Chapter 322

Penny wise and pound-foolish.

To describe the situation in the East Palace in a simple sentence, Li Xiang killed most of the descendants of Jingjiang in the Ministry of Punishment. Regardless of whether Li Xiang did it on purpose or not, this matter must be recorded in the East Palace. on the head.As a result, the East Palace was on the first day of junior high school, and the fifth prince was on the fifteenth day in a blink of an eye. With a caring and friendly look, he found housing for the few survivors of Jingjiang descendants, and granted titles to them, as well as female relatives. In this comparison, the fifth prince is simply the embodiment of truth, goodness and beauty.Originally, this was enough to make Donggong vomit blood. Unexpectedly, as soon as Emperor Mu Yuan bestowed the marriage, the fifth prince took the opportunity to get close to Consort Wu, and also resolved the pending title issue of Duke Wu's residence.It should be known that Li Xiang tried the murder case of Marquis Nan'an in the Ming Dynasty, one for the purpose of whitewashing the crown prince's reputation, and the other is to take the opportunity to ask the crown prince to come forward and give an explanation about the title of Duke Wu's mansion. He married the eldest daughter of Princess Yongfu and the eldest son of the fifth prince, but turned around and gave the fifth prince the first.

The fifth prince is so quick, the prince wished he could chop it off!
Of course, the prince can't really chop off the fifth prince's hand, not only can't chop it off, but when he sees the fifth prince, the prince has to call "fifth brother" kindly and affectionately, and the fifth prince respects the prince as before.

The prince asked with a smile, "Have you fixed the date for the engagement ceremony of Da Lang?"

The Fifth Prince said, "Yesterday I went to the Qin Tianjian, and I asked the supervisor to help me calculate a few auspicious days. It's best to let the three elder brothers set a date, and the younger brother can arrange the three daughters-in-law after working here."

The fifth prince is getting older, and he is no longer as handsome as he was when he was a boy, but now he has a bit of a sense of humor.Even the prince never liked the fifth prince, so he couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard what the fifth prince said was funny.The two brothers were chatting and laughing, when Emperor Mu Yuan came and asked, "What are you talking about, I'm so happy, I can hear your laughter outside."

The prince learned the words from his father, and Emperor Mu Yuan smiled at his fifth son, "You will save trouble."

The fifth prince respectfully invited his father to sit down, and while receiving tea from the waiter, he smiled and said a few interesting things about the children, "It's not that the son will save trouble, the boys heard that the marriage is settled, Dalang has always been steady, and Erlang has not yet awakened." , it’s Saburo, who made a fuss about making wedding clothes yesterday, it’s really dumbfounding.”

Emperor Mu Yuan was also Yile, a grandfather naturally relied more on his prudent grandson, but a lively child is born with a kind of cheerfulness that is ahead of others, so among all his grandchildren, Emperor Mu Yuan liked Sanlang the most, not because he felt it Saburo was able to take on the big responsibility because he felt that the child spoke easily and pleasingly.

Emperor Mu Yuan proposed marriages to his grandsons mostly because of political considerations. Of course, as a grandfather, there is no one who does not wish for the best of his grandsons.Seeing that his grandson likes it now, he is naturally happy, and said with a smile, "Sanlang is in such a hurry, let's do the wedding for him this year."

The Fifth Prince smiled and said, "That won't work, I have to stretch him and tell him to jump."

Emperor Mu Yuan smiled and pointed at his fifth son, "Seeing that you are also going to be a grandfather, you are now amusing the children."

Not to mention how the crown prince felt when he watched the interaction between the fifth prince and Emperor Mu Yuan, even if he came with his father together, the eldest prince would also feel blocked, hey, boy Sanlang, if others don't know, he doesn't know yet.San Lang is currently doing odd jobs in the Ministry of War, the Eldest Prince annoys Saburo terribly, poaching his corners in the Ministry of War all day long, so much so that now San Lang has replaced his own father as the person the Eldest Prince dislikes the most.

The eldest prince suppressed his frustration, and jokingly said, "When Saburo gets married, I have to give a big gift."

The fifth prince laughed, "Sanlang often told me at home that you don't find him annoying at all, brother, and you are very patient with everything. Sigh, sometimes I can't stand his noisy, thanks to your patience, brother."

The eldest prince laughed twice, with a face full of duplicity, "I just like the kid Sanlang, he is lively and energetic."

The father and son chatted and joked a little, and when the cabinet ministers arrived, they began to talk about business. Governor Su had been in office in Jiangsu and Zhejiang for a few months, and his son made a memorial to reopen Jingjiang Port. Today's discussion is about the right thing.The fifth prince's fief has Minzhou Port, which was built by the fifth prince alone. Naturally, he and his two elder brothers know a lot about the port.However, the Fifth Prince does not steal the limelight from the Crown Prince and the First Prince. Most of the time, he is in the position of a listener, but as long as he speaks, he will definitely hit the point.

In this way, with few words, Emperor Mu Yuan was paying attention to the opinion of the fifth son.

Xie Moru once said to Li Jiujiang, "Your Majesty is a very practical person. What he sees is always a useful person."

Xie Moru and Li Jiujiang met when they were young, and they know each other very well.Li Jiujiang trusted Xie Moru's vision, just as Xie Moru trusted Li Jiujiang's talent.Therefore, Li Jiujiang and others packaged the fifth prince as hard work. The fifth prince himself is a practical character. The key point is that after Empress Su became empress, the fifth prince wanted to go up, but he couldn't confront the East Palace tit for tat.Therefore, he chose this low-key, hard-working, and precise positioning for the fifth prince.

Low-key words and deeds, high-profile presence.

To achieve such a positioning, Li Jiujiang and the others did not spend much time thinking. Whenever there is anything in the court, a group of people will discuss it first. The fifth prince has done enough homework in advance to ensure his image of being in control.

Therefore, people in the court gradually discovered that since Empress Su became the empress, not only the fifth prince was promoted to the first prince, but the treatment of the entire family has improved, and the fifth prince's words in front of the imperial court have also become more important.This kind of weight does not come from the promotion of the fifth prince's status as the direct prince. More importantly, in the face of government affairs, the suggestions given by the fifth prince are very pertinent and feasible.Of course, the fifth prince would occasionally make mistakes, but the mistakes are all small mistakes. Emperor Mu Yuan made a point, and the fifth prince also behaved very humbly.Even if some suggestions were not accepted by Emperor Mu Yuan, the five princes would not argue too much on the face, and they just asked his emperor father for advice afterwards.

Therefore, in just a few days, the relationship between the Fifth Prince and his father has grown to a higher level.

The fifth prince was very fortunate, and said to his wife in private, "My father left Jiujiang unused, so I took advantage of it." His father was not happy with Li Jiujiang's background. .The fifth prince couldn't bear Li Jiujiang's idleness, so he still let Li Jiujiang work in his mansion, and he didn't mind Li Jiujiang's background, he always entrusted Li Jiujiang with important responsibilities.

Xie Moru said, "Your Majesty has a deep relationship with the eldest princess brother and sister. In fact, I want to say that the past events have nothing to do with Jiujiang. It may not be that your majesty does not understand the truth, but people are not sages, and there is always love and dislike."

The fifth prince smiled and talked about the government affairs in the court, Xie Mo said like the fifth prince talking about trivial matters in the inner chamber, "I have prepared all the moving rites for the empress mother, your highness, let's see if you want to add or subtract." Show the gift list to the Fifth Prince.

The fifth prince glanced at it briefly, and said, "That's very good. Although we intend to prepare generous gifts, it's not easy to deviate from the rules." After all, there are other princes' residences to compare with.The fifth prince is the son of Empress Su, so the moving ceremony can be a bit more solemn, but it is not good to go out of style, otherwise, it will attract people's attention.The couple are both low-key and have always paid attention to this aspect.

Xie Moru discussed with the fifth prince again, "I asked people to go to the temple to vote for a day. After the queen mother canonization ceremony, the third day of the sixth month is an auspicious day. Let's welcome Dalang and his side rooms on that day. Temporarily, there is only one person in the dormitory. Clean up one place, and wait until Dalang and the others have met the mistress after their big wedding, and the concubine can be consummated."

This is not the first time my wife has said this, the fifth prince himself respects his wife, and said, "Success, you can figure it out. Da Lang and the others, I have already told them, and they all understand."

Xie Moru has a lot of trivial matters, regardless of others, when Emperor Mu Yuan bestowed the marriage, Mrs. Chu Guogong and his daughter-in-law came over once, and the girl in the family was given a marriage to San Lang. Since there is a marriage contract, it is not good to be a companion for sister Xin Read.

Chu's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had a happy smile on their faces. Although they were happy, they only showed a trace of it, with the reservedness and solemnity unique to our wives.At the beginning, seeing that the fifth prince was gaining momentum, Fang hurried over to heat up the stove, and sent the girl from the family to accompany him to read. He didn't want the girl to be lucky enough to marry the third son of the king of Fujian.The Chu family is overjoyed, now that they come here, one is to resign from the companionship for the girl in the family, and the other is to congratulate Empress Su.

Mrs. Chu said with a smile, "I wanted to congratulate you in person, but I can't see your mother's jade face. If you come here today, you must kiss and congratulate me."

Xie Moru was also very kind, "Please think about it."

Since Chu's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law came, Xie Moru talked about the children's marriage, "His Royal Highness has ordered Qin Tianjian to choose an auspicious date for the marriage, and when the auspicious date is selected, I will send someone to sue you." If it is a commoner At home, two to three auspicious days are always voted, and then the man casts auspicious days, and the woman's family chooses one of these auspicious days.But since they are married to the royal family, the royal family has the final say on everything.Chu's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had no objection to this, but Mrs. Chu said, "I heard that Your Majesty rewarded the Jiang family girl as a concubine to the young prince..." Seeing that Xie Moru pursed her lips and did not speak, Mrs. Chu was quite quick-witted, and hurriedly Turning the voice around, he said, "Your Majesty, don't worry too much, I was thinking that if there is wine in the mansion, I might as well come to congratulate you."

Xie Moru said lightly, "How can you place wine in the side room before the main wife enters the door. After the main wife enters the door, they have seen the mistress before consummating the house. When the wine is served, there must be a post for Mrs. Chu, and you come and follow Have fun."

Mrs. Chu immediately knew that she had said something wrong, and was thinking about how to remedy it. Mrs. Chu gave her a look, and apologized to Xie Moru, "I was born with such a worry-free temperament, how can I worry about it. Madam Forgive me, others don't know, but I do know that there is no one in the capital of Emperor Hedi who is more polite than the empress. Even the girl at home, who has been studying with the princess for several years, is quite happy to see the empress if she has the opportunity Made a lot of progress.”

This is the case when you get married. Looking at the child's face, some trivial matters are not worth turning against.Otherwise, if it was the same as before, Xie Moru really didn't mind paying attention to a foolish person like Mrs. Chu, but now he could only say indifferently, "Sister Wei, Madam, please mention more. How the future will be depends on her. I Seeing that she is not stupid, as a mother-in-law, I naturally hope that the children will get along well and live a good life for them. Otherwise, why bother to ask the concubine to live in the mansion empty. It is you who go out to inquire, not to mention the royal family, But in all wealthy families, there are a few rich and powerful children around their age who have not given up a house." Mrs. Chu blushed when she said that.

Xie Moru had a great reputation, so she put on a hard face, and the Chu family's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law didn't dare to say a word.Xie Moru also just pointed a few words to the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, so as not to stretch their hands across the boundary, seeing her embarrassing, Xie Moru gradually calmed down his anger, showing some helplessness, and said to Mrs. Chu, "OK Now, I know you love my daughter, just rest assured, the children in my family, let alone others, will not mess around like that."

Mrs. Chu was very ashamed, she got up and said, "Your Majesty, forgive me, this is also my wife's heart covered in lard for a while."

Mrs. Chu also stood up to apologize, and complained in her heart that her daughter-in-law was faint. If the granddaughter married at a lower level, the mother-in-law would have to ask the matchmaker to ask the person in the son-in-law's room.It was so easy for the granddaughter to get a marriage from the royal family, an unexpected good marriage. I don't know if the daughter-in-law is happy or stupid, or thinks that Princess Xie is easy to talk, so she actually inquired about the concubine of the little prince in the mansion.Don't say it was given by His Majesty himself, even if it was arranged by Princess Xie before marriage, the Chu family can't say anything.As a result, such an upright and good mother-in-law as Princess Xie made the Chu family even more rude.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law of the Chu family paid the gift, and thanked Moru, "Okay, my mouth is tight here, so don't tell the outside world, so as not to spread the word and embarrass the children."

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law of the Chu family became more and more grateful, and flattered Princess Xie once more, and Fang left with gratitude.

As soon as Mrs. Chu returned to the mansion and dismissed everyone, she gave her daughter-in-law a good reprimand. She offended Princess Xie by asking her to speak without restraint.Not to mention that Empress Su has just been promoted to the next position, and the momentum of Prince Min's Mansion is just right, just to consider her granddaughter's life in her in-law's house in the future, she should be more polite to Princess Xie.What's more, from a distance, Princess Xie has no parents, but her position in the main family is secure, and the sum of the side concubines in the Fujian Palace is not as good as Princess Xie's corner.After the first court was neutral, why several concubine princes would push their mother and concubine to be superior because of the fact that there is still a saying in the world that "a son is more valuable than a mother".Just like King Min, no matter how expensive he is, only Queen Su can be the lord of the palace, so King Min can be the first son.San Lang's biological mother is a concubine, if his aunt treats him differently, wouldn't it be good for San Lang?But her stupid daughter-in-law is good, her granddaughter has not yet married into the palace, so offend Princess Xie first!How can Princess Xie treat Sister Wei differently based on her in-laws who are not open-eyed!
Mrs. Chu was so angry with her daughter-in-law that her heart ached, and Mrs. Chu was already very regretful, crying all the time, fearing that she would hurt her daughter.Mrs. Chu beat her heart and sighed, what can I do, the daughter-in-law here also gave birth to children for the Chu family, and she couldn't leave.I had to endure my anger and said, "Don't talk too much in the future. If you don't know what to say, don't say it. Just like what happened today, why don't I worry about Sister Wei? If you have such thoughts, you can't ask anyone to find out. You have to ask yourself Ask. There is no reason for the mother-in-law to take care of the affairs of the mother-in-law's house. Thanks to Princess Xie, she didn't bother with you and suppressed this matter. Otherwise, if it spreads out, what will the children do if they know that the Chu family has such an amazing mother-in-law like you? Proposal!" After teaching her daughter-in-law a lesson, Mrs. Chu said, "Bring me the gift list for Empress Su's relocation of Fengyi Palace, and add a few more precious things."

With an in-law mother like Mrs. Chu, Xie Moru looked at Princess Yongfu a little more pleasingly, at least Princess Yongfu knew how to show affection to her. Since Emperor Mu Yuan bestowed her marriage, Xie Moru went to the palace several times to meet Princess Yongfu, Princess Yongfu They are very kind.It doesn't matter whether it's pretending or what, anyway, it's not so aggressive or indifferent to others on the surface.Princess Yongfu's eldest daughter, Wu Zhen, also finished her homework in the palace after being married by her grandfather, and often followed Princess Yongfu into the palace. Xie Moru also had the opportunity to get in touch with the eldest daughter-in-law.

Xie Moru used to come to the palace to pay his respects, and never came to the Palace of Mercy, not to mention, Wu Zhen used to study with the princesses, so she seldom saw her.When we met today, I had to take a few more glances, and said with a smile, "Children have to go to class and study every day, so it's rare. Sister Zhen looks a bit like a princess."

The princess smiled, "My niece follows my aunt, isn't she like me?" Calling Sister Zhen to come forward, she said with a smile, "You are a shy child, don't hesitate to come forward when you see your fifth aunt, and flatter her a little bit more, Tell her to love you later."

Wu Zhenfei blushed and said shyly, "My aunt also made fun of me."

"Where is it a joke, this is a kind word from me." The princess turned her head and smiled and asked Xie Moru, "Did the fifth sibling say so?"

Because Xie Moru was promoted to the First Prince Concubine, the seat was below the Crown Princess and above the First Prince Concubine. Hearing this, he just smiled, "The Crown Princess said yes, I haven't been a mother-in-law yet, and I just want to be with the Crown Prince Concubine." Learn from the scriptures, come to think of it, the princess is speaking from experience."

All of a sudden, the palace people came over to exchange tea, Wu Zhen reached out to take it when she saw this, and exchanged tea for the Crown Princess and Princess Xie, and continued to listen to the elders talking.Xie Moru looked at it, but felt that Wu Zhen had good eyesight, and she was not like Princess Changfu.

Xie Moru returned home and couldn't help saying to Ziteng, "This man, it's really hard to make a decision at a glance." In the past, if he looked good, there might be some mothers who were not clear-headed.In the past, I felt that it was not suitable, but after a closer look, there are quite merits.

Wisteria smiled, "It can be seen that she is going to be a mother-in-law, and the empress has become picky."

"It's not that I'm picky, it's just that I didn't choose this marriage, so I have to worry more. Otherwise, the children will have a hard time in the future." Just look at the Sixth Prince and you will know what the fate of the husband and wife is.

Xie Moru was a little surprised by Wu Zhen's temperament, especially Princess Yongfu was willing to restrain her bad temper in front of her, Xie Moru couldn't help but feel a little dark in his heart even if he claimed to be a person who said "eight winds don't move".Next, what the Wu family did was in line with Xie Moru's heart.Mrs. Chu was worried about the concubine for her daughter, and Princess Yongfu's temper was naturally more worried.Especially when Princess Yongfu is a princess, Consort Wu didn't even dare to have a room, but when he arrived at the daughter's place, before the daughter entered the door, the side room was given to her first. If Xie Moru gave it to the children, Princess Yongfu would definitely look for it. Her father said that it was impossible to reason, but in the end, this concubine was given by her own father.You put Princess Yongfu in the dark, even privately complained to my father when I entered the palace.

Although Emperor Mu Yuan didn't like Princess Yongfu as much as he did Princess Changtai, after all, she was the first daughter, and she was partial to her.Seeing his daughter complaining about this, Emperor Mu Yuan smiled, "Isn't it unexpected? A concubine, don't pay attention to it. Who can wrong sister Zhen?"

It's useless to complain, my father can't take back the imperial decree.Princess Yongfu entrusted her mother-in-law, Mrs. Wu, and then asked Mrs. Wu to entrust her second sister-in-law who married into Xie's family. In this way, she invited the second sister-in-law to come forward and ask Xie Moru about the concubine surnamed Jiang.At least, Princess Yongfu knows what kind of character and appearance.

What Princess Yongfu did is a thousand times better than Mrs. Chu.

Mrs. Wu told Xie Moru in private, and Mrs. Wu said in a low voice, "Princess doesn't mean something else. Even if two families get married, the woman has to inquire about the people in her son-in-law's house. Not for anyone else, but to know a little bit. In the future, it will be easy to get along when the main room enters the door."

Xie Moru told his younger siblings about the placement of the other side room. Mrs. Wu was overjoyed when she heard it, and said with a smile, "With a mother-in-law like your empress, any girl will be blessed if she marries in." It's a pity that her daughter is young, otherwise she wouldn't be There is no marriage, of course, the royal family is willing to do it.Even without mentioning the marriage, it is also a blessing for the daughter-in-law to meet a mother-in-law who understands Xie Moru.

Xie Moru said, "I know that my brother and sister are also entrusted by others, just take my words to Princess Yongfu and let her feel at ease."

Wu smiled, "Princess Yongfu's temperament can't be more arrogant. These years, she is very honorable even in front of my mother. It's hard for her to ask my mother to inquire about it for Sister Zhen. I have seen Sister Zhen's child before." , soft-tempered, he knew how to take care of his younger siblings when he was a child, he is a very sensible child."

Although Xie Moru was at odds with Princess Yongfu, he did not hesitate to praise his daughter-in-law, saying, "I think she's not bad either."

Wu's heart was even more joyful when she heard what her eldest sister-in-law Xie Wangfei said.When Mrs. Wu returned to her natal home and told her mother about it, Mrs. Wu went straight to the Buddha and said, "It is said that Princess Xie is amazing, but in fact she is the most respectable person. The young masters of the Min Palace are very sensible. Sister Zhen It is also her blessing to have this marriage." Whether a woman marries well or not, the first thing a woman looks at is her husband, and the second thing is to look at her mother-in-law.If you meet a nasty mother-in-law, how many daughters-in-law can live happily.

Even Princess Yongfu heard about Xie Moru's arrangements for the concubine from her mother-in-law, and said, "She's not bad." So, on the day Empress Su moved to Fengyi Palace, Princess Yongfu also gave a generous gift.

Also grateful to Princess Xie is Zhao Guogong's mansion. Zhao Guogong's mansion entrusted the eldest princess to come over to inquire. Good refusal.I had to go to the mansion to ask, Xie Moru's arrangement, even Princess Yongfu, the deadly enemy, couldn't fault it, let alone Zhao Guogong's mansion.

When Mrs. Zhao Guogong entered the palace to pay her respects, she mentioned something to Concubine Zhao, "It is said that Princess Xie is amazing, but in fact, she is a kind person."

Concubine Zhao wanted to say that none of the bastards in the Min Palace were born to Princess Xie, so of course she had to be kind.But when I think about it, even if Princess Xie followed the rules and asked the concubine to enter the door and then consummated the house with several princes, no one could pick out whether it was wrong, after all, it was a marriage bestowed by Emperor Mu Yuan himself.Today, Princess Xie was able to stop her, which can indeed be said to be kind.

Therefore, Emperor Mu Yuan bestowed a marriage, which made Xie Moru earn his reputation.

Even the rich and powerful families who were afraid to get married with the Prince of Fujian because of Xie Moru's greatness, have their minds moved one after another at this time, not to mention that the Prince of Min's residence is becoming more and more expensive, it is Princess Xie who talks about etiquette and law, and the mother-in-law who is on the right side, where is it? It is also a blessing to meet my daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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