Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 304 Are you trying to use us as guinea pigs?

Chapter 304 Are you trying to use us as guinea pigs?
In the next second, the chaos dissipated, and four figures appeared in front of Chen Nuo and the two of them.

An easy-going and calm kind old Taoist priest.

A compassionate monk who sympathizes with the world,
A middle-aged man with deep eyes, heroic and tall.

There is also the last middle-aged man with an ordinary appearance and temperament, nothing unusual like an ordinary person.

ordinary people?

Where do ordinary people come from in this ghost place?

An Miaoyi's expression was tense, and she subconsciously assumed a defensive posture with her whole body on alert.

But these four people seem to be a little familiar.

An Miaoyi looked at the four people who appeared, thought carefully in her mind, and suddenly uttered in horror: "Dao De Tianzun, Amitabha, Emperor Hengyu, Emperor Void?"

As the only descendant of Miaoyu Temple, as a saintess, An Miaoyi knew all the great emperors in the history of the human race.

The temperament and appearance of these four people are very consistent with the four great emperors of the human race.

But how is this possible? Daode Tianzun, Emperor Amitabha, Emperor Hengyu, and Emperor Void have already passed away, and have disappeared and died for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years. How could they still be alive.

"No, Daode Tianzun is dead, and the old Taoist name is Li Er."

The kind old Taoist looked at An Miaoyi and shook his head with a smile.

"Poor monk Sakyamuni."

The monk clasped his hands together, and his face was compassionate, denying his identity.

"I am Shennong, not the Emperor Hengyu as you think."

"I am the Yellow Emperor, not Void."

The remaining two middle-aged people also explained their identities.

Chen Nuo shook his head and looked at the four great emperors: "I know you are not the four previous great emperors, but in fact they are almost the same.

The excellent spiritual cultivation place arranged by Dizun, where the bodies of the 4 Tianzun great emperors were conceived, reborn with spiritual wisdom, so you can also be regarded as the former 4 great emperors.

I don't know if the four of you have watched me in secret for so long, what's the matter? "

Facing the rebirth of the body of the Great Emperor Tianzun, four people whose strength is comparable to the top quasi-emperor, Chen Nuo did not have the slightest timidity.

Not without feeling the hostility.

He felt a complex and ever-changing hostility, sometimes hostile, sometimes relaxed, and the mental warnings came and went, indicating the other party's entanglement.

Shennong, Huangdi, human race in Chinese history, one of Yanhuang.

Lao Tzu, Sakyamuni, one of the saints in Chinese history.

However, this time the earth was robbed, these four people chose to watch.

Ridiculous moral dispute.

The six people looked at each other for a long time before the Yellow Emperor sighed.

"The road to immortality opens in this era, and the darkest turmoil in history is about to come. Originally, I called you here to further improve your strength, but I didn't think so."

The system of aura law is completely different from the basic rules. If they want to help improve Chen Nuo's strength, that won't work either.

"is it?"

Chen Nuo sneered, and looked at the four of them: "Could you be planning to wait for me to relax my vigilance, and then kill me? I don't deny that the former emperor can let go of the moral dispute, the four of you... huh. "

The reason why the Great Emperor is known as the Great Emperor is because his big heart can accommodate anything, his supreme Taoist heart is not afraid of anything, and he does everything for the survival of the race.

They will not take the orthodox dispute and the reform battle that Chen Nuo started, they will not take it to heart.

However, the heart of the emperor has long since ceased to exist for these four corpse spirits reborn from the emperor's body.

From the fact that they let the Eternal Kingdom fight against the earth, it can be seen that they still care about the battle of orthodoxy in their hearts, and they don't want to see the aura law system decline and withdraw from the stage, and the basic rule system prosper to replace it.

Facing Chen Nuo's confrontational attitude, the atmosphere once again fell into silence. After a long time, Sakyamuni sighed:

"Amitabha, this time we committed obsession.

I've died once, but I still can't let go of some things. We apologize to you. "

As he spoke, Sakyamuni solemnly performed a Buddhist salute to Chen Nuo, and the other three were silent for a moment, also bowing and apologizing.

The two sides are on equal footing, since they made a mistake, it's okay to apologize, Chen Nuo's strength is enough for this.

With the four people saluting and apologizing, Chen Nuo's spiritual warning was completely calmed down.

"Do you want me to stop the dark turmoil opened by the road to immortality in this era?"

Chen Nuo didn't accept the apology or object to the apology, but reiterated what Huangdi said just now.


Huangdi, Shennong and others nodded: "Except for you, there is no second hero in the human race who can hold up the sky when the dark turmoil occurs. Even your current quasi-emperor strength is not enough, you still need to work hard.

It's a pity that our ways of cultivation are different, otherwise our Great Emperor's Law can help you go further. "

They are the followers of the ancient emperor who guessed that the road to immortality would open in this era. This is their own long-cherished wish, and they did not lie.

"Who says it can't help me go further?
The gap is relative. If I am stronger, the Supreme Being of Darkness and Chaos will be weaker. On the contrary, if the Supreme of Darkness and Chaos is weaker, it means that my strength has improved and become stronger.

You have a way to weaken the strength of the future Supreme and improve our chances of winning in the dark turmoil. "

Chen Nuo looked at the four people, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Since these people are sneaking around and watching secretly, maybe they are still talking sarcasticly, and even want to do something to themselves and even the earth because of the orthodox dispute.

If this is simply let go, then he is not Dashuai Chen.

"any solution?"

Huang Di and the others looked at each other, facing Chen Nuo's smile, they suddenly had a bad premonition in their hearts.

"This method is simple, our system is about science and truth.

The reason why the Dark Sovereigns are strong is because they used to be extreme masters.

Even if they have cut themselves, but in times of crisis, they can still sublimate to the limit and return to the peak, reappear the imprint of Tianxin, suppress all Taos with their own way, and reappear the demeanor of the great emperor. "

Chen Nuo grinned: "At this stage, we don't know anything about Supreme's peak strength, Tianxin imprint, or the Great Emperor's Dao that has suppressed all Dao.

If we can understand the Dao of the Great Emperor better, then we can take some targeted measures to weaken or target the Dark Supreme, which is equivalent to improving our strength and chance of winning.

As the corpse of the great emperor, the body of the four of you is the body of the great emperor, and the way of the great emperor is contained inside.

If we can do some research on you, then we will be able to understand some mysteries of the Great Emperor's Way, which will increase our odds of winning in future dark and turbulent battles.

So you have a way to help me go one step further, help the earth's civilization go one step further, and improve the strength of the future human race in the face of darkness and turmoil.

Of course, this requires you to make a small sacrifice."

Speaking of the latter, Chen Nuo's meaning was obvious.


The Yellow Emperor, Shennong, Laozi, and Sakyamuni looked at each other, and the images of the human civilization on this earth conducting research on the anatomy of those frogs and mice could not help appearing in their minds.

Are you going to use us as experimental materials, put them on the dissecting table as mice slices?

(End of this chapter)

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