Paranoid he embraced me

Chapter 273 Chapter 5

Chapter 273 Extra Story 5
Su Chuo and Lin Yuan were sitting on the sofa watching TV, while Wei Zhaorong was busy in the kitchen.

Su Luo originally planned to go into the kitchen to help, but Wei Zhaorong stopped him before he reached the door.

Then he seriously said a lot of bad things about girls entering the kitchen. Anyway, the meaning was to tell Su Luo not to enter the kitchen, and not to enter the kitchen in the future.

In fact, Wei Zhaorong treated Su Chuo very, very well, and always liked to use her mother's identity and tone to tell her many things that mothers would say to their daughters.

Su Luo didn't force himself to go back to the sofa and continued to sit, but his gaze still looked into the kitchen from time to time.

I also saw the busy figure that I was somewhat familiar with, and suddenly felt that everything seemed to be very good, because I also have a family I like.

Lin Yuan also caught Su's gaze, so he threw the apple into Su's hand and spoke.

"If you think the smell in the kitchen is not bad, then you can go into the kitchen to cook now, but I think you might make the kitchen explode, right?"

I didn't say a few words, and I just got angry again. In fact, this kind of situation really often happens to the two of them.

Su Luo didn't eat the apple anymore, because it was a bit big, and he had to eat later, so there was no need to eat so much fruit.

But Su Luo threw back the apple thrown by Lin Yuan just now.

"I think if you go into the kitchen to cook, you will directly make the kitchen explode. I have been into the kitchen many times, okay? When I am alone at home, I cook by myself. After all, I You can’t eat instant noodles all the time.”

Su Luo didn't even think about it, but directly turned back, not allowing Lin Yuan to take advantage of him at all.

Everything was just right, and it was not until Lin Zhiyuan came back that these beautiful situations were finally shattered.

But Lin Zhiyuan didn't seem to realize that he was an extremely disliked person at all, and even started to openly teach him a lesson.

"Look at what you've made of the kitchen, who told you to waste things here?"

Lin Zhiyuan said these words to Wei Zhaorong, and the tone was definitely not good, and it was not because he felt sorry for Wei Zhaorong and refused to let her into the kitchen.

It sounded more like he got in a bad mood somewhere, so he took all his anger on Wei Zhaorong when he came back.

Wei Zhaorong hadn't spoken yet, but Lin Yuan had already spoken first.

"Shut up if you don't want to eat."

Lin Zhiyuan slapped the table vigorously and stood up immediately.

"You! How dare you..."

Lin Yuan raised his gaze lightly.

Lin Zhiyuan, who seemed about to explode just now, suddenly fell silent.

Sitting down angrily with eyes dodging.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that Lin Zhiyuan was really shocked by Lin Yuan's eyes just now.

Wei Zhaorong also spoke at this time.

"If you don't want to eat, then you can go out, there is no need to appear here to obstruct other people's sight."

I don't know if it's because there was an outsider Su Tuo present, so Lin Zhiyuan didn't continue to say anything.

But he didn't eat the meal either, and threw the bowl and chopsticks directly on the table, eventually rolling to the ground and breaking into pieces, and the servant came over to clean it up soon.

The situation was recovering well, and Wei Zhaorong continued to talk to Su Chu with a smile, completely ignoring the farce just now.

"Auntie's cooking still tastes the same as before. Does it feel good? In fact, Auntie's cooking is really good, but this brat keeps saying it's not good."

(End of this chapter)

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