Paranoid he embraced me

Chapter 65 Are You Really In Love?

Chapter 65 Are You Really In Love?
Su Luo just looked at the comments posted on this forum with his mobile phone as if no one else was there. When he saw so many comments that he wanted to reply, he would reply directly, and he didn't care what others thought of him.

So #苏落回忍情情# A post with a title like this has quickly reached the forefront of popularity.

Although Su Luo is really annoying to many people and wants to scold, but she is really the most important protagonist in this matter, so her reply can naturally attract the attention of countless people of.

But after Su Luo replied to those few comments, everyone thought it was sophistry, and the scolding was even worse. He didn't care at all that this was a comment that could be seen by the teacher under the teacher's sight.

Maybe it's because I know that my comments can't be put on my head, because all of them are anonymous comments, so this is the one who has the courage to scold others.

As soon as Su Luo arrived in the classroom, before he even handed in his homework, he was called to the office by the head teacher who rushed over.

And Xu Nie seemed to be called over by the teacher in the same way.

Su Luo didn't hand in his homework for the time being, and the homeroom teacher who looked at this anxious expression didn't ask any questions.

Su Luo naturally knew why the homeroom teacher came here in such a hurry and called him because of something, but it was also because he hadn't done anything, so he didn't feel guilty.

And even if you say things that may be considered sophistry by others, they are just stating the facts, and you don't need to feel that others may misunderstand you, or that you may hate yourself.

Su Luo never cared about the opinions of some people who he didn't care about, nor did he care about the opinions of some people who had strong malice towards him, because the latter's evaluation of him was not at all. Speaking from the fairest standpoint, it was mixed with their own malice towards themselves.

And even when you look at yourself, you wear colored glasses. Such an evaluation will naturally become the most unnutritious, and it is also the least need to waste time and feel uncomfortable.

After Su fell out of the classroom, he saw Xu Nian who was already standing in the classroom corridor.

The homeroom teacher held on to his rose gold-rimmed glasses anxiously, looking at the two standing side by side in the corridor, having difficulty speaking.

"Then come with me to the office first, I have something to tell you."

There are still piles of homework books on the desk in the office in the morning, because they are all in the hands of students and have not been delivered by class representatives.

The head teacher adjusted his glasses again, sighed heavily, and said, "You... are you really in a relationship?"

The head teacher really didn't know how to talk about this matter, so he could only speak directly.

Because if you keep struggling or hesitating, you may not even have the chance to say these words in the end, and what you hear may not be the truth.

Su Luo was the first one to speak: "No."

As soon as Su Luo finished speaking, it took about three seconds for Xu Nie to say, "No."

After hearing the words of the two, the head teacher was obviously relieved, but she still held her breath in her chest and couldn't get it out, because she was not sure whether these words were true.

"Since you said no, I'll take it as if you didn't, but teacher, I also came from your age, so I know all these things."

(End of this chapter)

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