Chapter 317

In the face of the ultimate sublimated Supreme, the law is trembling, the myriad ways of the universe are suppressed, and countless dao patterns are flickering. Use these battleship groups to find the commander behind them.

"found it!"

Based on the communication and remote control of the battleship group, the result of finding the human commander behind it, the 9 Supremes joined forces, and their eyes lit up within a few seconds.

Found the solar system that escaped into the void.

"Break through time and space and kill them!"

Shihuang hurriedly shouted, the Huangtian Halberd in his hand cut through the blocked time and space and rushed in, followed by the Lord of Reincarnation and others also filed in one after another.

They know the general situation of this civilization, mainly relying on external technological equipment, without any self-cultivation.

In this way, as long as they are found, they can break through the barriers of technological warships and equipment, and they can be completely wiped out with one move.

"Dick! Affected by the enemy's imperial law, the energy reaction rate has decreased, and the power of all warships and equipment has been reduced by 36.43%."

"Dick! The opponent has found the coordinates of the solar system through the deduction method of the cultivation system. It is expected to break through the protection of the battleship group and reach the solar system in 13 seconds. When the enemy is deducing, our detectors have detected abnormal information fluctuations in the void."

In the depths of the void, one message after another is circulating, and the situation seems a little bad.

The Great Emperor suppressed Wan Dao together, the overbearing Dao of the Great Emperor, his strong will, even the basic rules were interfered and suppressed.

"Deduced to our coordinates, is this information technology?"

"Their system is different from ours. I think it is more appropriate to describe it as Laplace's demon."

"This is not the omnipotence and omniscience of the Laplace demon, but the law of causality in the aura law system."

"It's a pity that we have just made a breakthrough, and the mathematical model has not yet been established, otherwise we can also deduce and calculate the state of every person, every thing, and every particle in the universe."

"Restrict the strength of the opponent, cut off their minions! If there is no transcendence, the energy must be conserved. If there is no aura energy, let's see how they dance!"

One after another of information was being exchanged, and within a second before and after, one after another of instructions was sent out.

"Perform information cover-up and interference, and leave the current coordinates."

"Analyze the suppression principle of the Emperor's Law, formulate a combat plan, and prepare for the official battle"

The countless battleship equipment all over the universe suddenly burst into light, and strong information fluctuations poured into the void, and the interference covered the information of the solar system.

The faces of the Lord of Reincarnation and others changed, and they lost the coordinate information of the solar system.

The spiritual thoughts of several people swept across the void again, this time it was chaotic information, and the hidden solar system could no longer be found.

The plane was disturbed.

"We can't procrastinate any longer. Destroy those star fields of life, force the other party to show their flaws, and make up for it by the way!"

The Lord of the Shenxu had a grim expression on his face, and pointed to the eternal kingdom, the Big Dipper star field, the Ziwei star field and other life areas.

As supreme level extreme powerhouses, none of them would be fools.

They understand the reason for besieging Wei and saving Zhao.

Since the main human civilization cannot be found, and all of them are remote-controlled intelligent warships, it is the most appropriate choice to attack the life star field.

From the other party's protective actions, and that Chen Nuo is also involved, there is a high probability that the other party will be forced out and exposed.

Even if you can't force it out, if you make up for it, you can better meet the next battle.

"If they don't come out, then we will destroy the universe. If you don't believe that the universe is destroyed, they can still hide."

Shihuang waved the Huangtian Halberd, his face was gloomy, and he made up his mind.

"Kill, solve the Ziwei Starfield first!"

The Supreme Light and Darkness was even more straightforward, with a murderous roar, piercing through time and space, breaking the blockade of time and space, and arrived at the Ziwei Starfield a few seconds later.

There is a ruthless emperor in the Big Dipper Starfield, it is not suitable to do it at this time, so the most suitable target is Ziwei.

Breaking through the time-space blockade of technological equipment, the brilliant brilliance erupted like a tsunami, poured into the void, spread faster than the speed of light, and the Dao pattern of the Great Emperor's magic circle in the Ziwei Starfield was flickering.

However, this is much worse than the ancient Kunlun's Great Emperor's Formation, even the Big Dipper Starfield's. The tactics have almost no blocking ability, and they are broken in an instant.


The Supreme Light and Darkness roared.

In the Ziwei Starfield, the bodies of countless lives were blown to pieces, and they died in an instant.

Blood almost covered the sky, streamers of light flew towards the sky from the dead life.

He didn't keep his hand, he didn't leave seeds like the dark turmoil in the past. Whether it was a man in his prime, an old man or a child, they all died at this moment, and a little bit of the essence of life was swallowed up.


Ziweixing, the Beihai Eye exploded, a coffin flew out, and a stone tower was shaking, emitting a radiant light!
The ancient coffin collapsed, and a human belt suddenly bulged with the blood of the Sun Emperor.

He turned into a human form, as if he had been revived by the sudden death of all beings, holding an imperial tower in his hand, ruling the world, and angrily killed the Supreme Being of Light and Darkness.

"Another Emperor's backhand?"

Shi Huang and others who followed behind looked amazed, and they did not hesitate to do it the next moment.

Nine beams of brilliance blasted past, and the battle ended in an instant.

"This is the ration for the future. It's a pity that I really can't bear to destroy these living planets."

The Lord of Reincarnation looked at the blood-flowing Ziwei Starfield, sighed softly, waved his hand, and a bright brilliance blasted out.

The starry sky exploded.

Ziwei star exploded.

Their purpose is to force out the human civilization hidden behind, and they cannot show mercy.

If it wasn't for this, to be honest, he really didn't want to destroy the planet of life.

After all, these are the rations of the future, and the road to immortality will be opened again in a million years, so they can still have a good meal.

The Big Dipper Starfield, the frontier of the universe, countless people looked at the image displayed by the magic circle, watched tens of billions of lives die in an instant, and watched the Ziwei Starfield destroyed, everyone was stunned.


An Miaoyi held Chen Nuo's hand with a pale face.

In order to force out the dark human civilization, in order to make up for the next battle, the decisiveness and ruthlessness of the Supreme Light and Darkness, the Lord of Reincarnation and others are beyond imagination.

But in an instant, hundreds of billions of lives, a huge star field of life, just disappeared.

"Next stop, Eternal Kingdom."

After destroying the Ziwei Star Field, the Lord of Reincarnation seemed to know that the whole universe was watching them, and announced the next location indifferently.

Once again, time and space were jointly pierced, and the Lord of Reincarnation and others entered the passage one after another, jumping through space and rushing to the eternal kingdom.

In just a few seconds, the starry sky once again burst into the light of star destruction.

"Nine Heavens Kingdom."

The Stone Emperor indifferently announced the next goal, as if as long as human civilization does not appear, they will completely slaughter all life in the universe, and then destroy the universe.

boom! !

Time and space were pierced through, and Shihuang and others jumped in space again, but this time, an accident finally happened.

They are blocked by the blockade.

"Sorry, I didn't expect the suppression of the laws of the extreme masters to be so strong, and they ran out of the blockade."

A message spread throughout the universe, the Lord of Reincarnation's eyes lit up, appeared, and finally forced out.

The void boiled, countless strange instruments came out one after another, and there was a strange fluctuation all over the body, and the suppression of the Supreme Emperor's Law no longer had any effect.

The moment after the appearance of the instrument, the time and space of the eternal kingdom expanded instantly, and the distance between the Lord of Reincarnation and others was lengthening.

"not good!"

The faces of Lord of Reincarnation, Emperor Stone and others changed wildly.

The opponent wants to divide their formation and break through one by one!

"Get out of here and gather again!"

Several people shouted loudly, and the emperor soldiers in their hands burst into bright light, piercing through time and space.


Several people couldn't help cursing out loud.

Time and space were punctured, and before they could get in and jump through time and space, they would be blocked again.

"Kill! Destroy the communication node."

The Light and Dark Supreme Divine Sense swept across, and the Divine Sense interfered with reality. A piece of equipment was destroyed in an instant, and the surrounding equipment also stagnated.

They are not simple chickens like saints or saint kings. As supreme beings, even if they don't need to attack, they have extremely high attack power based on divine sense alone.

"Time Cut"

The communication system has a lot of redundancy. When a node is destroyed, the node will take over in an instant. The human civilization commanded secretly did not respond to this, and a message spread throughout the universe.

The Supreme Light and Darkness who devoured the Ziwei star field and destroyed the communication nodes just now suddenly annihilated the surrounding time and space, and the entire time and space was completely cut off, turned into a small space-time bubble and pulled into the void.

"Entropy attack!"

Before Stone Emperor and the others came to the rescue, another message spread across the universe, and countless new equipment and instruments appeared, so many that they couldn't destroy them with their spiritual thoughts.

In the induction of divine sense, these devices were attached to the space wall of the space-time bubble that imprisoned the Supreme Being of Light and Darkness.

A large number of virtual particles such as gluons, photons, and space-time gravitons are ejected from the tail of the device. These energy virtual particles leave the device, and the mass-energy conversion quickly turns into substance.

Under the ground rules, gluons make up quarks, then neutrons, protons, hydrogen nuclei, helium nuclei.

Photons are turned into infrared cameras, electromagnetic waves, gamma rays, X-rays, etc.

The gravitons in it turned into space-time again, filling the space-time gap that was cut out, and expanding the space-time.

Boom boom boom!
Suddenly, the space-time bubble was extremely distorted, and the Light and Dark Supreme launched an attack inside.

Judging from the frequency of attacks, it seems that the Supreme Light and Darkness imprisoned inside has suffered the most intense terror in the world, and the attacks are almost completely mad and out of control.

Under the terrified eyes of the Lord of Reincarnation and others, within two seconds, the distortion of the time-space bubble slowed down, and the countless weird instruments spewed more cheerfully.

Space-time is expanding rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it almost forms the size of a small star field.

In the star field, messy electromagnetic waves are transmitted, and the hydrogen gas composed of countless gluons is slowly gathered and compressed under the rules of gravitation. After a million years, a bunch of stars will be lit up here.

Click, click!
In a few minutes, under the attention of the Lord of Reincarnation and others, the space-time bubble that had expanded to a distance of a million light-years and imprisoned the Supreme Being of Light and Darkness flickered a few times and burst.

Nothing at all.

The space-time bubble bursts and disappears, revealing nothing, the things inside, and the supreme being of light and darkness inside, disappearing together.


The minds of practitioners all over the universe suddenly boomed, the universe vibrated, the laws were whining, and the spiritual energy was surging.

Supreme, has fallen.

The ultimate sublimation returned to the peak, and the emperor's law suppressed the supremacy of all ways, and fell.


The rest of the Lords of Reincarnation stared wide-eyed, their eyes full of horror, and they had no time to think about how the Supreme Light and Darkness died. The first thought in their hearts was to escape.

This weird technological civilization is too weird and terrifying.

The Supreme Light and Darkness was imprisoned, and he died without a trace of resistance.

Time and space vibrated, but they couldn't be broken at all. They were completely blocked.

"Attack our center point with all our strength, and work together to break the blockade of time and space!"

The Lord of the Shenxu shouted hastily, they have been separated by hundreds of millions of kilometers, in the case of time and space blockade, hundreds of millions of kilometers, this is a long distance.

"Time Cut"

Before their attacks could gather at the center and work together to break the blockade of time and space, the curse-like message spread throughout the universe again.

This time, it was the Lord of the Shenxu, who seemed to be a human being commanding by remote control behind the scenes, looking for whoever danced happily.


The Lord of the Shenxu rushed forward in fear, trying to escape before time and space were cut.

But in the next second, the space-time cutting was completed, and the space-time bubble enveloped him.

"Spiritualization, law decay, Ragnarok!"

Another message went out across the universe, explaining the type of attack.

An image emerged in the cosmic starry sky, which showed the appearance of the Lord of the Shenxu crazily attacking the boundary of time and space.

This is not just to explain his attack, but also to show it live.

The human beings behind the remote control command no longer regard these supreme beings as extreme powerhouses at all, but treat them as piglets, guinea pigs that are only used to verify their own technology.

 The praying mantis of the overtime dog is just about to get off work. Today is the chapter. This is the chapter that was coded secretly in the early hours of last night and during the day.

(End of this chapter)

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