Paranoid he embraced me

Chapter 15 I'm downstairs in your neighborhood

Chapter 15 I'm downstairs in your neighborhood
The footsteps are collaged with the corridor covered with old-fashioned broken tiles. The sound is not too loud, but it can be heard clearly in this extremely quiet place.

The two very rhythmic footsteps were superimposed, and there seemed to be such a tacit understanding that others could not get in.

Su Luo still had the lollipop in his mouth, and walked downstairs.

Su Luo originally focused his eyes on the phone screen, but was stopped by a word from the person behind him who was not far away.

"You called me that day."

Su Luo had already realized in an instant which day Xu Nie was talking about, but there was no complicated reaction, just raising his brows slightly.

"Well, I was tricked by someone, and it's okay to find you."

Su Luo had just finished speaking, but another sentence continued directly, without even a gap of one second in between.

"You can find me."

The expression on Su Luo's face finally seemed to have changed a little, as if it was playful.

"Huh? You seem to be quite helpful, but I don't have anything to ask you, so I'm quite relieved."

But it seems true to say that Xu Nie is helpful, because Su Luo remembered the time when his mobile phone was robbed a few days ago not long ago, and it was Xu Nie who took his mobile phone back.

So if you connect that matter with this sentence and think about it, it seems that you can figure it out clearly that Xu Nie is really a very helpful person, so he will be very helpful when he treats his deskmate, or perhaps a classmate. Seriously, because he wants to help everyone.

It wasn't until Su Yu went to the bus stop across the road that the two finally went on different paths.

But even in the first half of the journey, he didn't speak to the other party.

There were really few people on the last bus, it was not as grand as in the morning, only a few scattered people were sitting.

Su Luo put the bus card into the pocket of the school uniform, and the song was still looping as a single.

After getting out of the car, someone came up to ask for directions, Su Luo pointed in a direction and explained, and let the person who asked for directions understand the general idea.

The street lights had already been turned on in the community, but it still looked deserted and dark, and for some reason, Su Luo suddenly thought of Xu Nie's eyes that seemed to be so indifferent that there was no trace of emotion.

It is jet black, deep and attractive, and can attract people to approach, but there is no way to get out after approaching.

Su Chuu actually didn't know why Xu Nie said that to him just now, and he also felt that he kept silent not because he didn't want to speak, but because he didn't know how to speak, maybe it could be called I don't know how to find a topic.

Su Luo couldn't figure out this question for the time being, but it wasn't important, because it was just a thought that flashed by on the way home, so it's fine to forget it completely, after all, homework is what matters now the most important.

Su Chuu went home today and Su Hanye was really not there. No need to think too much about the reason, he knew that the hospital must have other things to deal with.

Just took a bucket of instant noodles, opened it and soaked it to eat.

But the phone was buzzing aside, as if it was about to fall off the table.

Su turned off the mute. If he didn't happen to be sitting here, he must have waited for the phone to drop and make a sound before he could hear someone calling.

"Lin Yuan".

It's the remark of these two words, and finally swipe to answer after frowning slightly.

The voice from over there sounded quite uninhibited: "I'm downstairs in your community, hurry up and treat you to supper."

Su Luo was really irritated: "Don't eat."

"Then I'll go to your house to find you."

"If you dare to come over, I will kill you."

A chuckle of unknown meaning came from the other end of the phone: "Heh, open the door and wait for me. It's not impossible to kill me."

(End of this chapter)

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