Paranoid he embraced me

Chapter 284 Chapter 15

Chapter 284 Extra Story 15
However, this is not too long, and it only took about 2 minutes before and after the conversation.

Su Luo nodded with a smile on the other hand, and said, "I see, and thank you, Lin Yuan."

Su Chuo and Lin Yuan really played all the things they should play today.

Originally, Su Tuo planned not to ride the roller coaster, because he was indeed afraid of heights, and he would feel afraid when playing the pirate ship.

But it was also because he wanted to challenge himself, so he hesitated for about a minute and brought Lin Yuan along.

Su Luo's answer was: "I think you really liked the way you looked at the roller coaster just now, so I'll take you along, how about it? Do you think I'm pretty good?"

Conscience of heaven and earth, Lin Yuan really didn't look at the roller coaster just now, because most of the time his eyes were on Su Tuo.

But since Su Luo had already said so, Lin Yuan naturally wouldn't refute.

But on the way to the roller coaster, Su Luo hesitated a little bit, and was still struggling in his heart.

Although Su Luo didn't show it on his face, Lin Yuan had already seen it, so he still spoke at this moment.

"Su Luo, if you're afraid, then don't play. How about I accompany you to play the merry-go-round? Didn't you like it just now?"

That's right, when Su Luo was playing on the merry-go-round just now, he really liked it, and he really had a rare smile on his face.

Because she is really not a person who likes to laugh very much, in most cases she has a cold face, but it may be because she also has a childlike innocence, so she will smile when she is in this playground.

But if you want to say what Su Chu's favorite amusement ride is, it should be the carousel, because she really had a lot of smiles on her face at that time, and she sat on it twice in a row before finally leaving.

When Su Luo heard this, he couldn't help but taunted Lin Yuan, and then pointed to the roller coaster full of screams very seriously.

"Lin Yuan, you can't underestimate me. I'm very good at playing these special exciting things, okay? Let's play the merry-go-round or something later. My favorite thing now is this roller coaster."

What Lin Yuan said just now was really not to provoke Su Luo, but Su Luo seemed to be provoked, and he actually made such a promise.

But Lin Yuan didn't force himself, with a smile that could be called doting on his face, he just stayed by Su Tuo's side like this.

Hands folded behind the head, this action looks really leisurely.

"If you like it, then I will accompany you."

Su Luo smiled slyly: "If you don't like it, then you have to accompany me, otherwise I will drag you up, you have to come with me."

If Lin Yuan wasn't with him, wouldn't it be because he was afraid of screaming alone?
That really couldn't be done, otherwise, after getting off the roller coaster, he would definitely laugh at himself again.

Su Tuo could imagine what would happen next, so he would not allow those things to happen, so he would quickly make a solution before these things happened, that is, let Lin Yuan be like himself.

(End of this chapter)

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