Paranoid he embraced me

Chapter 198 Su Luo, Can You See Me?

Chapter 198 Su Luo, Can You See Me?

After Su Luo returned to the dormitory, his mind was still full of this matter, but Su Luo knew that he could not escape at all.

Now that Bai Ning has come to look for him, it means that Lin Yuan will definitely come to look for him in a short time...

Su Luo naturally had fear in his heart, but fear was not the emotion that accounted for the largest proportion. If he wanted to say that it had the largest proportion, it would be disappointment.

Because you have really trusted a person to the extreme, but that person suddenly did something that you least want to see one day.

Then naturally your trust in that person will evaporate, and feelings of disgust may develop.

Isn't that what Su Luo did to Lin Yuan?Although it has been almost two years since that incident happened.

But those shadows left in Su Luo's heart could not be wiped away no matter what.

In fact, Su Luo has been telling himself not to think about those things anymore, because those things have nothing to do with him at all.

The person who should go has already gone, and what you should forget has already been forgotten, but why do you still can't help thinking about those things? Is it because you still want that friend?
But you know that you don't want that friend anymore, because the rule that has been broken should be completely broken by you, because in this way you can set a new rule.

What Su Luo wanted to do was actually different from what he could really do, but it was Su Luo who gave him a headache.

Su Luo originally planned to tell Xu Nie about this matter, but before he had time to tell Xu Nie about this matter, he had already met the person he probably never wanted to see in his life.

And there is only one class before meeting Bai Ning.

Su Luo took advantage of the time when get out of class was over to go to work in the studio, because it was already the time to go to work, and there was no class this afternoon, so he planned to go there.

But I didn't expect to meet that very familiar person at the school gate.

The moment his line of sight touched him, he retracted his line of sight as if turning a blind eye, intending to walk around Lin Yuan directly, but he didn't allow Su Chu to do so.

"Su Luo, can you see me?"

Lin Yuan is still dressed in black today, and even his personality can give people a very gloomy feeling.

In fact, Lin Yuan's temper was very cold before, and it would make people think that he was extremely difficult to get along with.

And even if there are some people who want to approach him, because they are afraid of him, they don't have the guts to contact him at all.

Su Luo had been able to detect a little bit of his frightening point before, but because he had known him for too long, and the way of getting along with others was different from others, so he didn't feel that he should care about it.

But today Su Luo suddenly found that Lin Yuan seemed to be different from before, because the sense of danger in him seemed to be several times deeper.

Su Luo set his eyes on Lin Yuan who blocked his way.

It's hard to figure out what Su Tuo's attitude is now from the tone of voice, because it's very difficult to detect.

"Please let me go."

(End of this chapter)

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