Paranoid he embraced me

Chapter 12 Finding the Meaning of the White Lotus on the Internet

Chapter 12 Finding the Meaning of the White Lotus on the Internet

Yang Yinyu didn't even cry at this moment, she just stopped all her actions abruptly, and the expression on her face became as black as coal in an instant.

Uneasy clutching the thigh-length pink skirt, she kept shaking her head to explain to herself.

"I really have no other ideas. I just want to let Lin Yuan taste the bento I made with my own hands. Su Chu, why are you sowing discord in front of Lin Yuan like this? Could it be because you are jealous of me? ?”

What Lin Yuan said was obviously more excessive, but Yang Yinyu acted as if he didn't hear it, and only pointed the finger at Su Tuo.

Su Luo leaned lazily on the chair, not focusing on Yang Yinyu's body, but the words in his mouth were meant for her.

"By the way, do you know what the white lotus means?"

A flash of panic and cruelty flashed across Yang Yinyu's eyes, and she looked at the other students in a panic, as if she wanted to use this to make herself no longer isolated and helpless.

Yang Yinyu didn't answer, Su Luo continued to speak: "I think it might be what Lin Yuan said just now, can Lin Yuan explain?"

Lin Yuan flipped through his phone, actually went to the Internet to look up the meaning of the three words that came out of his mouth just now.

"White lotus is often used to insinuate others on the Internet. It refers to those who are scheming on the surface, but insidious and cunning in their hearts, defrauding sympathy, and achieving sinister purposes. Compared with green tea, white lotus is easier to deceive the trust of the same sex. On the surface Maintain a friendly relationship with the girls."

After reading this standard answer, Lin Yuan kindly added a sentence at the end: "The explanation comes from the Internet, if the translation is wrong, don't look for me."

Su Luo handed Yang Yinyu a piece of paper and asked her to wipe away her tears.

It's not because I feel sorry for Yang Yinyu or because I feel that I have done something wrong so I plan to atone for my sins, but because I feel that I am crying all the time so it is really annoying, and even disrupted all the problem-solving methods that have almost surfaced just now.

The fact that Lin Yuan never treats girls with pity and tenderness has long been known to everyone. After all, the kind of ungentlemanly answering "Fuck off" has really become a hot topic of discussion.

So Yang Yinyu's failure to please Lin Yuan again is a result that many people have already expected.

Yang Yinyu was still strong and miserable, unwilling to leave, so she focused on Lin Yuan, as if she wanted him to stay or say a word for her.

Lin Yuan's eyes lightly fell on the pink lunch box, and he suddenly said a word: "Su Luo, do you feel that this lunch box looks familiar? Have you seen it somewhere?"

Lin Yuan didn't wait for Su Luo to open his mouth, and directly answered his own question: "Does it look like the bento sold by the convenience store that you can pass by on the school road? Didn't you complain about this lunch box before? I remember that your lunch box is still in my house."

There was a flash of clarity in everyone's mind.

So that's the case, Yang Yinyu was just there swearing that she made the bento by herself, and she still used that shy expression, but she didn't expect to be slapped in the face again not long after that, but It's really embarrassing.

Yang Yinyu's complexion really changed again and again, just like the palette, it was wonderful.

Finally, he stopped standing, and seemed to have received a blow that could not be smoothed over for a long time, so he ran out of the classroom as if he had been bullied.

This farce was finally over. Su Luo continued to write the test paper, while Lin Yuan continued to sit aside, but he didn't bother him anymore.

About the incident just now, it was quickly spread throughout the second high school, and even other grades heard a lot of rumors.

(End of this chapter)

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