Paranoid he embraced me

Chapter 242 In the Church

Chapter 242 In the Church

And after Su Luo was discharged from the hospital, he also made a very important announcement.

And this announcement also directly caused everyone to discuss wildly.

#Genius designer Su Luo and Lin's power holder wedding held#
Such hot search words appear in everyone's mobile phone, and it also makes everyone curious to click in and read.

The matter about Su Luo was really hot a while ago, but no one gave any explanation.

But I didn't expect that not long after that, the marriage was announced, and the engagement stage was skipped directly.

This was a decision Su Luo made after careful consideration, because she knew that there was only one thing she could do now.

If he still lives in such a mess, then Xu Nie will definitely not let him go, and he will definitely be ruined because of him.

Su Tuo actually knew that Xu Nie must be able to guess that he became like this, and it must have been caused by Lin Yuan himself.

That's why Su Luo warned Xu Nie not to do anything to Lin Yuan at the end that day, because only in this way can Xu Nie completely leave his life and forget about himself.

It's not because my own affairs have been dragging Xu Nie so that he can't move forward, because what Xu Nie can get is better, and now he is completely unworthy of him.

Su Luo knew how bad he was now, and also knew how big the gap was between him and Xu Nie.

So Su Luo has not regretted the decision he made since that day, because it may be the most important and correct decision for Su Luo in his life.

Although my heart still hurts to the extreme, it doesn't matter, because as long as this period of time passes, I can gradually forget it in the days to come, and Xu Nie can also do the same.

Su Luo didn't want to hold a wedding at first, but he knew that only by holding this wedding can things be done to the extreme.

And at this wedding, I must show the happiest appearance.

All of this sounds simple, because every bride is happy when she gets married, but for Su Chuo, all of this is what makes her want to vomit the most.

Lin Yuan had already stood beside Su Tuo.

Lin Yuan knew why Su Chuo did what he did, and he also knew why he wanted to marry him.

But even though he knew the real reason, he was still unwilling to let go, and just like that he fell into Su Luo's trap.

Everything in this grand wedding was arranged by Lin Yuan himself, and he also used the most seriousness, and he had already thought about it a long time ago.

Su Luo had already changed into a pure white wedding dress.

But there was no trace of happiness on Su Luo's face, because it was impossible for her to be happy today.

This grand wedding attracted a lot of attention.

Not only are there a lot of people present, but there are also a lot of people who are paying attention to this matter now.

Inside the church, the oath sounded.

"Miss Su Luo, are you willing to marry this man in front of you? Whether you are poor or rich, healthy or sick, you will be loyal to him, respect him, and accompany him for the rest of your life."

Those three words were just waiting on his lips, unable to utter them no matter what.

But in the end, he still said it under Lin Yuan's expectant eyes.

"I am willing."

"Mr. Lin Yuan, are you willing to marry the woman in front of you? Whether you are poor or rich, healthy or sick, you will be loyal to her, love her, and protect her for the rest of your life."

"I am willing."

Compared with Su Tuana, it took a full 3 minutes to reply.

Lin Yuan's answer was not only from the heart, but also quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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