260 The Finale 5
Su Hanye didn't show much emotion when Xu Nie and Su Tuo had a relationship before.

It's as if it doesn't matter who my sister is with or who she likes, she will just watch from the sidelines and express her blessings.

And now Su Luo was gone.

All the grievances of the past are gone.

So if you have some special feelings for the old person, it is unnecessary.

Xu Nie only stayed in this office for about a minute or two, and then he opened the door and left, and the patient who just came in with the test sheet but then went out came in again, and began to ask about his condition .

Su Hanye's calm attitude was as if Xu Nie hadn't appeared in front of his eyes just now, nor had he put on that appearance.

There are not many patients today.

Just like what Su Luo once said, the time when there are few sick people is the time when there are a little more lucky people.

Su Hanye gently caressed Su Luo in the photo frame.

This should be a photo taken in high school.

It is clear that not long has passed.

But Su Luo has completely left this world, and there is no possibility of returning.

There is also Su Hanye in the photo.

The two brothers and sisters are already four points alike, and with the expressionless last-minute freeze frame above, they look about five points alike.

This photo happened to pass by the photo studio at that time, so I went in and took it.

The two of them probably didn't have too many thoughts at the time, and they didn't think about posing any poses. They just stood casually like that, which seemed more casual.

Although Su Hanye has never told anyone what he thinks about Su Tuo's departure, and on the surface he still seems to be living a good life.

I am still doing the work of curing diseases and saving lives, even if I don't have the motivation to live, I am still very good.

Su Hanye kept his eyes on Su Luo's body in the photo.

Think of something from a long time ago.

The protagonists in the incident are Lin Yuan and Su Tuo.

They were really good friends back then.

It's so good that no one can get in. Although they always have a few words to each other from time to time, it doesn't affect their friendship.

Even because of these things, the friendship between them has been strengthened, and it has been like this for so many years.

When Su Hanye knew that Lin Yuan liked Su Yu, he didn't think too much about it, he just thought that as long as Su Yu was happy, it would be fine.

Su Hanye also knew that Lin Yuan's feelings for Su Tuo were real, so it was okay for the two of them to be together.

So Su Hanye just skipped over these things as if he didn't see them, but this can also be called acquiescing.

But when all these things had happened and a final result had been obtained, Su Hanye finally discovered one thing.

I seem to have done something wrong.

And it's completely wrong.

Moreover, Su Luo's current result seemed to be caused by himself.

If I knew that Lin Yuan's feelings for Su Tuo had changed from friendship to liking, if I had stopped it directly, maybe the situation would not have developed to what it is now.

But it's really too late to say all this now, because no one can turn back time.

(End of this chapter)

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