Paranoid he embraced me

Chapter 69 One-sided and Unfair

Chapter 69 One-sided and Unfair
Speaking of others, no one has ever received this kind of treatment. It is not uncommon for students to fall in love with each other early. After all, at this age, they will do some things that may make people feel bad, especially when their parents know about it. things, but they themselves have no way to really control them.

If this is not controlled well, won't it mean that the parents will be invited directly?
Actually, there really wasn't such a situation where the headmaster personally used the school's account to issue a statement.

In fact, it may be because the protagonists in the matter are different, and the nature of the matter is also different, so this kind of situation happened, but not many people know what it really is.

Once the principal issued a statement, it really represented the truth of the matter.

After all, the headmaster will definitely not deceive any student in the matter of feelings, otherwise, wouldn't it imply that everyone can fall in love early?

One or two puppy lovers can be disciplined a little bit, but if a group of people are all puppy lovers, then is it possible for you to expel all these students?
Naturally, it is impossible, but a corresponding punishment will definitely be given, such as disciplinary action or being punished to write a review.

And the infamy on Su Luo has not been clarified much, but it has been reduced a lot, and now there are only a few sporadic people who are still continuing what they did before.

The words in their mouths are still hurtful and direct, but they have such a qualification to be able to tell what they think in their hearts.

But this so-called qualification is actually given to them by themselves, because they are not really any protagonists in this matter, so these words they said are just the most one-sided and unfair words of spectators.

But these students still cared about the statement that the principal had issued, so those scolding voices were much less, and in real life, no one really dared to take the initiative to scold Su Tuo.

After all, this represents punishment and review. If the scolding is a little more serious and the situation is a little more serious, then it is not impossible to be expelled.

But Yang Yinyu and Su Luo have already been given the title of old enemies by people, so if Yang Yinyu can calm down at this time, it seems that it is not Yang Yinyu.

Su Luo didn't have much impression of Yang Yinyu, nor did he have any other opinions, but he also knew that Yang Yinyu really had an extremely strong hatred for him, and this hatred came from very inexplicable.

After the flag-raising ceremony, she had already taken off her school uniform, and now she was wearing an unusually bright pink short-sleeved shirt. Among the extremely clean school uniforms, Yang Yinyu was definitely the most eye-catching color .

Yang Yinyu was standing in front of Su Tuo's desk, so wouldn't everyone naturally focus on this place?After all, isn't Su Tuo the protagonist of one of the craziest things being discussed not so long ago?
Although Yang Yinyu really didn't like Su Luo, she still did a good job on the surface, and she didn't want to tear up her face at all, because there was still a person who wanted to keep it, even though this person had almost collapsed, But in the end you still have to keep it up.

(End of this chapter)

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