Chapter 46

Although it is casual, it doesn't make people feel that the owner of the characters is very casual or unreliable. On the contrary, you can still see a vigorous force from the characters.

In order to prevent himself from forgetting, Su Luo planned to take a photo with his mobile phone, but found that the mobile phone was not in his pocket.

And Xu Nie also saw Su's intention, so he planned to pass this post-it note to her, but Su's mouth said something at this moment.

"You can take a picture and send it to me. I'll go back to the classroom to find my phone now."

Xu Nie re-sent the friend request, and his friend reappeared in Su Qiu's list, and the note was still "x" from before.

Although Lin Yuan really didn't like it, Su Luo didn't care whether he liked it or not.

What does making friends by oneself have to do with Lin Yuan?
But Su Luo found that Xu Nie was not standing here or leaving directly, but walking behind him.

Seeing Su Luo looking at him, Xu Nie couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips, his voice was the same as before, but there seemed to be a little difference, as if there was a little warmth: "I'll accompany you."

Su Luo nodded: "Thank you."

Turn on the light when you enter the classroom. It is a pure white electric rod with high illumination. If you flash it twice before turning on the light, it will be a little dazzling.

This is a newly replaced electric light last year. The previous batch used white electric rods, but it has been a long time, so it has been broken in many cases.

Sure enough, Su Luo's phone was inside the table, he opened the screen, and shook the phone at Xu Nie.

After leaving the classroom, I turned off the light by the way. The classroom, which was so bright just now, dimmed instantly, which brought a great visual impact to people.

But after a few seconds in the same dark corridor, you can get used to the darkness.

Su Luo took the phone and turned on the flashlight, which was the only light in this dark corridor.

Su Luo suddenly said: "Xu Nie, why did you suddenly laugh just now?"

Did he... laugh?
In the indistinct darkness, Xu Nie looked at Su Tuo. Coincidentally, Su Tuo also looked at Xu Nie with this brightness.

The four eyes met and their eyes collided.

Xu Nie opened his mouth, but he didn't let his eyes move away, and just put it on Su Tu's face without hiding or worrying.

"I do not know either."

After getting such an answer, Su Luo was undoubtedly frustrated.

In fact, at that moment just now, Su Luo already wanted to ask Xu Nie why he was laughing, but for some reason he didn't ask.

Su Luo so-called shrugged his shoulders and said, "You seem to be a bit unlucky, does the injury still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt."

Su Luo nodded, but the conversation turned 180 degrees: "Where did you go to school?"

Su Luo has always been curious about this point, because Xu Nie's grades are so good that people can't believe it, but he has never heard the name "Xu Nie".

Although Su Luo doesn't pay special attention to who has better grades, but because someone happened to hear it during the discussion, he even knows the general grades of other schools, and those students with good grades also listen to it. I have seen the names, and some have even seen the photos, but Xu Nie has never been among them.

"Lincheng No. [-] Middle School."

Su Chu suddenly laughed: "It's a coincidence, I also lived in Lincheng before, and my grandma is still living in Lincheng, and she went to live with my grandma at that time, it seems... I don't know when Yes, it's been a while."

Can not remember……

It is very difficult to see people's faces clearly in the dark, so it is even more difficult to catch the flash of light in the eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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