Chapter 199

The Fifth Prince treated the Eldest Prince well once in his own territory, and the Fifth Prince's demeanor was quite upright, even the coastal army invited the Eldest Prince to visit him once.

Next, the eldest prince also has his own communication, mainly to contact the children of Yongding Hou Cui's family and so on.

Because the eldest prince is really acting like no one else, the children of the Cui family really feel bitter and can't tell. Thinking about this eldest prince, he really doesn't know how to be considerate at all. Right now they are working under the fifth prince.Fortunately, the fifth prince is not a petite person, otherwise he would be narrow-minded and see the eldest prince wooing his wife and family so carelessly, and he would give them small shoes for some reason.

It's not that there's anything wrong with the eldest prince in wooing his wife's family, the Cui family and the eldest prince are related by marriage, they are indeed closer than the fifth prince, but, you have to look at the territory!This is the territory of the Fifth Prince!
The Cui family's tears were about to flow to win over the eldest prince.

Fortunately, Marquis Yongding was tactful, when the Cui family's children came to Fujian, the five princes had arranged for them to be on errands, and they couldn't delay, so Marquis Yongding asked his sons to just do the errands, and he accompanied the prince and son-in-law.

As a result, I don't know if I don't accompany you.

It was only after accompanying me that I realized, alas, the three views are really inconsistent!
Marquis Yongding is a steady person, if he had some ambitions before, this ambition disappeared with the defeat of the previous year.What's more, Marquis Yongding has been working with the fifth prince for several years, and he feels that the fifth prince is really better than his son-in-law in terms of prudence and hard work.Marquis Yongding felt that people like the fifth prince were not destined for the throne, and they had long since become vassals.Here, the great prince's son-in-law, it's better to calm down as soon as possible.It was definitely out of good intentions that Marquis Yongding persuaded the eldest prince to become a feudal clan as soon as possible.Not for anyone else, the fifth prince, who came to Fujian specifically to clean up the mess, wants to completely take Fujian into his hands, and it can't be done overnight.The five princes have been in the feudal domain for a year and a half, and they are training the new army and exchanging generals, so they have truly mastered the military affairs of Fujian.

The eldest prince was granted the title of King of Jin. As Marquis Yongding said, Jin is more important than Fujian. Moreover, the garrison at Xining Pass in Jin is more than twice that of Fujian. The officials in Jin are not necessarily better than Fujian. Subdue.Isn't the eldest prince just a member of the fan organization at this moment? Will you be called the real powerful fan king when the new emperor ascends the throne?
Marquis Yongding is really kind, the eldest prince is his own son-in-law, he has to think about his daughter even if he is not the eldest prince.

Originally, the Marquis of Yongding planned that the eldest prince would become a vassal as soon as possible, so that he could make a comeback in Fujian. In the future, the Weng and his son-in-law, one in the imperial capital and the other in Jin, would live a better life.

Marquis Yongding had a good plan, but in the end, the First Prince didn't listen to his persuasion at all.

Marquis Yongding was also helpless.

Marquis Yongding can't help it, he himself has a close relationship with the eldest prince, and his son-in-law is one, so it's fine for him to accompany the eldest prince, the younger generation of the clan must be rescued first.Thus, Marquis Yongding became the eldest prince's companion.

The five princes all said to their wives, "In the past in the imperial capital, I didn't realize that their husband and son-in-law had a close relationship, but now it's different outside."

Xie Moru shook his round fan, "This is not the past. The First Prince was just in danger, and Yongding Hou was the father-in-law who was worried about his son-in-law. Besides, the First Prince's temper, didn't he even entertain the Cui family members the day before yesterday? I didn't say, this It's also too eye-catching."

"Brother is a bit more straightforward." Although the fifth prince also felt that his elder brother was a little bit cold, he was embarrassed to say it directly, but his elder brother treated him like a dead person, yelling and drinking on his territory, forming cliques, and the fifth prince was a young man. People who know how to use cold noodles to pretend to be majestic when they have no foundation are not dough!However, the daughter-in-law said so, the fifth prince still has to defend the eldest brother.

Xie Moru said, "It's not easy for the Marquis of Yongding. When you meet such a ungrateful young master, if he doesn't accompany you, it's possible that the children of the Cui family will miss their errands to accompany the First Prince."

"Let them go." Hearing this, the fifth prince didn't care about it anymore, but in the end, he should promote more of his own talents.He is not mean to the Cui family, but from the looks of it, no matter how kind he is, it can't be worth the fact that they are in-laws.The Fifth Prince said, "These days I was thinking about how to thank Miss Jiang. The elder brother was saved, thanks to her. If she was a boy, Father would also be able to reward officials. Now I hand it over, and I will give it to you." It's just gifts like jewelry, antiques, silk and satin decorations. Look, let's prepare some for Miss Jiang if she likes it." The fifth prince, he will keep in mind whenever others do him a favor.What's more, Jiang Xingyun did avoid a catastrophe in Fujian, the fifth prince felt that he had to show something.

Xie Moru thought for a while, "If you want to talk about things, two generations of the Song family have been stationed at Xining Pass, so it goes without saying that she is not short of things."

The fifth prince's difficulty lies in this, if there are people who are short of money, they can just reward them.If it is a person who lacks power, it is enough to reward officials.Unlucky, Jiang Xingyun is not short of money, but also unable to be an official.

"There is one thing." Xie Moru took a sip of herbal tea and said, "This year, there have been many wars and small battles, and the people in the seaside have almost moved. Many of our soldiers were killed or injured. Doesn't the prince often say What about this matter? I thought again, I don’t know what the situation is like in the families of these soldiers who died in war. Parents and brothers are still alive, and children can be taken care of. The children who have nothing to support are the orphans of the soldiers who died in the war, and since the prince is a vassal prince, he has to take the responsibility of taking care of them."

"If it's an orphan, a pension has also been sent to the villages, and Yuri is arranging the upbringing."

"A while ago, Xing Yun and I were thinking that it is appropriate for Li Zheng to arrange for support, but right now we are not short of people." Xie Moru said, "Not only are we short of generals, but the prince also lacks a loyal confidant. I listen to Xing Yun It is said that Mrs. An's personal guards are all selected from the young people of the clan to train them. The guards trained in this way are loyal and have first-class combat power. This has made Mrs. An's reputation. The prince is a fan Wang, it’s not good to do this with great fanfare. After all, His Majesty has given the prince’s personal guards. However, who would think there are too many good guards? Right now is the opportunity. I don’t want to train them to die. I think that selecting the outstanding ones and imparting martial arts knowledge will be better than them being arranged to grow up ignorantly. If they are capable People and children, with the prince, there is always a chance to stand out, and if they can achieve something in the future, they will be worthy of the blood of their ancestors."

Thinking about the Cui family who was swaying from side to side while being honest with her, of course, this cannot be blamed on the Cui family, after all, the Cui family is the eldest prince's Yue family, and it is human nature to be partial to the eldest prince.But compared to his wife who was always thinking of himself wholeheartedly, the fifth prince was moved again.The fifth prince said, "This idea is very good, but what's the matter with Miss Jiang?"

"Someone needs to take care of this matter." Xie Moru said, "I've searched around, but I can't find anyone who is free to take care of this matter. It's better to leave this matter to Xing Yun."

"Will Miss Jiang know how to train soldiers?"

"I've never eaten pork, and I've seen pigs go away, so it's better than the First Prince."

Stronger than the First Prince...

Well, it's factually proven.

Jiang Xingyun was born in the general family, not to mention it was suggested by his wife, if his wife hadn't told him about it, he would never have remembered it.The fifth prince has always been unsuspecting in employing people, and said, "Success!"

He added, "When I'm outside, I'm talking about raising war orphans."

"That's what I meant." Xie Moru sighed, "If it's the children of rich and wealthy families, few families can fall to this point. Most of these children are from poor families. Just rest assured, Your Highness, I will let Xingyun Haosheng take care of them , follow us, there will always be a way out for them in the future." Xie Moru didn't want these children to be cannon fodder in the future, if they were cannon fodder, she wouldn't take such effort.In fact, the team of their husband and wife is too limited.For example, the eldest prince and prince, even the third and fourth princes, the wives are very capable.When it comes to the fifth prince, Xie Moru's own natal family is still a wall, so it can't be of much use now, there is no one in the fifth prince's mother's family, and Concubine Su is not a favorite concubine in the palace. The team members are scattered, and there are very few real direct descendants.Xie Moru has been looking forward to the fifth prince's quick entrustment, and he also thinks that he can do things well in the feudal land, so that he can really prepare a group of usable people for the fifth prince.

The couple had a rough discussion. These children must have a place to put them.

This is quite simple, the fifth prince has several good villas in Zhuangzi, and temporarily tidying up a spacious one is enough.

There are other manpower arrangements, and this matter must be arranged properly.

As soon as the couple talked, it was dark.

After the children were out of school, the fifth prince asked the children about the homework they had learned. After the family had dinner, the children went to rest.

On the second day, Xie Mo mentioned this matter to Jiang Xingyun, Jiang Xingyun was really interested and said, "This matter is feasible, but it's the same, it must be kept secret." Then, Jiang Xingyun considered the difficulty of this matter, "The number of war orphans At least hundreds or hundreds of people, more children, it is not easy to keep secret."

Xie Moru said, "Don't talk about hundreds of people, out of 1000 people, you can choose one person. The secret that should be kept secret should not be kept secret, and there is nothing wrong with showing it to the public."

Jiang Xingyun immediately understood, "This is to select the best for training."

"Children are different from children. If they have good bones, let them practice martial arts if they are suitable for martial arts. If they are easy to study, let them study. If they are quick-witted, it doesn't matter if they do business. As long as they are good enough in a certain aspect, that's fine." , and the rest are common, just treat them as normal."

Jiang Xingyun thought for a moment, "In this matter, it is more suitable for me to take the deputy position."

Jiang Xingyun obviously knew the rules of being a subject, Xie Moru said, "Don't worry."

Jiang Xingyun said, "You don't want to be a full-time job, it's better to let the prince do a full-time job." This is a risky thing, the fifth prince has made many enemies, if someone with a heart makes a fuss, it will inevitably cause trouble.Xie Moru's identity should be more cautious.After all, the fifth prince is the parent and son of Emperor Mu Yuan, so it is safer.Moreover, if this matter is accomplished, if the fifth prince does not personally control such a matter, such a trained manpower, he may not be at ease in the future.

Xie Moru nodded, "I'll go talk to the prince."

The fifth prince was a little surprised, Jiang Xingyun was only acting as a deputy.However, he thought that although Jiang Xingyun was powerful, he was not lacking in caution. The fifth prince immediately said, "Since Miss Jiang is only willing to be a deputy, you can take the lead in this matter." His wife and Jiang Xingyun were best friends.

Xie Moru said, "Caring for the reputation of soldiers and common people like this, what's the use of my coming, the prince will do his part."

The fifth prince looked at his wife, "I also want you to have a good reputation."

"It is said that marrying and obeying husband, Your Highness is good, it is mine." Xie Moru straightened his clothes, "Don't be polite to me, we have to work hard with one heart. I have something to do with gruel and rice, and we returned it to you a few days ago. The government school has donated to build a library, so it’s fine for me to do these small things. This time, His Highness needs to take the lead. His Highness will also tell His Majesty in the memorial, so that His Majesty can know His Highness’s love for the people.”

Squeezing his wife's hand, the fifth prince couldn't say any more words of refusal, and responded in a low voice.

Wife family, mother family, no power, it doesn't matter.

You don't have to rely on them today, and you won't be subject to them in the future.

Therefore, while the first prince was still pulling the old man to connect with him, the fifth prince had already started to forge and build his most loyal lineage.

(End of this chapter)

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