Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 331 Heavenly Secret Daoist

Chapter 331 Heavenly Secret Daoist
Chen Nuo raised his head and looked at the sky.

If you want to have a good weapon, you need good materials.

Good materials at this time are nothing more than materials left over from the collapse of chaotic items. Where are the most such items?There is no doubt that Buzhou Mountain has the most areas.

As a migrant worker, adapting to changing circumstances is a basic skill.

In Zhetian and Journey to the West before, the environment is full of matter, and the power of the basic rules has not been weakened by the suppression of the environment, so using the basic rule system is the first choice.

At this time in the prehistoric world, the environment is a pure aura environment. Without the material basis, the power of the basic rule system will be affected, so using the martial arts will at the spiritual level is the first choice.

"It's been a long time since I used martial arts will, maybe I can evolve a way of twilight based on the way of will here, the end of the world, the twilight of the gods, directly in the root law of silence, life decay.

When it comes to changing the world, who else can compare with me. "

With an innate demon in his mouth, Chen Nuo started to climb the mountain

This is a piece of grass similar to a dog's tail, on which the embryonic form of thinking consciousness has been formed.

According to Honghuang's life division at this time, it is the innate gods and demons, of course the lowest and weakest kind.

In other words to describe.

Human beings are life, so is the grass worm. Humans are innate gods and demons, and the grass worm is like Chen Nuo holding the dog's tail grass.

Judging from the current situation, psychic power, this is the only completely universal power.

Whether it's a world that is completely aura like the prehistoric world, or a world that is completely material in the main world, or even a world after the heat death of matter, spiritual power can be used.

Then use the material energy of the basic rules as the drive, and use the martial arts will system of spiritual power to carry out combat attacks, which can avoid the weakening of the prehistoric pure aura environment.

Martial Dao will, he used it as the main method in Sword Domination, and occasionally used it in Journey to the West, but it was thrown aside when covering the sky.

Pick it up again at this time, according to the entropy control that has almost complete insight into the decay of spiritual energy, material decay, and energy decay, the power is not bad. The only bottleneck is whether the power of the spiritual gas can keep up.

Power is always observing the surrounding situation, looking for abnormal fluctuations in Buzhou Mountain, and at the same time, he is also distracted by the deduction of the aura.

Suddenly, Chen Nuo turned his head and looked to the other side.


"I don't know friend, what can I do for you?"

Chen Nuo looked at this imitation of Pangu's innate Taoist body, but he was a Taoist with flowing hair and even wilder and non-mainstream than Pangu, and asked.

The strength is great, similar to Aurora, but the supernatural power is even weirder than Aurora, approaching without anyone noticing.

"Poverty Dao Tianji, I realized that my fellow Taoist has a destiny with me, so I came to see you."


Chen Nuo seemed to think of something, and subconsciously shuddered.

However, thinking that this was still the beginning of the Great Desolation, not the period of the Great Desolation Lich, he relaxed a little, but still looked warily at the guy who suddenly appeared who called himself Tianji.

"What is the relationship?"

"I saw the future of the world in Fellow Daoist, and the heavenly secret guided me to find you."

It seems that people who play the Tao of Tianji are magic sticks, Taoist Tianji looked at Chen Nuo nervously, his eyes were very meaningful.

see the future of the world
Chen Nuo's heart skipped a beat, but his face remained calm.

No, not exposed.

In the period of the primordial beginning, there were only pure laws, and the way of heavenly secrets had just been worked out without spanning the void and completely covering the sky and the earth.

The world has not been controlled, and the information he shuttled has long been submerged in the endless information generated by the constant rotation of the world.

After he solved the identity information, there was another strong information source, Aurora, as a cover-up, so that even if it was a secret method, it would be impossible to know the identity of his stowaway.

If it's not identity exposure, then it's a matter of basic material rules, which belong to the world's dominant rules after the decline of aura, and in a sense belong to the future of the world.

The cultivator's thinking is very fast. It seems that a long time has passed, but in fact it is just a moment. After Chen Nuo guessed what the problem was, he smiled lightly.

"Fellow Daoists practice the Way of Heaven's Mystery, and see the future of the world in me. Could it be that I am the master of ZTE in the prehistoric future, and fellow Daoists are here to visit and join me?"

Lord of ZTE, join your sect?

Taoist Tianji was stunned, looking at Chen Nuo, he didn't know what to say.

"Fellow Daoist's face is truly admirable."

Taoist Tianji praised, with a serious expression, he could hardly see that this was hurting others, but Chen Nuo knew very well that it was hurting him.

"To search for the Great Dao, without a heart that is firm and unafraid of the opinions of the surrounding eyes, it is impossible to reach the peak of the Great Dao, and it is destined not to be detached.

Fellow Daoist, your desire to seek the Tao is not firm enough. "

But Marshal Chen is not an ordinary person after all.

As a master of mouth escape, face-skinning is the basic skill. Instead, he took the opportunity to criticize Taoist Tianji for not being firm enough in seeking the Tao and caring too much for the eyes of the outside world.


Taoist Tianji's mouth twitched.


After so many years of traveling across the wilderness, this time he met his opponent.

"Fellow Daoist Chen Shuai, I'm looking for you for something."

Not wanting to continue arguing with Chen Nuo, Taoist Tianji simply stated Chen Nuo's handsome Taoist name, wanting to end this meaningless exchange.

He was looking for Chen Nuo, it was really something.

Shuai Chen?

Eye-catching, as expected of a person who practiced the way of heavenly secrets, he immediately saw the essence of my handsomeness, which is much more discerning than that guy Jiguang.

"Then I don't know what you want from me. Is it to deposit inheritance? This is currently a fee-based item.

Fellow daoists practice the way of heavenly secrets, since I have seen the future of the world in me, then I should live longer than you.

Deposit your inheritance on me, so that if one day fellow Taoist dies, I will bring your inheritance to future generations and leave something for this world.

Without the worries of the severance of inheritance, fellow Taoists can devote themselves to the search for the Great Dao.

The fee is not expensive. Daoist Aurora asked me to deposit his inheritance just now and gave me a few pieces of chaotic items. For the sake of fate between you and me, I will charge you two. "

Chen Nuo stretched out his hand and gestured for money.

There is no need for a translator to explain the way of communication of divine thoughts, everyone can understand the meaning with gestures.


Fellow Daoist Tianji wanted to scold someone.

You want me to pay the storage fee for you to calculate my cultivation way openly and without any concealment?

"Fellow Daoist is ridiculous. I don't think my way of cultivation needs to be stored. I believe that if I can succeed, the way of heaven will last forever."

The surrounding chaotic spiritual energy fluctuated, Taoist Tianji took a deep breath, and looked at Chen Nuo solemnly.

"Fellow Daoist, I'm afraid there will be trouble in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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