262 The Finale 7
Su Hanye's personality and personality in everyone's eyes are actually very cold, and he doesn't talk much. Except for treating patients more seriously, it seems that he doesn't take other people seriously.

Because he is really outstanding, so many girls like him, and even in order to get his attention, some people will deliberately pretend to be sick and come to him for medical treatment.

The nurses in the hospital always wanted to stay by his side and wanted to switch to his department.

But because it was too difficult to contact, everyone gradually retreated, and the number of people contacted was also much less.

Because he really doesn't look like a living person, but rather like a robot that has already been programmed.

At this time, everyone realized that he was not really cold, nor was he really ruthless, but that he only showed the attitude that normal people would have when dealing with people or things he cared about.

Isn't his gaffe now the best explanation?
There were quite a few people who wanted to go up to comfort them, but there were also quite a few people who pulled those people back.

Because everyone knows that when a person is feeling really uncomfortable and sad, any words of comfort will not be listened to, and it may make him feel more serious.

And Su Hanye resigned from his job directly after that day, and no one knew where he went.

What Su Hanye used to think was to bring back those patients who might die due to illness from the shore of death.

But now he doesn't want to do such a great thing and career that may be said by others, because there is no need for this, let alone the person he wants to protect.

Although there are still heated rumors and discussions about him in the hospital, there will always be a day when it will fall.


Seasons change, year after year.

This year

Xu Nie appeared in front of Su Tuo's tomb for the first time.

There are no photos on the tombstone.

But there are two names engraved on it.

Lin Yuan...and Su Tuo.

Just like they got married at that time, the names of the two of them were juxtaposed together.

It rained heavily today.

The rain has decreased now, but the sound of the falling raindrops hitting the ground and puddles can still be heard.

Xu Nie didn't open an umbrella, and stood in front of the tomb in black, but he didn't intend to talk to the owner of the tomb at all.

At this time, the rain became heavier again.

Just now, it was just a small raindrop that didn't feel too much when it hit the body, but now it has resumed the heavy rain that has begun to fall since the early morning of this morning.

Xu Nie still didn't leave, just stood here looking at the tombstone.

When Su Hanye came over with a bouquet of gardenias in his hands, the rain had stopped, and there was also a sun that was not very dazzling and not very basking in the sky.

With a rare smile on his face.

Said: "Su Luo, my brother came to see you, do you miss my brother? My brother also brought you your favorite gardenia, which is the same flavor you used to like."

Su Hanye swept up all the fallen leaves on the tombstone, and put gardenias in front of the tombstone.

"Then I will come to see you next time, okay? Because you are my brother's Su Tuo."

Su Hanye finally said a word almost to himself.

"Lin Yuan, did she forgive you?"

When Su Hanye stood up from the tombstone, he seemed to see a black figure flashing past the corner.

Tall and thin, it also seemed familiar.

 This is the finale. The next thing I want to write is the extra episode. I will write down some of the little things I like. If you like it, you can also say it. In that case, I will follow everyone’s thoughts. to write.

(End of this chapter)

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