Paranoid he embraced me

Chapter 204 Come here for a while

Chapter 204 Come here
It's Bai Ning.

Su Luo didn't know whether he had gone back, but he could be sure that he would not stay in Lianyun City forever, so now he could only silently beg him to stay here from the bottom of his heart.

But after Su Luo sent two WeChat messages, he didn't get a reply from Bai Ning, as if the phone wasn't with him.

In the end, Su Luo had no choice but to make a phone call.

This time it was connected, but the person who spoke did not seem to be Bai Ning.

"Bai Ning, are you still in Lianyun City?"

A somewhat anxious voice came from the other end of the phone, and it sounded a little far away to Su Luo, as if he was talking to the person next to him at the top of his voice.

"Bai Ning, your phone is ringing, come and answer it."

Su Luo didn't know what Bai Ning was doing now, but he also knew that he wasn't answering the call.

It didn't take long for Su Luo to get a reply from the other end of the phone, but it also directly smashed the biggest entrustment in Su Luo's heart.

"Hello, may I ask who you are? He is sorting things in the dormitory right now, so if you have anything to say, can I take his phone to him now?"

Su Luo didn't ask him to do this, and hung up the call after saying thank you.

So, after Su Luo put the phone back into his pocket, he saw Lin Yuan who was still pouring wine from glass to glass.

Su Chu really didn't know why Lin Yuan had to do this, nor why he had to be so stubborn.

But he seems to have been a stubborn person since he was very young, at least in Su Tuo's impression that he was like that.

Once a certain thing is determined, no matter how difficult it is to complete it, he must try his best to complete it.

In fact, this kind of persistent performance is really good, and it is a very good factor in many things.

But if this situation exists in a reluctant relationship, it will really be a headache.

"Su Luo..."

The waiter is not a fool anyway, although he doesn't know what happened between these two, but from the current situation, he knows that it must be bad.

So for a while, I didn't know whether what I did was wrong or right, so I didn't speak again, but directly retreated from the box.

Now only Lin Yuan and Su Tuo are left in this box.

Naturally, Su Luo could hear Lin Yuan's whispering call.

It was his own name, but it was also the two words that Su Tuo didn't want to hear from Lin Yuan's mouth.

Su Chuo just looked at Lin Yuan like this, but he didn't intend to take a step forward. Instead, he left the box and made a call.

After Su Luo hung up the phone, he stood outside the box and did not go in.

Not long after, I saw the person who called just now.

It's Xu Nie.

Su Luo had already explained everything about the matter clearly on the phone just now, so there is nothing to say now.

Su Tuo didn't want to be in the same environment as Lin Yuan, but he couldn't directly bring this matter to Wei Zhaorong, because it would make her worry.

And Bai Ning was no longer in Lianyun City, so he could only call Xu Nie over.

The waiter removed all the wine in the box.

Although Lin Yuan didn't seem to react much, and he didn't seem to be drunk, but he was indeed drunk.

(End of this chapter)

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