Paranoid he embraced me

Chapter 247 What is Xu Nie doing now?

Chapter 247 What is Xu Nie doing now?
after this.

Lin Yuan seemed to hesitate before finally asking.

"Su Luo, didn't you sleep last night?"

What Lin Yuan said was very cautious, and it was completely different from him who used to pay no attention to anyone or anything, and also changed a lot due to various changes in the matter.

In fact, Lin Yuan was not wrong at all at the beginning, what was wrong was that he fell in love with Su Luo.

But later Lin Yuan really reached the point of insanity, and also made too many mistakes.

Moreover, he has forced Su Luo to this state, but he seems to have gotten what he wanted, at least from the current final result, it seems that Lin Yuan has really got everything he wants most, and that person .

But when you really look deep, you will know that in fact everything is just peace on the surface.

There is no way for the two of them to really be together, and it is impossible for Su Chu to like Lin Yuan, and he may even want to kill him directly.

Although Lin Yuan was aware of all this, even if he knew all this, he would not hide or change in the slightest, or wanted to leave Su Tuo's side, or even kill Su Tuo first.

Because Lin Yuan's liking for Su Tuo has really reached a morbid level, even a morbid state that he himself cannot control.

However, Su Luo didn't give any reply at all, as if he didn't see Lin Yuan, as if the person standing in front of him now was the one he hated to the extreme, so he didn't even want to say a word.

Su Luo would at least be able to act yesterday, but today he doesn't need to act at all.

Because no one can see everything in this room, and no one can know what can happen in this room.

So if Su Luo continued to act, then she might really make herself sick.

Lin Yuan put the porridge that was just right that was intentionally cold, put it to Su's mouth, blew it gently, and said with a smile.

"Su Chuo, shall we have some porridge? This is your favorite eight-treasure porridge. I made it myself..."

Su Luo suddenly said a word, but what he said had nothing to do with the matter of drinking porridge.

"What is Xu Nie doing now?"

Is there any way for Su Luo to completely forget Xu Nian, after all, this matter is quite normal, and it is something that everyone knows.

It's just that everyone doesn't want to mention it, because these things have already been formed, so there is no need to miss the past at all.

But the reason why Su Luo suddenly asked about this matter was not because she really wanted to return to Xu Nie's side. After all, she knew very well whether she was qualified or not.

It was because he thought about a very important thing during the sleepless night yesterday, and it was also a thing that made Su Luo feel so disgusted that he vomited it out.

But had to do it.

Lin Yuan's hands holding the bowl and the spoon trembled slightly. Even though he tried to suppress it with great strength, he still couldn't restrain it, because he knew that these things could make him lose too much.

The smile on Lin Yuan's face looked forced now, but he still answered Su Tuo's question.

"Same as before."

(End of this chapter)

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