Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 194 Ginseng Fruit

Chapter 194 Ginseng Fruit

"Well, Jiang Liu'er will report on the progress of her homework tomorrow."

Chen Nuo said something and stepped into the car.

The monkey patted Jiang Liuer's shoulder distressedly, jumped forward, and went to explore the way ahead.

As for the driver, this has been honored to Bajie.

call out!
The monkey's somersault was fast, and after a few minutes, the monkey came back again.

"Sir, there is a place called Huangfengling in front of me. I noticed the spirit of monsters and weasels there, but I didn't find any fairies."

Hanging upside down on the roof of a high-speed car, the monkey poked its head out of the window to report his discovery.

"Huang Fengling?"

Chen Nuo read a sentence, and before he could carefully calculate the information from the sky and the earth, Bajie, who was driving, answered.

"Sir, they must have been taken back. Except for people like my old pig and the goblins who were born and raised from ancient times, the other goblins are gone."

Bajie slammed the accelerator to the end, driving more irritable than a monkey, looking at the road ahead, and didn't turn around to explain the problem.

"Pig head, what do you mean?" The monkey couldn't understand.

"Ask sir."

Bajie didn't dare to say it, Chen Nuo must understand what he said, but he didn't dare to decide whether to let the monkey know about it.

This involves the monkey being played by immortals and Buddhas.

"Remember the black bear spirit, Guanyin wants to bring it back, so that the luck will not be plundered by us."

Chen Nuo gave a simple explanation.

Except for the goblins born by nature, the other goblins were brought back, which is not surprising.

Because the Journey to the West was originally prepared for Tang Seng and the Buddhist sect, but now that he has cut off Jiang Liuer, the Buddhist sect will definitely not let him plunder his luck.

Naturally bred like a black bear spirit, this needs to be plundered.

Like the white dragon horse, or the yellow wind monster, or even the goblins they arranged later, if there is an internal solution, there is no need to go through Chen Nuo.

"Bajie, drive faster."

Chen Nuo leaned on the back of the chair and told Ba Jie to speed up.

To be honest, it's quite fun to fight wits with the immortals and gods all over the sky, with a group of big bosses in the world, calculate, divide the enemy, and make the big bosses of the whole world be furious but have nothing to do with themselves.

"Yes, sir."

Joining the Journey to the West team, Bajie behaved very peacefully, with the gas pedal under his feet, the steam car rushed forward along the Journey to the West road.

Huangfengling, which is eight hundred miles away, is actually a quarter of an hour or two by car on the Westward Journey Road, which has the magical power of shrinking the land to an inch.

Before noon, Chen Nuo and the others came to a muddy river with extremely high sand content.

"Sir, I seem to be familiar with this place." Jiang Liu'er looked at the scenery outside the window with a surprised expression.

"You have been here in your previous life."

Chen Nuo smiled, the [-]-mile Liusha River with three thousand weak waters is the place where Sand Monk is, and it is also the place where Jiang Liu'er's ninth life came here and was eaten, and his head was practiced into Buddhist beads.

"Bajie, drive directly there."

Seeing that Ba Jie wanted to stop, Chen Nuo calmly ordered, and with a thought, the Liusha River suddenly froze over hundreds of miles away.

The temperature of the environment is dropping sharply, and the air convection has set off a strong wind.

The river of weak water was originally difficult for immortals and gods to cross, let alone frozen.

However, the decline of the world and even the innate spirit treasures are about to become waste products. The power of this weak water is almost equal to nothing, and it has no resistance to Chen Nuo's temperature control.

A trace of suspicion flashed in Bajie's eyes, he opened his mouth to speak, but he held back in the end, stepped on the accelerator, and the tracks of the steam car rushed directly onto the ice surface, crushing the ice, and rushed to the other side of the river at a fast speed.

At the bottom of the river, the Drifting Monk who sensed Chen Nuo's group of people coming over and was about to rush out of the river, saw the ice that suddenly froze over ten feet above his head, and the biting cold made him shiver involuntarily.

The steam car rushed across the river and came to the opposite bank. The ice behind it was suddenly pierced, and a bearded man stood on the ice, looking at the car in the distance.

"Hey! Wait for me!"

Drifting felt that something was wrong, so he hurriedly chased after him.

The script is all written, why don't you act according to the script.


Bajie looked at the Drifting who was running and flying in the rearview mirror, and finally couldn't help shouting.

Journey to the West has magical powers. Drifting has not yet joined the Journey to the West team and cannot enjoy the buff interlayer that shrinks the ground to an inch. In this way, it is difficult to catch up with him according to his flying speed.

"Let him chase after him. Let's talk about it at the front of Wuzhuang Temple. It's very interesting there."

Chen Nuo lay down casually, and the little fox was cleaning his ears, making him close his eyes comfortably.

In Wuzhuang Temple, Zhen Yuanzi is paying attention to the Journey to the West incident.

When he saw that Chen Nuo didn't follow the script, he left the Drifting Monk and went straight to him, then turned his head and said, "Qingfeng, Mingyue, a distinguished guest is coming, go and fetch 5 ginseng fruits."

"Yes, sir."

Qingfeng and Mingyue responded respectfully, and took the golden hammer to the backyard.

The yard is not big, but it is like a world of its own. In the center of the world stands a huge ginseng fruit tree, covering the sky and the sun. There are 30 life fruits like children on a full moon hanging under the branches.

The rich aura of heaven and earth flows back and forth on the ginseng fruit tree, but the whole tree gives people a feeling of decay, and does not appear to be full of vitality because of the rich aura.

In the car driving at high speed, Chen Nuo, who was enjoying the service of the little fox, seemed to sense something, opened his eyes, and said suddenly:
"Anyway, the tree is almost dead, and the efficacy of the fruit has also declined. Hit 25 and pack 20 for me to take away. My little fox likes to eat spiritual fruit."

The monkey and the little fox looked puzzled, they didn't understand why Chen Nuo suddenly said something inexplicable, only Bajie, who understood something, widened his eyes, but he didn't dare to say anything.

He is still too young to be qualified for this boss-level dialogue and game.

In Wuzhuang Temple, Zhen Yuanzi's expression froze, and then he sighed.

"Qingfeng, Mingyue, beat 25 ginseng fruits."

"Master, this"

In the backyard, Qingfeng was picking the fruits with a golden hammer, and Mingyue was picking up the fallen fruits with a jade plate. When they heard Zhen Yuanzi's words, they both stopped, as if unwilling.

"Hit 25."

Zhen Yuanzi's tone became more serious.


Qingfeng and Mingyue looked reluctant, but they were still obedient.

Ginseng fruit falls when it meets gold, withers when it meets wood, melts when it meets water, scorches when it meets fire, and enters when it meets soil.

As soon as Qingfeng touched it with the golden hammer, the ginseng fruit hanging on the branch fell and was caught by the bright moon below, and then a ban was placed to seal the fragrance of the spiritual energy from leaking out.

Every time a fruit falls, the leaves of the ginseng fruit tree shake, and the aura on the fruit tree flows faster, and it seems to be much more energetic.

But the four people in Wuzhuang Temple clearly sensed that every time a fruit falls, the decline of the fruit tree becomes more serious. It seems that the original vitality of the ginseng fruit tree is supported by the fruit, or because of the existence of the fruit, the fruit tree is forcibly boiled Do not die.

"Great Immortal Zhenyuan, you don't have to do this."

Fairy Jinfeng, who was sitting opposite Zhen Yuanzi, looked at the backyard with an indescribable expression flashing across her expression.

If there are not so many fruits, the ginseng fruit tree can last longer. Now that 25 fruits have been harvested, this ginseng fruit root that has been born since the beginning of the world will die soon.

In the future, even if the fruit tree is still withered and decayed, it has no form. The inner source has died, and it will never be able to bear fruit again.

"Flowering and fruiting, this is its way, and dying with the world, this is its choice.

In order to keep its last source, I forcibly hang the fruit on the tree for tens of thousands of years without picking it. This kind of lingering is a kind of pain for it.

Pick it up, pick it all up, send away one by one old friends, I should almost send it away, and maybe it should be time to send myself away sometime. "

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head and sighed, looking outside, Chen Nuo and his group were approaching.

 Thanks to "Toy Xiaodoubao" for the rewards, thanks to "Crap de End", "【忍】" and other brothers for their rewards, thank you
(End of this chapter)

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