet passed, but with such a good schedule, it will still be like this after more than half of the time. It is impossible to counterattack in the last few days.

"Director Gao's new movie is looking for two artists under Xiao Yao to star in the male and female protagonists. Does our company have an investment?"

Mr. Zhou was even more embarrassed, and he could only explain: "The investor is Mr. Yang from Chufeng Entertainment. Xiaoyao asked me to mention Director Gao's new movie before Chinese New Year, and I promised to consider it. Unexpectedly, Director Gao is a quick-tempered man. , find someone else so quickly."

The more she talked about the back, the less confident she was. If Yao Mowu hadn't been involved in this investment, how could her artist get the starring role.But, why is it Yang Sunan? Isn't she the eyeliner placed by Boss Fan in the company?Zhou Donghua became more and more confused about her identity.

"This year's Chinese New Year, I heard that Yang Sunan brought her back to the Yang family's old house to meet her parents." Fan Dongsheng said with a faint smile.

"What." Zhou Donghua's performance could almost be called a gaffe, he really didn't expect, after guessing, this girl was actually Yang Sunan's eyeliner inserted into the company.Could it be that he didn't believe in himself? Thinking of this, a layer of anger appeared on Zhou Donghua's face.

"Mr. Zhou, don't think too much. They worked together in a company in Jinlin City two years ago. As for the work, it was a mistake." Fan Dongsheng explained in detail that she was rejected by Chu Feng, Later, he was recruited by Manager Lin.

Zhou Donghua also heard about the inside story of Manager Lin being forced to resign, but he didn't expect the protagonist to be Yao Mowu.

"It's all about what." Zhou Donghua sighed, this relationship is really messed up.

(End of this chapter)

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