Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 8 Treatment

Chapter 8 Treatment
In terms of understanding of the human body, Chen Nuo claims to be the second and no one can claim the first.

He doesn't understand Chinese medicine or Western medicine, but he knows how to stimulate and temporarily open up the potential of the human body.

Seeing Wei Fu who had entered the cultivation state after eating ginseng balls, Chen Nuo picked up two slender needles with his fingers and walked behind Wei Fu.

With a flash of cold light in his hand, two acupuncture needles pierced into Wei Fu's waist.

That's where the adrenals are.

Before mastering supernatural powers, if the control of the human body is based on nerves, then the physiological activities of the human body are regulated by hormones and endocrine substances.

This is also the reason why many diseases that could not be treated in modern times have been overcome after the development of hormone drugs.

The adrenal glands were stimulated to secrete more adrenaline, Wei Fu's heartbeat and blood flow accelerated, blood vessels throughout the body dilated, the body's activity rate began to accelerate, and the energy level increased.

"The next step is the liver, gallbladder and pancreas, which accelerates the decomposition of body fat reserves and prepares energy supply for the next repair."

Through the changes in breathing and skin pores, Chen Nuo's eyes seemed to see through what was happening in Wei Fu's body.

After two needles were inserted in the adrenal gland, after waiting for a few seconds for the cold light in his hand to flash, three thin needles were inserted into the liver, gallbladder and pancreas one after another.

"This is."

Zhang Wenbin's eyes widened, full of horror.

If Chen Nuo still couldn't understand the first step of getting the adrenal gland pierced, he would understand after the 3 needles.

"This kind of treatment idea is impossible. How can someone understand everything when the human body is so complicated? It's impossible!"

Seeing Zhang Wenbin's flustered appearance, Lao San Wei, who was next to him, raised his mood.

"Doctor Zhang, is there a problem?"

"It can't be done, this method and treatment idea can't be successful!"

Zhang Wenbin still shook his head in disbelief.

Originally, he thought that Chen Nuo was using a cultivator's method to stimulate cell differentiation, but he didn't expect that the conventional acupuncture method was used in the end.

This is simply impossible, the mysteries of the human body are so profound, and the specific operating mechanism of the human body is not yet half understood by human beings.

"Impossible to succeed, what will happen if I fail?" Wei Laosan's face suddenly changed when he heard that it was impossible to succeed, and asked hastily.

"If it fails, the body may be seriously exhausted, and it is more likely to be sudden death."

sudden death?

Wei Laosan was in a hurry, and wanted to stop him, but was stopped by Zhang Wenbin.

"Third Master Wei, the old man's condition is unstoppable now. He has to consume the huge energy generated by the decomposition of fat reserves. If he stops now, he will die of heart failure."

Zhang Wenbin looked at Wei Fu whose skin was turning red and breathing more and more heavily, and shook his head, saying that he was not optimistic about Chen Nuo's treatment method.


Wei Laosan saw that his old father's breathing was about to fail like a bellows, and looked at the calm and composed Chen Nuo with a somewhat ruthless expression.

But Zhang Wenbin's words made him dare not go to stop him, for fear that Wei Fu would die if he went to stop him, so he had to turn around like ants on a hot pot.

"Step 3, lung meridians and blood vessels."

Chen Nuo ignored Wei Lao San's anxiety and concentrated on watching Wei Fu's state. After Wei Fu's breathing rhythm reached a certain level, his hand suddenly brushed over the needle cover.

One by one, he pierced Wei Fu's chest, side and back with thin needles shining with cold light. Further stimulation regulates the speed of blood flow and cell activity in the lungs.

After observing for a while, Chen Nuo's right hand moved around Wei Fu's chest like a phantom, flicking the needle stuck on it with his fingers.

This action seemed to have a miraculous effect. Wei Fu, who was breathing like a bellows and seemed to be dying, changed his breathing at this moment.

Although the breathing was still heavy and loud, the rhythm became smoother and more relaxed.

Zhang Wenbin seemed to have seen a ghost at this moment, and Wei Laosan was stunned as he looked about to kill someone.

"Preliminary preparations are complete, step 4, brain stimulation adjustment"

Chen Nuo pulled out the three thinnest and longest needles, and his expression became serious.

This treatment is not only a transaction, but also an opportunity to verify his body's root ability.

In any case, in order to repair and treat Wei Fu's injury by stimulating the rapid differentiation of cells, the brain region is a place that cannot be avoided.

But even if the body is rooted, Chen Nuo doesn't have a deep understanding of the mechanism of the brain, and the brain is also an area that he doesn't dare to touch casually.

He knew that the brain secretes various endocrine substances such as dopamine, which are essential for physical activity and neural activity.

He knows the conditions under which the brain will secrete, and he also knows the secretory and neural responses of the brain when cells in a certain part of the body rapidly differentiate.

It's just that he hasn't figured out why the brain secretes and responds like this.

This is the same as after the phone is rooted, he has full control authority, but he is still confused when facing the underlying code of the system.

The only change he has made to his brain now is to slowly increase the density of neurons in the brain, and slowly improve his thinking ability and IQ.

Patiently observing Wei Fu's state, Chen Nuo took a deep breath and gently turned the long needle in his hand.

It's now!

When Wei Fu's breathing rhythm was further accelerated, Chen Nuo's hand swung out like lightning, and the long needle pierced Wei Fu's scalp with a flashing cold light, piercing through the gap in the skull and piercing it in at different angles.


Seeing such a long needle piercing Grandpa's head, Wei Ziqing, who was watching, couldn't help but exclaimed.

It became.

Chen Nuo observed Wei Fu's reaction, the redness of the skin was subsiding, dense beads of sweat rolled off the skin, taking away the body's metabolic waste and lowering the body temperature, and the originally heavy and urgent breathing began to calm down.

Only the heartbeat is getting faster and faster, pumping the nutrients in the blood from all over the body into the lungs to supply the consumption of the rapid differentiation and division of cells, and also taking away the waste produced by the rapid differentiation and repair of lung cells through the blood.

1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes
Wei Fu's heart rate, which has been kept above 200, is slowly dropping.

This reveals that the dark wounds in Wei Fu's lungs were completely repaired in the rapid cell differentiation, and the commander of the brain began to slow down the body's activities.

If at the beginning Chen Nuo used acupuncture to stimulate Wei Fu's adrenal glands, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, heart, and lungs while the commander of the brain was not paying attention, then when three long needles were inserted into the brain, the brain would completely wake up.

When the brain wakes up, the first thing it must do is to reduce the secretion of hormones and rapid heart rate, which are very harmful to the body, but then it finds that the decomposition of fat accumulation in the body produces energy that is almost explosive.

If this energy is not consumed quickly, this body will die immediately.

There was no other way, the waking brain had no choice but to cooperate with Chen Nuo's intention, releasing endocrine substances to mobilize the body to complete the repair of the lungs.

Now that the restoration is complete and the energy crisis is resolved, everything should return to normal.

In front of the waking brain commander, the adrenal glands, liver, gallbladder and pancreas must be obedient even if they are injected with needles.

"During this period, the old man drinks more water to speed up the metabolism of waste in the body, and he will be fine after two days of rest."

Chen Nuo saw that Wei Fu opened his eyes, reached out and took off the needles on his body one by one.

After the needle was removed, Wei Fu dared to take a big breath, feeling the smoothness and comfort of his lungs, stood up excitedly supporting his weak and overdrawn body, and bowed to Chen Nuo as a big gift.

"Thank you Mr. Chen for saving your life."

(End of this chapter)

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