Paranoid he embraced me

Chapter 61 What About You?Do you like him?

Chapter 61 What About You?Do you like him?

Lin Yuan didn't seem to have anything annoying about this question, as if he was answering the most common question, so both his expression and tone remained the same.

"It doesn't matter if you say it or not."

Su Luo still wanted to speak, but Lin Yuan spoke first at this time.

"What do you think about Xu Nie?"

Su Luo was slightly stunned: "I didn't think much about it, why are you asking this?"

Lin Yuan gave half of the peeled oranges to Su Tuo, and said, "I'm just a little curious, as a friend, so why don't you tell me?"

Su Luo really thought this question was boring, so he said without thinking too much: "It's pretty good, he has good grades, he looks good, and there are many people who like him."

"What about you? Do you like him?"

Su Luo didn't pick up the orange that Lin Yuan handed over, but peeled one by himself, and just put it in his mouth when he choked on the words.

After coughing several times, he was finally able to calm down a bit: "I'm going, are you sick? Xu Nie, I'm at the same table, I'm at the same table, why do I like him? You don't think you like him, do you?"

Su Luo didn't notice the joy that flashed across Lin Yuan's eyes just now.

But Lin Yuan's face didn't show the slightest bit, but when he heard the last half sentence, he clearly showed a look of disgust.

"I like him? Even if I like you, I wouldn't like him."


Su Luo returned home very quickly, but for some reason, he somehow thought of the conversation with Lin Yuan not long ago.

He stared blankly at the glass of water in his hand.

Do you like Xu Nie?

Su Luo didn't know why Lin Yuan asked such a question suddenly.

But Su Luo knew that what he felt at that moment was unbelievable, and what he said was a subconscious denial blurted out without thinking.

But now, somehow, he thinks back and forth about such a sentence that seems to have no great influence, and it seems that it has really had a great influence on himself.

Can't figure it out, really can't figure it out.

Just when Su fell into trouble with such an inexplicable question that rushed to his heart, the soft ringing of the phone rang in the air.

The ringtone of the incoming call was really gentle, if it was used as an alarm clock, it would definitely not wake anyone up, but especially so Su Luo was still taken aback.

Picking up the phone with the screen on the table, when I saw the note, I subconsciously wanted to hang up, but after realizing what kind of thoughts flashed through my mind just now, I still swipe the phone answer.

It's Xu Nie.

The call was just connected, but what Xu Nie said on the other end of the phone had already reached Su Luo's ears.

After Su Luo knew why Xu Nie was looking for him, he didn't think much about agreeing.

Xu Nie offered to accept Su Tuo, but Su Tuo directly rejected him without even thinking about it.

Later, Su Luo asked where Xu Nie lived, and settled on a middle location.

Su Luo is still wearing the white clothes that have not been changed, because the weather is too hot today, if he wears a black coat, he will definitely die from the heat, so it is very rare for Su Luo to change into white clothes.

White ripped jeans and a white shirt look extra cool and slender.

When Su Luo passed the bus stop, he had already seen Xu Nie walking in his direction.

Not sure if Xu Nie saw him, so he just waved his hand to signal that he was here.

(End of this chapter)

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