Paranoid he embraced me

Chapter 40 Bring me a pair of chopsticks too

Chapter 40 Bring me a pair of chopsticks too

"But I'm still older than you."

"It's only a few or seven months old, what's the big deal?"

"But you're still seven months younger than me? It's no big deal."

"Sooner or later I will be older than you."

"It's impossible in this life."

"Lin Yuan, just shut up, I'm annoyed listening to you talk."

The two of them actually started arguing like the way they used to get along.

And this din was also interrupted by Su Hanye's appearance.

Lin Yuan went to serve the noodles, and stopped Su Luo, who had already reached the kitchen door, and was about to step up a few steps behind him.

"Just take the chopsticks. The noodles are here for you. Bring me a pair of chopsticks too."

The dining table is not too big, and there are only six seats, but on weekdays, only two people will sit together, and they don't even sit together at the same time, because the time will diverge.

It is really rare for three people to sit together like today.

Su Luo moved his chopsticks, but he didn't eat the noodles yet, but turned out the poached egg inside the noodles, dug out the egg yolk first, and just took the spoon to put it into Su Hanye's bowl, but unexpectedly It was stopped halfway.

Su Luo directly put the spoon that had lost the egg yolk into the bowl, it really seemed like he was falling, because the sound of the porcelain spoon colliding with the porcelain bowl could already be heard.

"Are you sick?"

But Su Hanye spoke in a consoling manner: "It's okay, Lin Yuan just did something he used to do when he was a child, what are you doing when you are angry?"

One thing you used to do as a kid?What are you doing angry?
Su Luo suddenly repeated these two questions, asking himself in his heart, but after thinking for a long time, he didn't give any answer, because there was no way to give an answer.

But Su Luo knew that he really didn't like Lin Yuan's behavior, and he also didn't want such things to happen again.

Su Luo twisted his fingertips a little irritably: "Anyway, just looking at him is annoying."

After saying this, Su Luo went back to the room directly, without taking a bite of the noodles.

And Lin Yuan, who provoked Su Luo, still wanted to continue to catch up at this moment, and from the action he accidentally tripped over when he pushed the chair away, it could be seen that he was actually nervous and didn't care. It doesn't seem to be so indifferent on the face.

"Lin Yuan."

Lin Yuan stopped, and Su Hanye continued: "Let her think for herself."

Lin Yuan still kept his eyes on the pure white door, which was tightly closed at this time, and there was no way to see everything inside through the door.

No one took a bite of the three bowls of noodles on the table.

And Su Hanye also took off the gold-rimmed glasses and put them on the corner of the table. Without the cover of the glasses, the eyes seemed to be no longer as cold as in the daytime, and now they are a little warmer.

"Like Su Luo?"

This question was naturally asked by Su Hanye.

Lin Yuan responded without hesitation: "Well, I like Su Tuo."

Su Hanye seemed a little helpless, and shook his head with a light smile: "That girl's personality is just like that, don't push her so fast, it will backfire."

Lin Yuan didn't speak again this time.

And Su Hanye turned his attention to the wound on the corner of Lin Yuan's lips.

It seemed that he had seen something, so there was even a slight smile in his voice.

"The wound on the face was not caused by Su Yu, was it?"

Although the question was asked in a questioning tone, the words were already mixed with affirmation.

(End of this chapter)

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