Paranoid he embraced me

Chapter 227 Too Strange Request

Chapter 227 Too Strange Request
And this matter was finally agreed in this way, but the request made by the little boy Xiaobai also made Su Luo stunned.

Because Xiao Bai said so just now.

"Big sister, can you help me make it according to this drawing?"

Su Luo took the blueprint that Xiaobai handed over, but when he saw the blueprint, he felt that he might have made a mistake.

Because the pattern in the blueprint that Xiaobai handed over just now is not a piece of clothing that he can wear, but a piece of clothing that he may not be able to wear until more than ten years later.

Because it is not suitable for children at all, and this ratio is obviously not the ratio of children.

After hesitating, Su Luo asked, "Are you going to wear this clothes for yourself? Or are you going to help someone else make it?"

Xiaobai smiled and said: "I didn't wear it myself, but it was worn by a very important person of mine, so please help me, big sister, you promised just now, don't lie to me, because I Dad told me that a good boy cannot go back on his word."

And Su Luo started his work under such circumstances that he couldn't think of the real reason for the matter.

This dress is actually not that easy, whether it is from the design or the production steps.

But the design is actually nothing special, it is a very ordinary piece of clothing, and it really makes Su Chuan wonder why Xiaobai made such a piece of clothing.

But after thinking about it, it is also a possibility, maybe it is for a substitute, because this design is already a design type several years ago.

Su Chuu didn't finish the work on the first day, so he didn't call Xiaobai and his father to come and pick it up.

Su Luo finally spent three days making the design on the drawing into clothes and handing them to Xiao Bai.

Every day after this little episode was peaceful, and Su Tuo was still waiting for his own achievement to arrive.

Every day before the results came, Su Luo felt worried. In fact, this is quite normal. Everyone should be worried about this game, because they don't know what they can do.

But you may not be happy after you actually get the grades, because you may feel decadent because the grades are not what you want.

But sometimes, even if your grades have reached the grades you want, you feel that you can continue to work hard, but because you didn't do well, you got such a very ordinary grade.
In a blink of an eye, the New Year is coming.

The final result has still not been reached, and the official also announced that this time the result will be postponed to a later date.

The people in the dormitory have almost left, and there are not many people in the school.

Because it's already a holiday, everyone who should go home has gone home, waiting for the arrival of the New Year and the reunion with their families.

Su Luo is packing up his things now, and Xu Nie is also following him.

In fact, Su Luo didn't have anything to bring, not even clothes, because at least there were enough at home to wear during this short vacation.

And new clothes always have to be prepared. This seems to be something that must be prepared every New Year. If you don't prepare it, it seems that people will feel that this New Year is not very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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